Make a new O Tannenbaum soundproof!

Leaving the neighbors in one piece.

Project visual Make a new O Tannenbaum soundproof!
End date
Out of €10.000
102 %
O Tannenbaum2881 days

Dear Tannenbaum Friends! We want to thank you all for your support!!! We made it, our campaign ended with a superdelux 103% of our goal <3 <3 <3 In less than two weeks the building will start and we're panning to open round the end of July/beginning of August. Coming week we will start working on the rewards and sent you info about the how, what and when. Lots of love!

Moishelpapa2883 days

Hooray, the saga continues!

Julia.Mart2884 days


julien.debmaster2885 days


O Tannenbaum2885 days

BIG HUG to all of you!!!! thanks so much!

StichtingMaldoror2885 days

Congatulations! Greets, Charlie & Jan

Pål2886 days


Patric Catani2886 days


Zaren.Courtenay2886 days

DJ'd at the old haunt and would love to be able to do that again! Here's to 10K! Much love.

Bram.Braam2891 days

Succes mannen!

O Tannenbaum2892 days

All super great you guys! looks like we're going to make it! en Bald: tof van je te horen. gaan we zeker proberen je weer een keer achter de bar te krijgen, verheug me!

Bald.Mulders2892 days

Heren! Ik ben mijn belofte om ooit nog eens achter de bar te komen staan nog niet nagekomen. Hopelijk gaat dat in de nieuwe plek wel lukken. Zie jullie daar! Bis Bald, Bald