Democrazies : A Frenchie inside Bernie Sanders campaign

How 2016 democratic failure happened, and what it teaches us for 2020. Let’s fund the translation of the book into English & reach more ppl

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Out of €4.000
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Democrazies : A Frenchie inside Bernie Sanders campaign

<h3><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></h3> <h3>In 2016, in a rather&nbsp;unexpected way,&nbsp;I&nbsp;had the opportunity&nbsp;to take part in&nbsp;Bernie Sanders&#39; campaign&nbsp;as a full-time volunteer from Iowa in January&nbsp;to California in June. This book is&nbsp;a <strong>political road trip </strong>that brings you&nbsp;in that adventure&nbsp;inside the most unexpected and inspiring campaign of modern history. You will&nbsp;discover the innovations this campaign brought into politics,&nbsp;understand the failure of the democratic party in 2016 and be ready to understand the 2020 primary and general election.&nbsp;</h3> <p>Were you <strong>shocked</strong> in November 2016 when&nbsp;Trump got elected President ?</p> <p>Were you <strong>confused</strong> by the&nbsp;democratic primary&nbsp;and do<strong> you want to understand </strong>it next time ?&nbsp;</p> <p>Are you <strong>surprised</strong> that Sanders&nbsp;is running again and&nbsp;remains&nbsp;<strong>so popular&nbsp;</strong>?</p> <p>Would you like to <strong>discover another America</strong>, far from the racist and bigot stereotypes that Donald Trump&nbsp;embodies ?&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Then this book is for you !&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>That book mixes campaign chronicles,&nbsp;articles that explain specific points of the process, and interviews of experts&nbsp;met on the campaign trail. Thanks to that mix you will have an immersive, didactic &amp; entertaining read.</p> <p>Dive into the enthusiasm of Sanders <strong>insurgent&nbsp;campaign,</strong> discover that <strong>inspiring political figure,</strong> come and meet Americans you don&rsquo;t see in the news, and understand the upsets and surprises of the primary process !</p> <hr /> <h3><strong>The author - Clement Pairot</strong></h3> <p>I am a political&nbsp;activist. In January 2016, by chance I decided to come to Iowa and&nbsp;volunteer for&nbsp;Bernie Sanders. That campaign inspired me so much that I spent six months dedicating all my waking hours to it !</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <h3>&nbsp;</h3>

Allocation of funds

<h3><strong>The Steps</strong></h3> <p>We&rsquo;ve already reached our first goal :&nbsp;&euro;4,000 / $4,500 of fundraising to fund the French version of the book. It will be available in July.&nbsp;</p> <p>We&rsquo;ve already reached our second&nbsp;goal :&nbsp;&euro;8,000 / $9,000 of fundraising to fund the translation into English, available end of summer.</p> <p>Now we need an additional&nbsp;$2,250 to cover the extra cost that requires the fact to print the book with high social &amp; ecological standards.</p> <p><strong>1st step -</strong> &euro;4,000 / $4,500&nbsp;- <strong>French version in paper - REACHED !</strong></p> <p><strong>2nd step</strong> - &euro;8,000 / $9,000 - <strong>Translation in English&nbsp;&amp; English version in e-book</strong></p> <p>The addtional $4,500 of that second step will cover the translation fees and the design of the e-book.</p> <p><strong>3rd step </strong>- &euro;12,000 / $13,500&nbsp;- <strong>English version in paper</strong></p> <p>The extra $4,500 of that third&nbsp;step will cover the printing &amp; mailing of&nbsp;the paper version of the book in English.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Thank you for your support ! Feel the bern !</strong></p>


Featured reward

Book, tote bag & pictures


  • 7 contributions
Your name in the "thanks" section of the book + the bookmark + the book + 1 tote bag "Planet Earth needs Bernie 2020" + 10 beautiful pictures shot on the campaign trail in polaroid format to decorate your fridge or any wall in your house. See them here : Depending on the step we reach : > Below the goal of €8,000 : a dedicated paper copy of the French version as a beautiful souvenir > Above €8,000 : the ebook English version + The paper copy of the French version if you want :) > Above €12,000 : the paper copy of the English version shipping fees included

Thank You !


  • 11 contributions
Thank you for your support ! Your name will be in the "thanks" section of the book. This campaign is fueled by dozens of small donors, each dollar (or euro) counts and thanks to you we don't rely on Wall Street money ! ;)

The Book + The Bookmark


  • 119 contributions
Your name in the "thanks" section of the book + the bookmark + the book Depending on the step we reach : > Below the goal of €8,000 : a dedicated paper copy of the French version as a beautiful souvenir > Above €8,000 : the ebook English version + The paper copy of the French version if you want :) > Above €12,000 : the paper copy of the English version

Estimated delivery: July 2019

The Book Dedicated + Bookmark + Sticker


  • 52 contributions
Your name in the "thanks" section of the book + the bookmark + the book + personal dedication + a beautiful Bernie 2016 sticker Depending on the step we reach : > Below the goal of €8,000 : a dedicated paper copy of the French version as a beautiful souvenir > Above €8,000 : the ebook English version + The paper copy of the French version if you want :) > Above €12,000 : the paper copy of the English version

Estimated delivery: July 2019

Bernie, A Passion You Want to Share


  • 54 contributions
Your name in the "thanks" section of the book + the bookmark + 2 books. That makes one you can give to a friend ! Depending on the step we reach : > Below the goal of €8,000 : 2 dedicated paper copy of the French version as a beautiful souvenir > Above €8,000 : 2 ebook English version + 2 paper copies of the French version if you want :) > Above €12,000 : 2 paper copies of the English version

Estimated delivery: July 2019

The Maxi Bern Of Menu


  • 14 contributions
Your name in the "thanks" section of the book + the bookmark + the book + 1 tote bag "Planet Earth needs Bernie 2020" + 10 beautiful pictures shot on the campaign trail in polaroid format to decorate your fridge or any wall in your house. See them here : + 1 beautiful picture shot on the campaign trail. To chose in that selection. Printed on aluminum in A4 format + 1 Bernie 2016 sticker, very nice on your laptop or your bike helmet + 1 Bernie 2016 door hanger. Perfect to put on your door to impress your friends Depending on the step we reach : > Below the goal of €8,000 : a dedicated paper copy of the French version as a beautiful souvenir > Above €8,000 : the ebook English version + The paper copy of the French version if you want :) > Above €12,000 : the paper copy of the English version Caution : only available for 50 !

Estimated delivery: July 2019

Conference About The Experience


  • 4 contributions
Sorry, that counterparty is only available in Paris because it's an event organisation.

Estimated delivery: September 2019

You Are Crazy But You Are Nice


Bern baby bern ! I hope you don't work at Wall Street ! ;) Thank you for your support. List of counterparties you get : 1 - Your name in the "thanks" section of the book + the bookmark 2 - the book 3 - a collector sticker 4 - a colletor door hanger 5 - 4 pictures shot on the campaign trail, printed on aluminium in A4 format. Depending on the step we reach : > Below the goal of €8,000 : a dedicated paper copy of the French version as a beautiful souvenir > Above €8,000 : the ebook English version + The paper copy of the French version if you want :) > Above €12,000 : the paper copy of the English version

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