Masters Clash - Heroes of the Storm

All together for heroes #savehots

Project visual Masters Clash - Heroes of the Storm
End date
Out of €13.000
9 %
RaptorXela1856 days


Dragon-Fire1871 days


Samuel-Chollet1878 days

GO HOTS ! Coucou Eppsi !

andrej-vokan1895 days


Hugo-Médiavilla1895 days


Chaf Cancel1897 days

I hope that you'll succeed with your crowdfunding campaign. HotS is the best MOBA esport out there. A shame that Blizzard decided to drop it.

Anthony-Baltz1901 days

Great Initiative, hope you make HOTS a great success and congratulations for the amazing work achieved!

Alban-Paczkowski1902 days

Allez les gars! #savehots

Hugo-Médiavilla1902 days


Anaine1904 days

Go go heroes #savehots