Living In A Memory - Archie Lee Hooker's New CD!

Your chance to become a part of making Archie Lee Hooker's new album a reality!

Project visual Living In A Memory - Archie Lee Hooker's New CD!
End date
Out of €2.000
124 %
Dirk-The Dirk1131 days

I love you all

contact@archieleehooker.com1131 days

Thank you very much! All we need is Love :)

contact@archieleehooker.com1131 days

And Dirk, you know we love you too ;)

Frederic -Hauvuy1134 days

Hope to see you again in concert Guys when it will start again...

contact@archieleehooker.com1134 days

Thank you very much Fred, hope the gigs start up again very soon! :)

Todd-Heintz1138 days

I am hired to help this project

contact@archieleehooker.com1138 days

Thank you so much Todd! Much appreciated!

jérémy-duforest1146 days

J'ai assisté à votre fameux concert à Wattrelos live à la boîte à musique, c'était fantastique un véritable show. Je soutiens votre projet , j'ai hâte d'écouter votre nouvel album. Bravo à vous et votre groupeVive le Blues

contact@archieleehooker.com1145 days

Thank you so much! We remember that concert very well! Wow what an audience!

Kakaledezardennes1161 days

Pour la passion du blues! 😎 À nos artistes qui résistent ! 🎸🎶🤘

contact@archieleehooker.com1160 days

Thank you very much for the support. Vive la résistance! The blues will never die!

Kakaledezardennes1155 days

Sorry ! j'ai oublié de préciser la taille choisie du ti-shirt choisi en contrepartie ! Il s'agit de la taille M pour femme :-) merci à vous de faire remonter l'information !

Philippe-Jacquot1171 days

Impatient d'écouter le nouvel album. Bon courage! Philippe

contact@archieleehooker.com1170 days

Nous sommes impatients de le partager enfin avec vous! Merci beaucoup pour le soutien.

Klaus-Reimering1172 days

We hope we can see you soon on stage again. :-)

contact@archieleehooker.com1171 days

We hope so too! It's been far too long! Thank you very much for your contribution!

Reimund-Dubberke1174 days

Best wishes ang good luck for your project from "Eastwestfalia", i still remember your concerts at Jazzclub Bielefeld, Reimund

contact@archieleehooker.com1173 days

Vielen Dank Reimund!I remember Jazzclub Bielefeld very well, we enjoyed playing for you guys. I also remember the heat wave when we came to Bielefeld for the second time :)Let's hope we're soon able to perform in front of a real audience again very soon! Stay safe!

Jean-Claude-Hastert1174 days

Hope the project works out - Wonderful musicians

contact@archieleehooker.com1174 days

Thank you very much Claude! We hope so too. We're really proud of this one :)