Blind Runners

Our purpose is to illustrate a social tragedy through an exceptional project by showing how a widespread national affliction is fought by means of the passion which embodies the pride of the country: namely running. By filming and accompanying the blind and partially-sighted women and men who will explain to us what it is like to be living their lives in darkness in an environment where nearly no organized facility is provided to help them surmount their handicap. We will show how an NGO, doctors, trainers and the runners themselves mobilize for the cause by organizing and taking part in a grand athletic adventure on the mythical high plateaux of Gheralta. Your support will allow us, by the end of February, to leave for Ethiopia and spend ten days there to carry through this project. We thank you in advance!

Project visual Blind Runners
End date
Out of €1.650
145 %
LouisC4238 days

I'm Chevallier Louis et I approve this project. Je soutiens selon mes moyens. Bon courage.

lotopha4254 days

best of luck ! Mary

pierre.wolfmandroux4264 days

Faites nous rêver.

sthef684264 days

Tactifrance est heureux de faire partie de ce projet.... Belle initiative !

MuLes4266 days

Magnifique projet ! Merveilleux message ! Bonne continuation !

vl4268 days

Bravo Julien, pour ce beau et noble projet, qui mérite d'être encouragé ! Valérie L.

annebou4281 days

Félicitations pour ce beau projet !! Anne B.