21 december 2014
Amour de la lecture, pouvoir de l'écriture
Looking for fairy godmothers to make a writing project in Cambodia come true.

End date
Out of €300
115 %
Amour de la lecture, pouvoir de l'écriture
<u><em><strong>Once upon a time, there was a project...</strong></em></u></p>
During my volunteering at theKhmer Smile School in December, I will teach English to children and teenagers. As part of my teaching, I would like to put in place a project that could lead to a fundraising.</p>
This project would consist in <strong>studying fairytales and creating a book with the kids</strong>.</p>
To be more specific, we will study how fairytales work and what is the specific vocabulary. Afterwards the children would try to write their own fairytale and illustrate them. I would then collect all the stories to make a fairytale book. All the kids would get a book, and other copies would be sold in touristic places and online. The money earned would be used to finance other Khmer Smile School projects, such as the construction of the new library.</p>
This project would have for main advantage to allow the kids to become the actors of the fundraising enabling the improvement of their school. But it would also enable them to develop their reading and writing skills.</p>
<img alt="Bc-1414574721" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/132427/bc-1414574721.jpg"></p>
<u><em><strong>Where would this project take place ?</strong></em></u></p>
The project would take place at the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/TheKhmerSmile" target="_blank">Khmer Smile School</a> which is located in Spean Chreav, in the Siem Reap Region, in Cambodia. This region is very touristic (thanks to Angkor Wat), even though it is one of the poorest of Cambodia.</p>
<img alt="Kh-1414573688" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/132420/kh-1414573688.gif"></p>
The Khmer Smile School offers a free access to informal school to children and teenagers. Since 2013, it has been working with CYA (Cambodia youth action). This NGO is a youth development organization that aims at promoting education through organizing international voluntary service. Their collaboration has enabled the construction of 3 new classes and to ensure English classes. It has also enabled to improve the way of life of the children by participating to the renovation or the construction of houses for the poorest families.</p>
<img alt="Khmersmileschool-web-600x370-1414528338" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/132316/KhmerSmileSchool-web-600x370-1414528338.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
<strong><u><em>In order to come true, this project need your help.</em></u></strong></p>
Indeed, I need to collect money to buy <strong> fairytale books</strong> in English and <strong> school material</strong> (such as pens, color pencils, notebooks…). But I also need money <strong>to print the books</strong> for the kids and to print the copies we will sell to make fundraising.</p>
Un dessin d'un des auteurs du livre
Estimated delivery: January 2015
- 6 contributions
Trois histoires issues du livre de contes en version numérique.
Estimated delivery: January 2015
- 1 contribution
Le livre de contes en version numérique.
Estimated delivery: January 2015
- 3 contributions
Un exemplaire du livre de contes.
Estimated delivery: January 2015
Un exemplaire du livre de contes, de nombreux dessins des auteurs et des photos de l'évolution du projet.
Estimated delivery: January 2015