Je suis une peau-rouge

An intimate encounter between an artist and the street : art meets society. I pose the question of how the liberty to create is changing.

Project visual Je suis une peau-rouge
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Out of €7.000
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The publications

<p> Bonjour &agrave; tous!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> De grosses difficult&eacute;s, financi&egrave;res (mais pas que...) ont bloqu&eacute; l&#39;avancement du film (qui y &eacute;tait presque en nov 2014...!)</p> <p> Nous allons nous remettre une petite semaine en montage (d&eacute;cembre ou janvier), sans argent, pour voir ce que nous pouvons faire! (raccourcir le long-m&eacute;trage...)</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Je vous tiendrai au courant!!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> @ bient&ocirc;t, avec un film... j&#39;esp&egrave;re!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Virginie )))</p>
<p> Chers tous,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Tout d&#39;abord, d&eacute;sol&eacute;e de mon long silence...</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Nous sommes toujours en montage (apr&egrave;s avoir d&eacute;j&agrave; mont&eacute; plusieurs films...) mais nous avan&ccedil;ons bien!</p> <p> Nous avons des temps morts, o&ugrave; nous devons, H&eacute;l&egrave;ne et moi, travailler &agrave; c&ocirc;t&eacute; pour gagner notre cro&ucirc;te...</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Mais, quand m&ecirc;me, une bonne nouvelle, une aide du Val de Marne, permet &agrave; la prod de pr&eacute;voir plus sereinement la sortie du film!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Prochaine &eacute;tape apr&egrave;s la fin du montage (plus le son, plus la musique, plus l&#39;&eacute;talonnage...), une projection au CNC, pour l&#39;instant pr&eacute;vue en juin, pour tenter d&#39;obtenir l&#39;avance sur recettes apr&egrave;s r&eacute;alisation, budget cin&eacute;ma important!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Croisons les doigts, cela permettrait &agrave; tous ceux qui ont travaill&eacute; gratuitement sur ce film soient pay&eacute;s (un minimum en tout cas!)</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Sinon, nous allons avec Caroline &agrave; Amiens le 12 mars prochain pour une conf&eacute;rence &quot;ArVUE&quot;, o&ugrave; nous allons parler de ce qu&#39;apporte le vivant au cin&eacute;ma et ce qu&#39;apporte le cin&eacute;ma au vivant!</p> <p> Je pr&eacute;senterai le tout d&eacute;but du film, en cours...</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Je vous tiens au courant de la suite! &ccedil;a ne devrait plus &ecirc;tre si long!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> @ bient&ocirc;t pour les nouvelles!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Virginie )))</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> <span id="result_box" lang="en"><span title="Chers tous,">Dear all,</span><br /> <br /> <span title="Je n'ai pas donné plus de nouvelles...">I did not give more news ...</span><span title="parce que je suis immergée dans le film!"> I am immersed in the movie! </span><span title="Et le temps n'est pas le même...">time is not the same ... </span><span title="excusez-moi !">sorry !</span><br /> <br /> <span title="Le montage avance bien, nous sommes très contentes de la forme que prend le film ...">The editing is progressing well , we are very happy with it ... </span><span title="même si c'est très long!">even if it takes long time!</span><br /> <br /> <span title="Nous avons environ 60 à 70 heures de rushs (j'ai arrêté de compter...) et le montage atteindra l'heure et demi.">We have about 60 to 70 hours of rushes ( I stopped counting ... ) and lenght reaches the hour and a half .</span><br /> <br /> <span title="Je peux d'ores et déjà vous annoncer que la musique originale est composée et interprétée par Alexis Potapenko, un jeune guitariste génial qui a de l'avenir!!!">I can already tell you that the original music is composed and performed by Alexis Potapenko , a brilliant young guitarist who has a future ! </span><span title="Nous avons fait deux sessions d'enregistrement, que du bonheur!!">We did two recording sessions,it was really greatfull !</span></span></p> <p> <br /> <span lang="en"><span title="Nous attendons quelques aides financières, et surtout de terminer le montage pour demander l'avance sur recettes du CNC.">We expect some financial aid , especially to complete the editing to ask in advance on receipts from CNC (ministry of culture) .</span><br /> <br /> <span title="L'argent récolté grâce à vos participations nous a permis de payer un peu de salaire pour Hélène, mais surtout de couvrir les frais, matériel, disques durs, transports nombreux...">The money collected through your participation allowed us to pay a little pay for Helen, the editor,&nbsp; but also to cover the costs , hardware, hard drives, many transport ...</span><br /> <br /> <span title="Quoi qu'il arrive, le film en l'état (montage non définitif) sera projeté dans le cadre du mois documentaire à Sotteville-Lès-Rouen le 21/11.">Whatever happens, the film (assembly not final) will be screened in the Sotteville -Les- Rouen on 21/11 .</span><br /> <br /> <span title="Nous travaillons d'arrache-pied avec Hélène, pour que le montage soit le plus abouti possible pour cette toute première projection-test.">We work hard with Helen, for the editing,&nbsp; to be a ready as possible for this first test screening .</span><br /> <br /> <span title="infos:">info : <a href="" target="_blank"></a></span><br /> <br /> <span title="Je ne vous oublie pas et je pense pouvoir bientôt vous proposer une projection spécialement pour vous, à Paris, fin janvier ou début février...">I think of you, and I&#39;ll be able soon to confirm a projection specifically for you, in Paris in late January or early February ... </span><span title="avec une expérience cinématographique &quot;surprise&quot;...">with a cinematic experience &quot;surprise&quot; ... </span><span title="je n'en dis pas plus pour l'instant...">I don&#39;t say more for now ...</span><br /> <br /> <br /> <span title="kisskiss">kisskiss</span><br /> <br /> <span title="virginie )))">virginie )))</span></span></p>
<p> Chers tous,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Apr&egrave;s une tr&ecirc;ve estivale, contrainte et forc&eacute;e par d&#39;autres obligations professionnelles et personnelles (un peu de temps en temps...), nous voici &agrave; nouveau et de plus belle en montage!</p> <p> Cette fois-ci, on va jusqu&#39;au bout!</p> <p> Nous avons d&eacute;j&agrave; bien avanc&eacute; et sommes bel et bien parties sur un film d&#39;une heure trente environ.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Une projection est pr&eacute;vue en novembre &agrave; Sotteville-L&egrave;s-Rouen, je vous donne les d&eacute;tails d&egrave;s que je les aurai!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> @ tr&egrave;s bient&ocirc;t pour la suite des nouvelles )))</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Amicalement,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Virginie</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <span class="transpan"><span id="tran0" style="background-color: rgb(211, 216, 241);">Dear all,</span><br /> <br /> <span id="tran1" style="background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">After a summer break, forced by professional and personal duties, here we are back on editing!</span><br /> <br /> <span id="tran2" style="background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">This time, we go up to the end!</span><br /> <br /> <span id="tran3" style="background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">We have </span></span><span class="transpan">right now an hour and a half lenght movie.</span><br /> <br /> <span class="transpan"><span id="tran4" style="background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);">A projection is planned in November in Sotteville-L&egrave;s-Rouen, I&#39;ll send you details as soon as I&#39;ll know them!</span><br /> <br /> <span id="tran6">Friendly yours,</span></span></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Virginie )))</p>
<p> Chers tous,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Vous pourrez dor&eacute;navant suivre les actus du film sur le blog:&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong> </strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Aujourd&#39;hui, premier jour de montage !!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> @ tout bient&ocirc;t sur le blog alors?</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Virginie )))</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> Nous allons pouvoir nous mettre au montage tr&egrave;s rapidement (avec H&eacute;l&egrave;ne Demongeot, la monteuse), c&#39;est une question de jours!</p> <p> Le temps de mettre en stand by nos autres projets en cours, de nous mettre au point sur le mat&eacute;riel, acheter les billets de train, disc durs etc... et c&#39;est parti!</p> <p> Je vais ouvrir un blog pour que vous puissiez suivre l&#39;&eacute;volution de la post-prod!</p> <p> D&egrave;s que c&#39;est fait, je vous envoie l&#39;adresse!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Encore merci &agrave; tous, gr&acirc;ce &agrave; vous, ce film va enfin exister!!!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> des kisskiss !</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Virginie</p>
<p> Je suis partie en tournage les 15 derniers jours et n&#39;ai eu que tr&egrave;s peu acc&egrave;s &agrave; Internet!</p> <p> Alors merci infiniment &agrave; vous tous qui avez particip&eacute; g&eacute;n&eacute;reusement!!</p> <p> Comme vous le voyez, j&#39;ai encore besoin de votre aide, &agrave; tous, pour diffuser l&#39;information... Il ne reste plus que deux semaines...</p> <p> Je vous envoie un petit &quot;bonus sonore&quot; au plus vite!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> des kisskiss &agrave; tous )))</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Virginie</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> Bonjour &agrave; toutes et &agrave; tous,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Voici un bout-&agrave;-bout de rushs bruts (non mont&eacute;s) de <strong>Rose</strong>, tourn&eacute;es &agrave; Paris fin 2012, rue de Beaubourg:</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <div class="embed"> <img class="thumb" src="" /><a href="">bout &agrave; bout de rushs: ROSE rue de Beaubourg</a><a class="provider" href="">Vimeo</a> - Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.</div> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm"> <span lang="en"><strong>NOTE OF INTENT</strong><br /> <br /> I have been filming </span><span lang="en"><i>Princesses Peluches [Soft Toy Princesses]</i></span><span lang="en"> and their creator, Caroline Amoros, for five years. It is a slice of life of the artist in her environment; in the act of creation, at home, at festivals, episodes of censorship, receiving awards, discussions with programmers or politicians ...<br /> <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;Through a film of a rather light, sometimes burlesque tone, I speak of freedom of expression and I pose questions about the freedom to create. A witness of the evolution of our society, I start from where we are now : the situation of human relations, including withdrawal and social isolation. I explore the relationship between politics and society through artists working in the public space. I show the limits, the borders, the fuzzy zone of diffuse censorship. It comes from everywhere, from artists and policymakers alike. Commercial and political pressures on programmers result in a degradation of any art that contains a message, any subversive art.<br /> <br /> The partitioning of public space orchestrates this form of censorship: the privatization of places, their monitoring and over-regulation .... With Caroline Amoros, the loss of freedoms that results from this process becomes directly visible. Working most often in the street, this artist is recognized and supported by important institutions, but programming is rare and cautious : is it not a characteristic paradox of our times? I chose this artist because the same questions inspire us. We have similar sensitivities, using different media. The same gentle languor in our creations proves subversive in a world that is constantly accelerating.<br /> <br /> And then there is empathy.<br /> <br /> Art is a mirror in which we see ourselves with other eyes. R&eacute;mi Checchetto<br /> <br /> The choice of art to talk about a shrinking world is not a coincidence. A society that mistreats its artists is decadent. What place is left for humans? I question our society on its transformation: the living arts become product, which means we are regressing.<br /> <br /> The form of the film is somewhere between a feature-length fiction (identified characters who are pursuing a goal, encounter obstacles etc..) and an ethnographic documentary. I tell the back story of artistic creation, with the intimacy born from my omnipresence over long periods. Slices of life, universal stories rooted in the &quot;here and now&quot;. I do not tell the story with a voiceover or journalistic interviews: I convey moods, feelings, telling a contemporary story and its evolution throughout the Sarkozy period and beyond ... I propose to the viewer to experience the lives of artists from the inside; the things we don&rsquo;t usually see: the process of creating, working conditions, social insecurity, also the comparison with other situations such as Sweden, Morocco, Germany ...</span><br /> &nbsp;</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm"> <br /> <span lang="en"><strong>THE STORY</strong><br /> <br /> She is a woman, Caroline Amoros. Fifty, small, rather quiet. Married and has a daughter. She lives in a small village in the Jura. She works. Her profession: performance artist, actress ... committed artist. His work is recognized, she has won the SACD prize three times. Programmers book her, and her creations: soft-toy princesses. At first they are three princesses: Rose, Mrs. Lejaune and Kristin. As in fairy tales, along the way these modern heroines encounter obstacles, pitfalls. Censorship rears its head, in various forms, more or less diffuse. The space for artistic expression shrinks.<br /> <br /> Will the artist let herself be impressed, deterred? Will she make concessions, accept compromises, pare down her convictions, so as to adapt her cultural offer to the ambient demand? Or will she find new ways, new places to express herself?<br /> <br /> There is also Miss Dora O&#39;Range, a princess born in response to the censorship of which the artist was victim. Interviewed about it one day by a journalist from France 3 [public television], Caroline proudly proclaims her right to disobedience. The interview is never broadcast.<br /> <br /> So the film follows Miss Dora O&#39;Range, since her inception, the sketches made by Caroline in her hotel room (Hotel de l&#39;Univers), then her work with a choreographer, her first trials, her battles with tarred oranges from Marseille to Paris and her departure for the luxurious golf courses of Morocco, all the way to the edge of the desert. Another birth, another princess, Blanche. She is more than an additional avatar of the artist; she is a synthesis of several years of work.<br /> <br /> Princesses are not confined to being characters in a show, because they all have their autonomous existence. Princesses haunt localities before their performances, meet people, talk while shopping. Ms. Lejaune buys toy cars at the mall, to be burnt later. She drinks pastis with the homeless. Kristin goes to the beautician and while she is working carefully on her nails, asks about the employment opportunities in the industry. The lady avoids the question, and asked what color nail polish she wants. Kristin chooses red ... &quot;A savage red! &quot;. So sometimes people get lost a little. When they help Kristin who arranges for her car to break down in the middle of a roundabout, they do not realize at first that they have walked right into the middle of a show. Or conversely, the audience believes that the police officer who intervenes is a character in the show.<br /> <br /> Caroline&rsquo;s everyday life also mixes reality and fiction. The dressing room turns into a kind of den of terrorism, there are strings of firecrackers, tests with tar, paper dolls &ndash; the work of a visual artist. One day, Caroline in her role as mother, picks up her daughter from school. They leave by car for the Saline Royale for a show of Miss O&#39;Range and during the journey Caroline dresses her daughter in orange, the Mini Miss is born! Caroline and her team travel, leave for an artistic residency. An article read in the waiting room of a doctor, a drink seen on a motorway service area, a phrase heard on the radio that refers to the return of the sound of boots, meetings at demonstrations ... Caroline reacts, inspires, nourishes the fiction of her heroines with our reality.<br /> <br /> The story reveals a particular geography, that of the public space and its shrinkage. And sometimes Caroline Amoros, whose desire is to touch people, abandons the clutter of a festival to go perform on a roundabout. The destinies of the princesses evolve. Finally, Kristin plays with Kristjan, Icelandic performer. She hires 30 real cheerleaders to perform in Sweden and Norway. To deal with this whole troupe, Rose, the grandmother who eats McDonalds at the border, heading east. Miss O&#39;Range, meanwhile, prefers the Moroccan desert for its luxurious golf courses with their abundant water! And now, Blanche comes full circle ... There is of course also all the characters in this galaxy singular, and the creation of a collective.<br /> <br /> This story is a series of snapshots, crossings, offsets, echoes that weave the fabric of the work, which draw the path of a contemporary artist. Because if we refer to the definition of Giorgio Agemben, the real contemporary is:<br /> <br /> &quot;Whoever does not coincide perfectly with the times, nor adhere to its claims and defines themself thus as untimely; but precisely, by this distance and this anachronism, they are more likely than others to perceive their time.&quot;<br /> <br /> <strong>AUTHOR</strong><br /> <br /> &nbsp;On the occasion of 30 year anniversary of the Jean Rouch International Film Festival (5-27 November 2011), 30 award-winning films are presented, among which the film Sidheswri Ashram. Sidheswri ashram is a Bengali restaurant, located in the heart of Calcutta. We feel, we taste, we are immersed in the steam and frying smells, in the crowd ...</span></p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm"> &nbsp;</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm"> &nbsp;</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm"> <strong><span lang="en">THE PRODUCER</span></strong><br /> <span lang="en">&nbsp;</span><span lang="en"></span><br /> <br /> <span lang="en">ISKRA (</span><span lang="en">Picture, Sound, </span><span lang="en">Audiovisual</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">and Achievements</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">Kinescope,</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">&quot;</span><span lang="en">spark&quot; in Russian), an independent </span><span lang="en">production and distribution company</span><span lang="en">, today has </span><span lang="en">a catalog of</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">over 160 films</span><span lang="en">.</span><br /> <br /> <span lang="en">ISKRA</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">is</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">originally the</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">story</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">of</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">Slon (</span><span lang="en">Service for Launching </span><span lang="en">New</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">Works</span><span lang="en">, </span><span lang="en">&quot;elephant&quot;</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">in Russian).</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">And &quot;</span><span lang="en">Slon&rdquo; </span><span lang="en">is</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">born of</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">the obvious:</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">that</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">the traditional structures of</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">cinema,</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">the predominant role</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">they attribute to</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">money</span><span lang="en">, </span><span lang="en">themselves constitute heavier</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">censorship</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">than</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">all</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">official censorship</span><span lang="en">. Thus </span><span lang="en">Slon,</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">which is not</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">a business but</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">a tool -</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">which is defined by</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">those who participate</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">in practice -</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">which</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">is justified by the</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">catalog</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">of his films</span><span lang="en">, films </span><span lang="en">THAT</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">SHOULD NOT</span><span lang="en"> </span><span lang="en">EXIST</span><span lang="en">! &quot;</span><br /> <br /> &nbsp;</p>
<p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Flyerkisskiss" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>