Fasting and holistic health center in the French Pyrennees

Support the creation of a fasting and holistic health center!

Project visual Fasting and holistic health center in the French Pyrennees
End date
Out of €20.000
35 %

Fasting and holistic health center in the French Pyrennees

<p>A <strong>fasting center, with a holistic health approach, </strong>why would that be&nbsp;?</p> <p><strong>Why develop such an old technique for healing,</strong> abandonned by our modern society, while there are plenty of medecines and modern medical techniques to heal all our problems&nbsp;? Well, because this modern medecine doesn&#39;t heal all our diseases at all and that <strong>more and more new, unknown and uncurable diseases appear</strong>, and for which doctors are helpless. But an alternative therapy exists, if you can find out the origin of the disease. And that&rsquo;s all the good part of a holistic health approach&nbsp;: &nbsp;who did not experience a sickness&nbsp;after a break down&nbsp;? For cancers, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and a whole lot of other chronic diseases, known as &lsquo;civilisation diseases&rsquo;, it&rsquo;s about the same, but, that the &lsquo;break down&rsquo; is very difficult to identify because the disease has been progressing slowly. Maybe there were even more difficult events, or none, but that it has just been a whole life context that made one&rsquo;s immune system surrender.</p> <p><strong>All this can be analysed with techniques of Bioenergy.</strong> And when you combine the emotional remedy together with the physical remedy, that means that you also eradicate all the toxic sources that are generally the unleashing factor of these diseases&nbsp;: aluminium, pollution, etc&hellip;, <strong>than we can achieve a complete healing</strong>. <strong>This is what offers this fasting center&nbsp;: healing for those who are unhealable, hope for depressed people, faith for those who don&rsquo;t see the purpose of life any more, joy for suiciders, and desire for weariness&hellip;</strong></p> <p><strong>But also, a life path for autists,</strong></p> <p><strong>Work opportunities for schizophrenics,</strong></p> <p><strong>A new look for bipolar people,</strong></p> <p><strong>Complete remission for the most advanced cancers</strong></p> <p><strong>And above all&hellip;</strong></p> <p><strong>Joy</strong>, joy, joy of being alive and to experience that our own healing forces can show up again.</p> <p>This is what this center provides, and it is for the healing of thousands of people that I request your help, so it can happen and start to receive people for cures. People who want to help themselves and go on on their life path, in good physical an mental health.</p> <p><strong>Everybody can find a benefit in this</strong>, even those who have &#39;nothing&#39;, because in fact everybody has got something that could be better in his life. And here, this is possible.</p> <p>more information on this site:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>and full project audio band on this site (in French)</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src=";;;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="500"></iframe></div> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>the plans of the first 2 buildings. The 3rd one is in progress, as well as the tipi platforms to host families and children, &quot;on holiday&quot;.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>the first renovation works started.</p> <p>And at today, the building has just been lifted up:&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>The view, which you won&#39;t&nbsp;get tired of...</p> <p>And <strong>special thanks to our daughter Elina</strong>, for her <strong>braveness </strong>and ability to carry us faster towards spirituel development... Without her, nothing of this would exist...</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>The funding gathered by this platform will <strong>serve to finance the autonomous energy and heating equipments of the buildings </strong>: the building and the place has been bought by ourselves. It will be extended and renovated by Louis and other volunteers. <strong>The center will be 100% autonomous for its energy, </strong>supplied by solar pannels for water heating and electricity generation. <strong>There is no connection to the electricity network</strong> as it is located in the lower mountains just next to the Mont-Vallier (but&nbsp;accessible).<strong> </strong></p> <p>If we even reach <strong>more than 20.000&euro;,</strong> which would be just wonderful ! the funding will serve <strong>to finance the sauna and hammam, </strong>which need to be of certain quality to be open to public. Thank you already for your contribution!</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Other contributions are also possible. We are also looking for persons who can give us a loan (with interest). In case this would be possible for you, please contact us personnally at</p>



For 10€ and more, you will recieve a thank you letter and a membership of the association.


1 hour of phone meeting to understand your health condition and prepare your stay in the fasting center. and a membership of the association. I can't add other counterparts in the website but for 150€ I offer you a complete nutritional assesment with distance coaching.

Cure of 3 days in the fasting center


This reward is a stay of 3 days all included to be initiated into fasting, get to know the benefits of it through this reduced pratice and get all the benefits of being followed in a health center, where other treatments will be offered at the same time : sauna, hammam, and energetical healings will come with this cure, so that you can find all the wellness of a healthy body and mind back. You will also of course recieve a thank you letter and a nice reciepe of green juice, raw cake or slowcooked food, as well as a membership of the association.

Estimated delivery: October 2020

A 7-day cure in the fasting center.


This reward is a whole week all inclusive in the fasting center to enter more in the deepness of the benefits of fasting and energetic healings, that will be praticed more often. As fasting releases memories and big old trauma’s, it is important to support them by healings to help the body to eliminate gently and make fasting easier. In one week you have the opportunity to free plenty of toxins, and even to repair organs, dammaged since a long time. So it’s essential to plan 2 days of gentle refeeding before to pick up everyday life again. This why this cure includes 5 days of fasting, 2 sessions of hammam or sauna, et 3 energetical healings. Advice will be given on how to pick up best a healthy lifestyle again, back home, and this is not always what we think it is. Believes and trends on food and healthy lifestyle are sometimes in contradiction with the real physiological needs. Did you know for exemple that for many people, a come back to meat in large quantities is very important to be refilled with essentiel nutriments, easily absorbable by a highly intoxicated organism that cannot find enough power in vegetable products any more ? All this, and what’s really helpfull for you, according to you health condition, your habits and your life context, will be taught you during this cure. You will also of course recieve a thank you letter and a nice reciepe of green juice, raw cake or slowcooked food, as well as a membership of the association.

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