14 mei 2013
We want you for android!
Sush.io wants to launch an Android version of its App. Participate and you'll be invited to join the Sush.io Launch Party! (May 14th 2013)
End date
Out of €3.000
61 %
We want you for android!
<strong>1. Why are we doing this?</strong></p>
Entrepreneurs change the World, from Steve Jobs to Daniel Ek (Spotify). But who is helping them create amazing products instead of dealing with paperwork, bookkeeping and finances.</p>
Accountants, Banks? We still use the same old stuff : BI is Excel, Emails, and Folders with PDF Documents.</p>
Because we have :</p>
- No Time for Excel</p>
- No Money for a CFO</p>
- And Accounting = ?#@%$*?</p>
We created Sush.io, the tailored SAP+BO Experience for you, Today's Entrepreneurs.</p>
Because your Future is Bright when Data is cooked in real-time!</p>
<img alt="Sushio-macbookair-dashboard-white-bg-540x288" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17862/sushio-macbookair-dashboard-white-bg-540x288.jpg"></p>
<strong>2. What is Sush.io?</strong></p>
Sush.io is a Mac OS X app with iPhone & iPad apps coming soon.</p>
"Raw Data made Fresh”</p>
We are turning uncooked fish into sushi, i.e: all that financial data that you generate from day one, turned into something you can use to run your company better.</p>
With 3 Key features : </p>
1/ All your SaaS Data in a single app (Data from AWS, Github, Paypal, Recurly, Bank accounts)</p>
2/ IFTTT for B2B Services</p>
3/ Real-time BI Dashboard</p>
Official launch will be May 14th. But you can already signup for the beta here : <a href="http://sush.io" target="_blank">http://sush.io </a></p>
Participate now and you'll receive invitations to our 2013 Launch Party in Paris, France! At this Party, we will launch our Product but also welcome our crowdfunded employee who will do its first coding session during the Party. Fun or what?</p>
<img alt="Launchparty-en" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17901/launchparty-en.jpg"></p>
<strong>3. Who's behind Sush.io ?</strong></p>
We are a team of 5 people :</p>
Thomas, co-founder, in charge of Marketing, Business.</p>
Fabien, co-founder & CTO, in charge of everything tech.</p>
Benoit, our API Evangelist.</p>
Antoine, Expert in UX/UI Design, Ruby & Cocoa.</p>
Paul, Expert in everything iOS or OSX related.</p>
And also? Our futur android star. Your call!</p>
<img alt="Sushio-team-620" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17902/sushio-team-620.jpg"></p>
<strong>4. Our little Crowdfunding adventure in video : every 3 Days, a new thank you video !</strong></p>
Video #1 : We want you, little android star!</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/63557647" width="540"></iframe></p>
NEW VIDEO! Episode 1 - Your Name in the App</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-x47SULpQ_I?wmode=opaque&feature=oembed" width="540"></iframe>
Many other cool stuff coming... ;)</p>
<img alt="Contre-parties-en-video__1_" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17903/contre-parties-en-video__1_.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>1. For us :</strong></p>
We believe Crowdfunding can be a great way to hire a Freelance Android Dev to join our little team. We believe investors can make a difference. But we also believe people can chosse to help and finance innovative ideas with fun & different crowdfunding campaigns. Our Freelancer will help us launch Sush.io on android, in the same timeframe as the upcoming iOS Apps.</p>
<img alt="Rejoinsnouspetitandroid" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17182/rejoinsnouspetitandroid.jpg"></p>
<strong>2. For you :</strong></p>
Many cool stuff : taking part in an innovative & creative adventure. Drinking and Partying at our Sush.io Launch Party in Paris, France. And, of course, some really cool stuff : T-shirts, Mugs, Discounted Subscriptions, Posters and more...</p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.022" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17909/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.022.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.023" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17910/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.023.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.024" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17911/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.024.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.025" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17912/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.025.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.026" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17913/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.026.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.027" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17914/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.027.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.028" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17915/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.028.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.029" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17916/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.029.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.030" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17917/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.030.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Sushio_-_kisskiss_copy.031" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/17918/Sushio_-_KissKiss_copy.031.jpg"></p>
<strong>3. But also a funny way to say :</strong></p>
Startups have not a lot of Money but Smart ideas. People can make the difference and choose innovative projects that can change other people's lives.</p>
Let's do it, the Funny way! Thanks again for making this happen! </p>
- The Sush.io team.</p>
Name in the android App on a special Thank You view.
Votre Nom dans les crédits de l’app Sush.io pour Android.
Name in the App + 2 Invitations for the Launch Party* + Early Access to Private Beta
Nom dans les crédits de l’app
2 Invitations à la soirée d’accueil du 14 Mai
Accès à la beta privée de sush.io android
Name in the App + 2 Invitations for the Launch Party* + Early Access to Private Beta + Exclusive signed Copy of Freelancer Contract by the Sush.io Team
2 Invitations à la soirée d’accueil du 14 Mai, Accès à la beta privée de sush.io android, Nom dans les crédits de l’app, Une copie du contrat d'embauche de notre Dev avec une copie signée par toute l'équipe et des Stickers Sush.io collectors.
Le Mug a l’éffigie de notre dev android! En édition limitée. 2 Invitations à la soirée d’accueil du 14 Mai, Accès à la beta privée de sush.io android, Nom dans les crédits de l’app, Le contrat signé, Des stickers sush.io.
Name in the App + 2 Invitations for the Launch Party* + Early Access to Private Beta + Exclusive signed Copy of Freelancer Contract by the Sush.io Team + Exclusive Sush.io Stickers + Exclusive Mug with the Android Dev on it.
Le T-shirt Sush.io personnalisé et dédicacé par l’équipe,
2 Invitations à la soirée d’accueil du 14 Mai, Accès à la beta privée de sush.io android, Nom dans les crédits de l’app, Des stickers Sush.io.
Name in the App + 2 Invitations for the Launch Party* + Early Access to Private Beta + Exclusive signed Copy of Freelancer Contract by the Sush.io Team + Exclusive Sush.io Stickers + Exclusive T-shirt signed by the Team.
Ta photo dans l’app par un code Konami! C'est un code (ou geste spécial) qui te permettra d'avoir une photo de ton choix qui s'affichera dans l'app Sush.io Android. 2 Invitations à la soirée d’accueil du 14 Mai, Accès à la beta privée de sush.io android, Nom dans les crédits de l’app, Le Contrat signé, Des stickers Sush.io.
Name in the App + 2 Invitations for the Launch Party* + Early Access to Private Beta + Exclusive signed Copy of Freelancer Contract by the Sush.io Team + Exclusive Sush.io Stickers + Your Picture in the App by Konami Code.
Un Poster Collector en ASCII art des premières lignes de code (taille 40x60cm) dédicacé par l’équipe en série limitée. 2 Invitations à la soirée d’accueil du 14 Mai. Accès à la beta privée de sush.io android. Nom dans les crédits de l’app.
Name in the App + 2 Invitations for the Launch Party* + Early Access to Private Beta + Exclusive Sush.io Stickers + Exclusive ASCII Art Poster 40x60cm signed by the Sush.io team.
Name in the App + 2 Invites for the Launch Party* + Early Access to Private Beta + Exclusive Sush.io Stickers + Exclusive Mug with the Android Dev on it. + 1-Year Sush.io Subscription (Full Premium version)
L’app Sush.io avec 1 an d’abonnement. Invitation à la soirée d’accueil du 14 Mai. Accès à la beta privée de sush.io android. Nom dans les crédits de l’app. Le Mug a l’éffigie de notre dev android.
Name in the App + 2 Invitations for the Launch Party* + Early Access to Private Beta + Exclusive Sush.io Stickers + Exclusive Mug with the Android Dev on it. + 1-Year Sush.io Subscription (Full Premium version) + 1/2 Day with the Team or Diner in Paris with the Founders*
Pack Pro : 1 /2 Journée d’accompagnement chez Sush.io ou un dîner avec les co-fondateurs. Accès à la beta privée de sush.io android. Nom dans les crédits de l’app. Le Mug a l’éffigie de notre dev android. 1 an d’abonnement à Sush.io.
Your Company logo on the App Splashscreen for 2 Months and dedicated web page on http://sush.io
Offre visibilité : Le logo de votre société sur le splashscreen pendant 2 mois + Page dédiée sur notre futur site http://sush.io.