Ries : La marque Franco-Grecque

Ries est une marque de prêt-à-porter Franco-Grecque. Ou quand le jambon-beurre rencontre la fêta en tenue de soirée.

Project visual Ries : La marque Franco-Grecque
End date
Out of €4.000
115 %



The publications

<p> <img alt="1925009_10152469384268578_5585724640646314099_n-1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/93884/1925009_10152469384268578_5585724640646314099_n-1.jpg" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Ce f&ucirc;t une journ&eacute;e charg&eacute;e pour Ries...</p> <p> Une charge de travail quotidienne tr&egrave;s lourde mais qui en vaut le coup, car quand on aime on ne compte pas!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Ries se donne &agrave; 100% dans son projet et remercie toutes les personnes qui la soutiennent via KissKissBankBank.</p> <p> Alors ne l&acirc;chons rien, continuez &agrave; partager, &agrave; faire parler du projet afin de pouvoir un jour dire: &quot;Oui, c&#39;est aussi et surtout gr&acirc;ce &agrave; moi!&quot; .</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3&nbsp;</p>
<p> Un tr&egrave;s joli article sur le site de Lady Magazine &lt;3</p> <p> Continuons de partager et de parler du projet pour permettre &agrave; Ries de r&eacute;aliser ses r&ecirc;ves les plus fous et de vous voir un jour (tr&egrave;s proche) porter ses v&ecirc;tements avec fiert&eacute; et pouvoir dire : &quot;Oui, c&#39;est aussi et surtout gr&acirc;ce &agrave; moi ! &quot;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> L&#39;article ici:&nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <a href="http://www.ladymagazine.fr/ries-rockn-fashion/" target="_blank">http://www.ladymagazine.fr/ries-rockn-fashion/</a></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Presse" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90325/presse.png" /></p>
<p> <img alt="Kissrieschao1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/89665/kissrieschao1.png" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Behind Ries is hidden a&nbsp;young French woman who fell in love with Greece there a few years ago and vowed to come back here to make a crazy project ... And here we are, 5 years later, in Athens, in the creative workshops &nbsp;of the brand&nbsp;Ries.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="10259715_10204020901142150_5769602758291364748_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/89662/10259715_10204020901142150_5769602758291364748_n.jpg" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <div> Mixing her culture and her &quot; French style &quot; with rock&#39;n&#39;roll , the Ries brand is definitely young, modern and casual . Certain that fashion is not just &quot; nice &quot; clothes but also a way to express yourself and discover yourself the Ries brand offers clothing with a strong identity while remaining easy to wear and accessible to our budgets.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> But beyond the collection itself , Ries has dreams and wishes to share . For each collection, Ries will work closely with young designers / photographers / illustrators ( ... ) to provide more visibility to young artists full of talent.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> His rock and quirky universe is reflected in the materials, cuts and prints, as well as its communication. Indeed for each collection, Ries will work with a young tattoo artist in order to release a series of t-shirts and ephemeral tattoo sold with every garment in the collection.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> In addition, Ries has no secrets and would allow all those who follow to discover behind the scenes , sharing day to day , the process of creating collections (from sketch to sale) .</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> <img alt="10153076_229524350572903_159767233_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/89663/10153076_229524350572903_159767233_n.jpg" /></div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> (work in progress)</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> <img alt="10013933_229526323906039_1162571868_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/89664/10013933_229526323906039_1162571868_n.jpg" /></div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> <div> Why we need you?&nbsp;</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> The money collected will be used to fund this project via:&nbsp;</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> - Participation in professional fashion show in Athens (Femina Trade show)&nbsp;</div> <div> - Creating labels and temporary tattoos&nbsp;</div> <div> - The realization of prototypes&nbsp;</div> <div> - The purchase of fabrics and accessories&nbsp;</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> If the collected money is exceeded, it will also strengthen the collection with more accessories and T-shirts&nbsp;made ​​with different Greek or French artists.</div> </div> <p> &nbsp;</p>