Gullmarn, Colin Archer, bateau d'intérêt patrimonial

Restoration d'un bateau suedois cotre pilote de 1907

Visuel du projet Gullmarn, Colin Archer, bateau d'intérêt patrimonial
Date de fin
13 865 €
Sur 6 300 €
220 %

Nos engagements

ctrl-f163 jours

Bon anniversaire et au plaisir de voir les travaux avancerBon courage

alexandre-boutry164 jours

Bonne chance !

alex-mullink166 jours

Dear Amaury and Virginie, It took a while to transfer the money but it is done. I am so happy that Gullmarn is in such good loving hands. Unfortunately I am recovering from an bicycle accident that prevents me to give too much attention to the project at the moment. I intend to contact you in januari when things will look more normal. Alex

alex-mullink166 jours

Dear Amaury and Virginie, It took a while to transfer the money but it is done. I am so happy that Gullmarn is in such good loving hands. Unfortunately I am recovering from an bicycle accident that prevents me to give too much attention to the project at the moment. I intend to contact you in januari when things will look more normal.

alex-mullink166 jours

Dear Amaury and Virginie, It took a while to transfer the money but it is done. I am so happy that Gullmarn is in such good loving hands. Unfortunately I am recovering from an bicycle accident that prevents me to give too much attention to the project at the moment. I intend to contact you in januari when things will

alex-mullink166 jours

Dear Amaury and Virginie, It took a while to transfer the money but it is done. I am so happy that Gullmarn is in such good loving hands. I

alex-mullink166 jours

Dear Amaury and Virginie, It took a while

alex-mullink166 jours

Dear Amaury and Virginie,

alex-mullink166 jours

Dear Amaury and Virginie,

Matthieu-Crenn166 jours

Bravo Virginie pour ton engagement dans ce projet.

andre-alexandre169 jours

Courage, et bonne chance! André

mathilde-paul-heddebaut170 jours

Pour une vie encore plus longue au Gullmarn ! Gros bisous les copains 😊