14 november 2023
Quitterie projet
Grâce à vous, un rêve devient réalité et un EP sort en février

End date
Out of €5.000
106 %
Quitterie projet
"I want to be young in the 60's, an old radio blasting the 50's" Who hasn't felt nostalgia for an era they hadn’t even lived? People will always say to live in the present and not look back, but I think all artists would disagree. Inspiration is partly rooted in what is past and cannot be changed. That's why art generates such fascination for what's gone by, surrounded by a smoothing filter, offering perfection to our eyes. What does this have to do with the project? By trying too hard to live in the past, the present slips through our fingers. Too much anticipation and anxiety about the future, and the present slips through our fingers. All that's left is an imbalance, an imaginary thread on which to walk, like a tightrope walker, to stay on course. Not thinking too much, that's what's needed. Unfortunately, this contradicts my anxious nature. Although the years have passed and the thoughts have rested, I'd like to give a musical and artistic vision of this imbalance. I want listeners to be able to draw this line and visualize this imbalance. I'm Quitterie Godard, I'm 21, I'm a singer-songwriter and I'm passionate about expressing this feeling, as beautiful as it is destructive. For many years, I've been writing lyrics in old notebooks, I've got 750 recordings of melodies on my phone and I thought it was finally time to do something with them. This EP contains four songs already written, just waiting to be recorded, for a release in February/March 2024. This EP is the result of a blend of my main inspirations, whether ROCK, COUNTRY, FOLK, or POP. It's a nice little mix that evokes nostalgia, a desire to put some GIN in your glass, but also teenage delusions. The choice of English is no coincidence, as I feel much more at ease expressing my emotions, even though I'd like to write in French in the future (to please my grandparents!). But this project doesn't come alone. It just so happens that I also have the idea of releasing an album afterwards, already written. So, the sooner the EP comes out, the sooner the album will arrive (with no pressure whatsoever). This much more personal album refers to a period commonly known as "depression", or "burn-out". When a phobia, originally school-related, becomes social and physical. When it blurs the image of one's identity. I'd like to tell you about the whirlwind of thoughts that took almost five years off my life, leaving me with a sad, undead image to admire. I want you to understand the silent despair I had to face at the age of fourteen. I want to make you HOPE, whether you're a child, a teenager, or an adult. I want to show you that no matter how hard the road may be, it's worth it. Music is part of what saved me. All the songs I've written, the melodies I've whispered, have been much more effective than certain medications in my eyes. So this project is just that. I'm putting all my thoughts, written since I was fifteen years old, onto a record, and bringing them together in one project. Releasing the EP means giving these songs a chance to be listened to in the best possible way, to be professionally recorded, and to be lived. These songs, like myself, need to live and get out of their comfort zone. They need to come face to face with the real world, and who knows, maybe they'll touch people going through similar situations?
Allocation of funds
1/ Recording Obviously, I have to lay down my voice, record the instrumental tracks and make sure that the rendering is faithful to the version I have in my head. I plan to record the EP in my family home, which removes the cost of renting a studio. For this, we need to take into account - musicians' expenses (transport, accommodation, meals) - instrument recordings - vocal recordings - equipment In total, the recording costs about €3,000. 2/ Mixing and mastering Once the guitar and piano solos have been recorded, it's time to let my sound engineer take care of smoothing out the edges, so that the songs can be listened to through speakers, on the radio or on a record. - MIXING: €600 - MASTERING: €320 TOTAL: €920 and that's a wrap! 3/ Promotion This surely is the most important part, because once the songs are ready and warmed up, it's time to get the word out EVERYWHERE and BY ANY MEANS. You need to be able to reach the media with : - compiling a press kit - producing promotional videos/photos - a digital campaign on social networks Promotion can involve a wide range of sectors, from booking venues to merchandising. That's why the budget for EP promotion is around €1,000. This makes a total budget of €5,000. This represents the 1st level, the 2nd level being the sum of €8,000, which would enable us to have more advanced promotion and communication with vinyl pressing and merchandising! It would also enable us to produce at least two video clips for the EP. Now you know everything. With the help of your contribution, these songs will be able to see the light of day and be performed at the Stade de France (well, maybe not just yet!). Thank you in advance for your interest in this project, which is very close to my heart, and I hope to see you on the radio soon!
- 24 contributions
Ce n'est peut-être pas grand chose pour vous, mais c'est beaucoup pour nous !
- 20 contributions
Ce pack contient : - Un JOLI MERCI + un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé
Estimated delivery: March 2024
- 7 contributions
Ce pack contient : - Un BEAU MERCI - Un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé + un tirage de la pochette en photo
Estimated delivery: March 2024
Featured reward
- 30 contributions
Ce pack contient : - Un MAGNIFIQUE MERCI - Un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé - Un tirage de la pochette de l'EP en photo + 2 invitations VIP avec un verre à la soirée de lancement de l'EP (Paris)
Estimated delivery: March 2024
- 7 contributions
Ce pack contient : - Un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé - Un tirage de la pochette de l'EP en photo - 2 invitations VIP avec un verre à la soirée de lancement de l'EP (Paris) + une écoute en avant-première des morceaux de l'EP
Estimated delivery: March 2024
- 1 contribution
Ce pack contient : - Un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé - Un tirage de la pochette de l'EP en photo - 4 invitations VIP avec verres à la soirée de lancement de l'EP (Paris) - Une écoute en avant-première des morceaux de l'EP
- 1 contribution
Ce pack contient : - Un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé - Un tirage de la pochette de l'EP en photo - 2 invitations VIP avec verres à la soirée de lancement de l'EP (Paris) - Une écoute en avant-première des morceaux de l'EP + Regard exclusif sur les backstages de l'enregistrement
Estimated delivery: March 2024
Ce pack contient : - Un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé - Un tirage de la pochette de l'EP en photo - 2 invitations VIP avec verres à la soirée de lancement de l'EP (Paris) - Une écoute en avant-première des morceaux de l'EP - Regard exclusif sur les backstages de l'enregistrement + votre nom dans les remerciements de l'EP et sur tous les réseaux sociaux
Estimated delivery: March 2024
- 2 contributions
Ce pack contient : - Un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé - Un tirage de la pochette de l'EP en photo - 2 invitations VIP avec verres à la soirée de lancement de l'EP (Paris) - Une écoute en avant-première des morceaux de l'EP - Regard exclusif sur les backstages de l'enregistrement - Votre nom dans les remerciements de l'EP et sur tous les réseaux sociaux + live privé en streaming (ou présentiel hors frais de déplacement) des chansons de l’EP en piano-voix
Estimated delivery: March 2024
- 1 contribution
Ce pack contient : - Ma reconnaissance éternelle - Un exemplaire de l'EP dédicacé - Un tirage de la pochette de l'EP en photo - 5 invitations VIP avec verres à la soirée de lancement de l'EP (Paris) - Une écoute en avant-première des morceaux de l'EP - Regard exclusif sur les backstages de l'enregistrement - Votre nom dans les remerciements de l'EP et sur tous les réseaux sociaux - live privé en streaming (ou présentiel hors frais de déplacement) des chansons de l’EP en piano-voix + une chanson co-écrite sur le sujet de votre choix
Estimated delivery: March 2024