Support the creation of my exhibition at the SUPER Gallery!

Project visual BETWEEN OUR EDGES
End date
Out of €400
106 %


<p><strong>I have been invited by the SUPER gallery in Nantes for my first solo exhibition!</strong> For this event, I will have the pleasure to present a set of original sculptures gathered in an installation that has been specially designed for the occasion. <strong>The exhibition is rooted in a reflection on the phenomenological relationships we have with the forms of the housing as well as their links to the intimate and the collective.</strong> Assisted by a group of mediators and the director of the SUPER gallery, we will organize visits of the exhibition as well as times of exchange with the public.&nbsp;</p> <p>Wishing to make this exhibition a time of collective look at our lifestyles, I ask for your participation in order to make this project more alive and to propose a set of activities of sharing and exchange.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As a visual artist of matter and forms, I had the pleasure to work with some actors of the artistic world in Nantes. Through our exchanges, we have forged links and I was invited by the SUPER Galerie to create this exhibition. <strong>For the past five years, I have been working on objects, spaces, events, materials and documents that are part of our daily lives. I regularly move from film photography to sculpture and installation, and I am interested in the phenomenology of these forms, objects and spaces.</strong> Using my photographs as a documentary corpus for research, I archive and collect &quot;infra-ordinary&quot; forms before reinvesting them in my sculptures.&nbsp;</p> <p>The SUPER gallery is a mobile gallery mounted on a trailer&nbsp;that moves in the public space and takes the form of a showcase. It is managed by the CROUS des Pays de la Loire. My exhibition is an invitation to reflect on our ways of living. It is inserted in the space of the gallery to shape a sample of independent territory, oriented from the inside to the outside. <strong>The exhibition space forms an autonomous structure that bears witness to certain everyday elements of the housing.</strong> Gathered in an installation that puts into play the consonances between their forms and the gestures that alter them, the elements that compose it question the house as an expression of the singular and the intimate glimpsed between two windowsills. Questioning our relationship of caesura between the outside and the inside, the exhibition intrudes into the street as a fragmentary window containing a remnant of actions and mechanisms of the functions of living.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>The exhibition will be visible from May 18 to June 21, 2021 and will take place in front of the Machines de l&#39;&icirc;le in Nantes. An evening of opening is planned on May 18. It is part of the WAVE festival proposed by a large number of cultural actors of the city of Nantes. This one will take place the weekend of May 28th, 29th and 30th, 2021.</strong></p> <p><strong>The installation invites us to question the models of inhabitable spaces and seeks to create resonances between forms, objects and spaces.</strong> In fact, its vocation is to be part of the continuity of the initiatives of a district questioning the structure of living spaces while seeking to feed a parallel between plastic arts and architecture. <strong>The installation proposes to become, for the time of its exhibition, a showcase for putting in contact and in relation our reflections on our ways of living constantly at the very edge of the inside and the outside, between the private and the collective.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>In order for this project to see the light of day, I propose that you help me by buying prints of black and white silver photographs. Developed by myself in my darkroom,&nbsp;they are offered here at conscious prices, below their usual rates.</strong> These photographs are portraits, objects and captured moments that were taken in various places and that gather people, forms and plural voices in their sometimes festive or sometimes dreamy intimacies.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>This project aims to promote access to culture in the Nantes agglomeration and exchanges with the actors of the art world. For this reason, the funds collected here will be entirely dedicated to the realization of the pieces and their diffusion to the public.</strong></p> <p>The funds collected by this raising&nbsp;will allow me to realize the sculptures presented in the exhibition as well as the editions which will be sold during the opening at reduced prices and conscious of the budgets of each one. The amount necessary to the realization of this exhibition amounts to approximately 2500 &euro; including 1950 &euro; for the production of the pieces and their transport. The rest will be used for communication, management and the costs of the opening. It is also partly sponsored by the city of Nantes and the CROUS des Pays de la Loire which gives me a financial support and which I warmly thank.</p>


Featured reward



    2 silver photoghaphies handmade development on mat photo paper of the series SATURDAY NIGHT of your choice 2 prints 10 x 15 cm on photo paper 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

    Estimated delivery: June 2021



    • 1 contribution
    Fazine of photographs and drawings on paper. 1 fanzine 11 x 8 cm 8 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

    Estimated delivery: June 2021



    • 1 contribution
    Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10,7 x 8,8 cm (Polaroid format) 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

    Estimated delivery: June 2021

    QUIET RIVERS_Grand Rivière


      Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10,7 x 8,8 cm (Polaroid format) 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

      Estimated delivery: June 2021

      QUIET RIVERS_Le Lorrain


        Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10,7 x 8,8 cm (Polaroid format) 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

        Estimated delivery: June 2021

        QUIET RIVERS_Nantes


          Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10,7 x 8,8 cm (Polaroid format) 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

          Estimated delivery: June 2021

          QUIET RIVERS_Saint-Grégoire


          • 3 contributions
          Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10,7 x 8,8 cm (Polaroid format) 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

          Estimated delivery: June 2021

          SATURDAY NIGHT_Bobby


            Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10 x 15 cm 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

            Estimated delivery: June 2021

            SATURDAY NIGHT_Inès


              Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10 x 15 cm 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

              Estimated delivery: June 2021

              SATURDAY NIGHT_Maya


              • 2 contributions
              Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10 x 15 cm 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

              Estimated delivery: June 2021

              SATURDAY NIGHT_Thomas


                Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10 x 15 cm 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                Estimated delivery: June 2021

                SATURDAY NIGHT_Unknown


                  Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 10 x 15 cm 5 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                  Estimated delivery: June 2021

                  BLACK COASTS


                  • 1 contribution
                  1 silver photography handmade development on mat paper of your choice + 1 fazine AU BOUT DE LA CÔTE 1 print 20 x 20 cm on tile + 1 fanzine 11 x 8 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                  Estimated delivery: June 2021



                    Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 24 x 17,8 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                    Estimated delivery: June 2021



                      Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 24 x 17,8 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                      Estimated delivery: June 2021



                        Silver photography handmade development on mat paper. Print 24 x 17,8 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                        Estimated delivery: June 2021

                        QUIET SATURDAYS


                          1 silver photoghaphy handmade development on mat photo paper of the series SATURDAY NIGHT of your choice + 1 silver photoghaphy handmade development on mat photo paper of the series TRANQUILY FLOWERS of your choice 1 print 10 x 15 cm on photo paper + 1 print 10,7 x 8,8 cm on photo paper 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                          Estimated delivery: June 2021

                          WILD BODIES_The bags


                          • 1 contribution
                          Silver photograph on tile. Print 20 x 20 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                          Estimated delivery: June 2021

                          WILD BODIES_The boots


                            Silver photograph on tile. Print 20 x 20 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                            Estimated delivery: June 2021

                            WILD BODIES_The pans


                              Silver photograph on tile. Print 20 x 20 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                              Estimated delivery: June 2021

                              BLACK TOULOUSE


                              • 1 contribution
                              1 silver photoghaphy on mat photo paper from the series TOULOUSE of your choice + 1 silver photoghaphy on mat photo paper from the series SATURDAY NIGHT of your choice + 1 silver photoghaphy on mat photo paper from the series QUIET RIVERS of your choice 1 print 24 x 17,8 cm on photo paper + 1 print 10 x 15 cm on photo paper + 1 print 10,7 x 8,8 cm on photo paper 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                              Estimated delivery: June 2021

                              QUIET BODIES


                                1 silver photograph on tile from the series WILD BODIES of your choice + 1 silver photoghaphy on mat photo paper from the series SATURDAY NIGHT of your choice + 1 silver photoghaphy on mat photo paper from the series QUIET RIVERS of your choice + 1 fazine AU BOUT DE LA CÔTE 1 print 20 x 20 cm on tile + 1 print 10 x 15 cm on photo paper + 1 print 10,7 x 8,8 cm on photo paper + 1 fazine 11 x 8 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                                Estimated delivery: June 2021

                                Make a donation

                                Give what I want

                                Sold out

                                Sold out

                                WILD COASTS


                                • 3 contributions
                                1 silver photograph on tile of your choice + 1 fazine AU BOUT DE LA CÔTE 1 print 20 x 20 cm on tile + 1 fanzine 11 x 8 cm 3 copies + 1 thank you note for your support!

                                Estimated delivery: June 2021