Nicolas Laurent - 1er album : La Galerie des Anonymes... Et plus encore !

Rome was not built in a day : to write my first album it took me six years, now I need you to make it live !

Project visual Nicolas Laurent - 1er album : La Galerie des Anonymes... Et plus encore !
End date
Out of €4.500
109 %

Our commitments

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Mise en oeuvre(s) - Sacem supports the project Nicolas Laurent - 1er album : La Galerie des Anonymes... Et plus encore !

Nicolas Laurent - 1er album : La Galerie des Anonymes... Et plus encore !

<p><strong>Hello !</strong></p> <p>Welcome to my first crowdfunding !</p> <p>After three clip releases,<strong> I&nbsp;start&nbsp;thinking about what the future can be made of </strong>with your help.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>- <strong>You can pre-order my first album</strong>,&nbsp;&quot;<em>La Galerie Des Anonymes</em>&quot; from which I released my&nbsp;first singles&nbsp;!</p> <p>- In anticipation of the end of the crisis,<strong> I am also selling tickets for my next shows in Paris or Marseille</strong>. To begin with, two venues will be set. The places will depend on the number of tickets sold !</p> <p>- Eventually, you can <strong>support my project</strong>, in order to help me develop my music.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>The money collected will allow me to <strong>record my next album</strong>, but above all, to <strong>produce a new clip</strong>. The script of the clip for the first single <strong><em>Mieux Que Moi</em></strong> is already ready, and the shooting dates have been set (June 4-6, 2021). <strong>All the information on the breakdown of the budget below !</strong></p> <p>I count on you !</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>I created a company, Nicolas Laurent Publishing, which takes care of publishing my albums. My associative label Broadway Of Life, which promotes solidarity through the disciplines of live performance, <strong>takes care of the management of my promotion</strong>&nbsp;(clips, concerts, merchandising) in order to perpetuate the&nbsp;company Nicolas Laurent Publishing.</p> <p>The money raised will allow me<strong> to record my second album, Les Origines Du Mal,</strong> which is already fully written and composed, but above all <strong>to produce the first promotional clip&nbsp;of the latter</strong>.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>BREAKDOWN OF THE CROWDFUNDING BUDGET</strong></p> <p><strong>From &euro;&nbsp;1,000&nbsp;</strong>we will be able to distribute&nbsp;the first album.</p> <p><strong>From &euro; 1,500&nbsp;</strong>we will be able to finance the merchandising.</p> <p><strong>From &euro; 4,500</strong>&nbsp;we will be able to finance the clip of the single Mieux Que Moi (single already recorded from the second album).</p> <p><em>The organization of the concerts will be supported by the associative label Broadway Of Life, regardless of the results of the crowdfunding.</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>NEW CLIP FOR A NEW ALBUM</strong></p> <p>My second album, <em>&quot;Les Origines Du Mal&quot;</em>, <strong>mixes classical and technological music, in order to deal with, under a mystical and fantastic appearance</strong>, the subjects of&nbsp;ambition, power, and the need to exist in the eyes of others that reigns in our current societies. <strong>This second album is being recorded.</strong> <em>&quot;Les Origines Du Mal&quot; </em>represents a first chapter, after the foundations laid by my first album <em>&quot;La Galerie Des Anonyme&quot;</em>. The album&#39;s first single, <em>&quot;Mieux Than Moi&quot;</em>, has already been fully recorded. This single addresses the need for <strong>the gaze of others through the appearance of influencers</strong> on platforms such as Instagram.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p style="text-align:center">THE FIVE-POINT CLIP PROJECT !!</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>1) FIRST CLIP SCRIPT</strong></p> <p><em>The clip of <strong>Mieux Que Moi</strong> wishes to show the excesses of social networks by creating a <strong>re-adaptation of the myth of Narcissus</strong>, featuring a young woman adored in front of an audience of people whose faces are covered by mirror masks.</em></p> <p><em><strong>The public represents social networks :</strong> the absence of a face is a metaphor for the anonymity that reigns over them, while the mirrors symbolize the reflection that Internet users give us on ourselves and on our actions. The clip also includes playback shots by Nicolas Laurent, with <strong>aesthetic tableau</strong>&nbsp;to enhance this dystopian universe.</em></p> <p><em><strong>The background for the clip will be a magnificent villa with a swimming pool (located in Menton, France)&nbsp;: </strong>the story takes place outside by day on warm yellow hues for the first part of the song, and by night indoors on red&nbsp;and blue-violet hues&nbsp;for the second part. We will play with neon lights to stylize and create a slightly anxiety-provoking party atmosphere.</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>2) TECHNICAL DETAILS</strong></p> <p>We would need <strong>a total of &euro; 2,500</strong> in order to be able to complete the budget for the clip. These &euro; 2,500 will be used<strong> to move the team</strong> (the location of the filming being in Menton),&nbsp;to cover meals, accommodation and travel expenses. This budget also includes <strong>the payment of the main actress</strong> (whose role is that of an influencer), the directors, the make-up artist, the purchase of part of the costumes and accessories (in particular the &quot;mirror masks&quot; of the other actors), and the rental of <strong>neon light equipment</strong>.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>3) ESTIMATIONS&nbsp;FOR THE BUDGET OF THE CLIP</strong></p> <p>- Travel costs : &euro;&nbsp;800</p> <p>- Accommodation : &euro; 200</p> <p>- Assembly : &euro; 150</p> <p>- Calibration : &euro; 150</p> <p>- Various filming salaries : &euro; 400</p> <p>- Lights rental : &euro; 500</p> <p>- Purchase of costumes : &euro; 100</p> <p>- 8% KissKissBankBank Margin : &euro; 200</p> <p><em>The filming of the clip will take place from June 4 to 6, 2021.</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>4) MOODBOARD</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>5) VIEW MY PREVIOUS CLIPS</strong></p> <p><em>Nicolas Laurent - Generouseta ft. Veen (Official Music Video)</em></p> <p><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src=";display_name=YouTube&amp;;;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" title="YouTube embed" width="500"></iframe></p> <p><em>Nicolas Laurent - Broadway (Official Music Video)</em></p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src=";display_name=YouTube&amp;;;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" title="YouTube embed" width="500"></iframe></div> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>MY BIOGRAPHY</strong></p> <p>Author, composer, singer, dancer, actor, musician and publisher, at 21, Nicolas Laurent is a complete artist.</p> <p><strong>Revealed by the original songs of the musical Un &Eacute;t&eacute; 44</strong> (composed by artists appreciated by the public such as Charles Aznavour or Jean-Jacques Goldman) Nicolas Laurent had the privilege of playing the first male role of the show, alongside Barbara Pravi, four times a week from November 2016 to March 2017 at the Comedia of Paris. Only 17 years old, he was able to charm <strong>spectators from all over France</strong> thanks to his role as a young resistance member from Normandy.</p> <p>He has played since the first roles in several shows, including the musical What The Femmes of the company Slash Art. In parallel with his studies at the University College of Sciences Po Paris, <strong>Nicolas Laurent began to compose his own songs</strong>. Inspired by pop culture and American Musicals, Nicolas Laurent&#39;s songs mainly present <strong>his reflections on the great subjects of his generation, in a cinematographic universe</strong>.</p> <p>Thanks to his many experiences, Nicolas Laurent created the music publishing company <strong>Nicolas Laurent Publishing</strong>, as well as his own association label <strong>Broadway Of Life</strong>, a label that <strong>promotes solidarity through the disciplines of live performance</strong>.</p> <p>His first album, &quot;<strong><em>La Galerie Des Anonyme</em>&quot;</strong>, is scheduled for May 2021. This multicolored album looks back on the journey of a young musical comedy singer who use characters to sing. But this album also offers a second, more implicit reading angle. All the characters portrayed in this &quot;anonymous gallery&quot; are indeed allegories of different political or social phenomena (terrorism, immigration, loss of local culture, coronavirus...).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Website :</strong> <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Featured reward

Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes" + Concert Ticket


  • 13 contributions
Contains : + The physical edition of the album + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A concert ticket for one of my venues in France, at Paris or Marseille (I will need your mail/name/last name to coordinate the ticket's print)

Digital Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes"


  • 6 contributions
Contains : + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format)

Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes"


  • 5 contributions
Contains : + The physical edition of the album + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format)

Concert Ticket


  • 34 contributions
Contains : + A concert ticket for one of my venues in France, at Paris or Marseille (I will need your mail/name/last name to coordinate the ticket's print)

Signed Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes"


  • 9 contributions
Contains : + The physical edition of the album signed by the artist + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format)

Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes" + Poster


  • 1 contribution
Contains : + The physical edition of the album + The digital edition of the l'album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A poster

Signed Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes" + Concert Ticket


  • 5 contributions
Contains : + The physical edition of the album signed by the artist + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A concert ticket for one of my venues in France, at Paris or Marseille (I will need your mail/name/last name to coordinate the ticket's print)

Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes" + Sweater


  • 1 contribution
Contains : + The physical edition of the album signed by the artist + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A sweater (Make sure to send me your size !)

Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes" + Poster + Concert Ticket


Contains : + The physical edition of the album + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A poster + A concert ticket for one of my venues in France, at Paris or Marseille (I will need your mail/name/last name to coordinate the ticket's print)

Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes"+ Sweater + Concert Ticket


  • 1 contribution
Contains : + The physical edition of the album + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A sweater (Make sure to send me your size !) + A concert ticket for one of my venues in France, at Paris or Marseille (I will need your mail/name/last name to coordinate the ticket's print)

Signed Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes"+ Sweater + Poster + Ticket


Contains : + The physical edition of the album + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A sweater (Make sure to send me your size !) + A concert ticket for one of my venues in France, at Paris or Marseille (I will need your mail/name/last name to coordinate the ticket's print)

Signed Physical Edition of "La Galerie des Anonymes" + Concert Ticket + Clip


  • 2 contributions
Contains : + The physical edition of the album signed by the artist + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A concert ticket for one of my venues in France, at Paris or Marseille (I will need your mail/name/last name to coordinate the ticket's print) + We will spend a day together for a clipping session ! (Make sure to send me your mail and phone number so that we can organize it)

Signed Physical Edition of "La Galerie Des Anonymes" + Studio + Concert Ticket


  • 1 contribution
Contains : + The physical edition of the album signed by the artist + The digital edition of the album (I will send you a link to download the album in WAV format) + A concert ticket for one of my venues in France, at Paris or Marseille (I will need your mail/name/last name to coordinate the ticket's print) + We will spend a day together in the studio where I will record my new tracks ! (Make sure to send me your mail and phone number so that we can organize it)

Make a donation

Give what I want