Sydney Valette

After the release of our 1st album "Plutôt Mourir que Crever", we start a new adventure. With the support of the Aliance Française, we are expecting a China Tour in April 2013. On schedule, 10 cities in many parts of the country: Beijing, Dalian, Shanghaï, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Hong-Kong, Macau, Nanjing. A fabulous odyssey which only depends now on your good will!

Project visual Sydney Valette
End date
Out of €1.500
100 %
doucedivry4164 days


Brune4170 days

J'espère que ce projet se concrétisera ! Bises Mike !

Mike Theis4170 days

Merci emjiesse! A la tienne! FAITH.

emjiesse4172 days

Tchin ! Tchin ! Faîtes un beau voyage et exportez votre talent jusqu'à la grande muraille !