DVDvision le mook James Cameron

The ultimate home video anthology!

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DVDvision le mook James Cameron

For its number 4 issue, DVDvision celebrates the king of the world (of cinema), with the ultimate guide to the entire filmography of James Cameron on home video! He is the king of the (cinema) world! And after keeping his fans waiting for two decades (three, in the case of Abyss, whose previous master was... 30 years old!), James Cameron has just released several Blu-ray and UHD combos in quick succession which have set the world of the web on fire. "Film is film and video is video. And the video of a film is NOT that film. Like the parable of the cave, told by Socrates, the video of the film is a shadow cast on the back wall of a cave by the real event taking place outside. The shadow is not the thing itself. The video is an after-image of the film, an electronic impression." - James Cameron At DVDvision, although initially surprised by the very special UHD rendering of Titanic, Aliens, Abyss and True Lies, we thought that ultimately, these new releases, linked to the James Cameron exhibition currently at the Cinémathèque Française, were still cause for celebration. You are aware, since the creation of the magazine in 1999, of our editor-in-chief's admiration for the director, to whom he devoted a reference book, James Cameron, A filmmaker's odyssey, published by Huginn & Muninn, which was launched along with a first James Cameron exhibition in 2017 from his private collection. This same publisher has just published Tech Noir, the official book of the James Cameron exhibition at the Cinémathèque in 2024-2025. The story of James Cameron's cinema career is also the story of the evolution of home cinema. With James Cameron, fans went from Laserdisc to DVD to UHD, from Dolby Prologic to 5.1 AC3 and DTS then Dolby Atmos, from 4/3 televisions to 16/9, and from tubes TVs to OLED screens... A 100% home video issue! For this fourth issue, we are therefore going to offer you a unique exclusive and new content: the ultimate guide to all home video releases of films directed and produced by James Cameron, detailing all their particularities and variations, from Piranha 2 to Avatar 2 !* *DVDvision is a french language magazine/mook. The director's cut version of Piranha 2 on Laserdisc! Did you know: That Piranha 2 was available in its director's cut version, only on American VHS and Laserdisc? That there is not just one mono VO mix of Terminator, but three, plus one in 2.1? That a mysterious DVD produced in 1996 by TF1 video of Terminator, which includes the english and french audio tracks remastered in stereo with the original sounds, was not released, but that copies were leaked out there by mistake? That there is a Blu-ray of T2 in the USA, released in 2015, considered definitive by fans? That versions unique to the VHS and Laserdisc era of T2, True Lies and Titanic labeled "Director's Pan & Scan" which today would qualify as IMAX versions, with more image on the screen, and movements of recomposed cameras, have been published? That the "IMAX" version of Abyss exists in DVD Zone 1, and the "IMAX" of T2 in DVD Zone 5? The LD box set of Abyss "IMAX" version with a letter of explanation from Big Jim! That it is possible for you to watch the TV version of ALIENS, (which is a mix between the cinema version and the special edition, dating from before this special edition) from your own Blu-ray or UHD? That the same goes for a similar unreleased version of Abyss, which Cameron though may arguably have been braver, in the the liner notes of the SE Laserdisc? That the initial LD and VHS version of the special edition of ALIENS has unique camera movements and shots, never subsequently reproduced on video? That the colors, backgrounds, and skies of Titanic have been modified over time through DVD and Blu-ray reissues? That T2 was so anticipated, that the Japanese released multiple LD singles to hype things up, which were snapped up all over the world? That the VHS and Laserdisc version "Director's Pan & Scan" of Titanic allows you to see more nudity? And we're only scratching the surface here... The rare Titanic full screen Laserdisc, with full nudity! Changes in image format, colors, sounds, James Cameron is always having fun in the field of video. We will detail for you on 164 pages all the variations of all his films! Enough to help you track down collectors, even on completely obsolete media! Terminator on VHD! A L I E N S on VHD! Following the Tech Noir book model, we are going to favor the visual with this exceptional issue. You will not find here behind the scenes filming stories, or detailed analysis of the films, (you have the 2017 book for that), but texts detailing each particularity of the home video releases. All obviously illustrated with superb reproductions of the covers of Cameron's entire filmography, (as well as his productions like Point Break or Strange Days, Alita Battle Angel, or Terminator Dark Fate, and even its "ghost" productions like Near Dark). We will also include in this exceptional issue the films he wrote, such as Rambo II: The Mission, as well as a section devoted to the anime films he sponsored on video, such as Ghost in the shell, and his documentary films . James Cameron recommends this DVD! Finally, we will also tell you about the most beautiful collector's boxes and steelbooks of his filmography on DVD or Blu-ray, which you should collect even without opening them! A Japanese limited edition with a unique 5.1 variant mix! All these video releases will be presented by films in chronological order up to Blu-ray format. A final section will be entirely devoted to UHD versions of Iron Jim films. Everything will be preceded by a new retrospective interview with the fantastic Van Ling, former assistant of James Cameron, for a long time in charge of his video editions, and also responsible for superb DVD editions such as Independence Day, Star Wars or Starship Troopers with which we will come back to the evolution of the video market, and its current state. Release date By its nature (the research work having already been carried out), this issue will be quicker to produce than the previous ones, and will be mainly written by David Fakrikian, with some interventions from the DVDvision staff. We will therefore complete it in June, for mailing at the beginning of summer 2024. Preview pages Watch this space, we will be posting preview pages throughout the campaign! The levels This is where we will mark the levels: 100%, the mag will exist thanks to all of you, and we thank you! at 200%, we increase the pages counts (because we are thinking of 164 pages it will be tight to fit everything, and we go to 196 pages (i.e. 200 with the cover!). at 300%... We'll tell you soon, for the moment, let's focus on the first two levels! To help us reach the milestones, share this page! The shortened link is https://tinyurl.com/DVDvision4 Just copy and paste! Thanks again to everyone and... Enjoy... or die!

Allocation of funds

The initial objective for the release of DVDvision n°4 is set at 200 subscriptions. If we reach 200% of the initial goal, we offer all contributors a Cover Poster. Producing a mook independently, while offering a quality product, in the current context, is very difficult. This is why we are counting on you! On your support, but also on your sharing of the link to this page on your networks, so that as many copies as possible are pre-sold, which allows us to produce this exciting new issue in the best conditions! By pre-ordering DVDvision directly on KissKissBankBank: You receive the magazine directly to your home by Post exclusively. You allow us to reserve the paper at the printer, thus avoiding the constant increase in manufacturing costs. You support the development of an independent media dedicated to the chronicle of UHD, Blu-ray, DVD discs, and the cinema we love, that of quality. You allow us to pay writers The model and layout The impression All the rewards in addition to the magazine Home delivery of all rewards to all contributors THANK YOU EVERYONE!

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