The Sneaky Peek Show Anniversary

Atelier libre de dessin, offrant une plateforme à l’expression artistique de ses modèles.

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The Sneaky Peek Show Anniversary

<p><em>English version available at the bottom of the page </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Sneaky Peek</strong>, litt&eacute;ralement &laquo;jeter un coup d&rsquo;&oelig;il furtif&raquo; est un <strong>atelier libre de mod&egrave;le vivant</strong> <strong>offrant une plateforme &agrave; l</strong>&rsquo;<strong>expression artistique de ses mod&egrave;les</strong>.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Gr&acirc;ce &agrave; vous, nous existons <strong>depuis un an</strong>, et pour f&ecirc;ter &ccedil;a,<strong>&nbsp;nous organisons une Grosse Boum</strong>&nbsp;sous la forme d&#39;une performance exceptionnelle <strong>le dimanche 15 mars 2020.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Nous serons <strong>5 artistes</strong> et vous serez <strong>50 dessinateurs.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>La Galerie de &quot;La Charpente, &Eacute;cole d&#39;art&quot;</strong> nous laisse <strong>quartier libre</strong>&nbsp;sous sa verri&egrave;re. La s&eacute;ance commencera &agrave;<strong> 18h </strong>et se d&eacute;roulera durant <strong>3 heures</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Les dessinateurs pourront d&eacute;ambuler librement </strong>dans les <strong>diff&eacute;rentes pi&egrave;ces</strong> et devant les <strong>nombreuses propositions</strong> des artistes posant ce soir l&agrave;.</p> <p>Nous aurons des <strong>solos</strong>, des <strong>duos</strong>, des <strong>trios</strong> et un <strong>bouquet final</strong>. Are you ready for this ?</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Les portes s&#39;ouvriront&nbsp;&agrave; 17h45. La performance commencera &agrave; 18h15 pr&eacute;cise. <strong>Soyez &agrave; l&#39;heure, aucun retardataire ne sera accept&eacute; !</strong> En cas d&#39;impr&eacute;vu, vous pourrez entrer durant les repos qui auront lieux &agrave; 19h et 20h.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>La s&eacute;ance est costum&eacute;e.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Une <strong>participation au pr&eacute;alable</strong> est demand&eacute;e cette fois-ci, et<strong> l&#39;inscription est obligatoire</strong>. La billetterie se fait en ligne, l&#39;entr&eacute;e est de <strong>26 euros</strong> minimum.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>Les photos sont interdites</strong>. Nous aurons la joie pour cette occasion d&#39;avoir parmi&nbsp;nous une &eacute;quipe de <strong>professionnels de l&#39;image</strong>. <strong>En vous inscrivant, vous acceptez d&#39;&ecirc;tre film&eacute; et photographi&eacute; pendant la soir&eacute;e</strong>. Les images serviront &agrave; marquer l&#39;histoire et mettre en valeur notre travail, <strong>laisser une trace.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Les participants apportent leur mat&eacute;riel de dessin</strong>. Pour toute question&nbsp;quant au dispositif&nbsp;pr&eacute;sent&nbsp;sur place, contactez nous :&nbsp;<strong></strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Chaque mod&egrave;le a &eacute;t&eacute; <strong>cast&eacute; avec amour</strong> par <strong>Daphn&eacute; Naomi Cyla Hausman </strong>(mod&egrave;le, com&eacute;dienne et performeuse ) pour leurs <strong>capacit&eacute;s spectaculaires</strong>, et leur <strong>gr&acirc;ce naturelle</strong>. Le tout dans une ambiance enjou&eacute;e. Ils sont g&eacute;n&eacute;ralement <strong>mod&egrave;les professionnels </strong>mais aussi <strong>danseurs, acrobates, contorsionnistes et/ou com&eacute;diens&hellip; </strong>Et si vous &ecirc;tes d&eacute;j&agrave; venu dessiner chez nous, vous les connaissez&nbsp;surement.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Notre adresse ce soir l&agrave;:</p> <p><strong>La Charpente </strong>se situe au <strong>1 rue de l&#39;amiral Courbet 94160 Saint-Mand&eacute;.</strong><br /> ​<br /> Accessible facilement en transport :<br /> <strong>- M&eacute;tro Saint-Mand&eacute; ligne 1<br /> - Par les Trams T3B et T3A<br /> - Par les bus 56,86,325</strong><br /> ​<br /> En voiture sortir &agrave; Porte de Vincennes, <strong>il y a un parking &agrave; la Mairie de Saint-Mand&eacute;.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Sneaky Peek, is an <strong>untutored life drawing session </strong>offering a platform for the <strong>artistic expression</strong> of it&#39;s models.</p> <p>Thanks to you, <strong>it&#39;s been a year</strong>, and to celebrate this, we&#39;re organizing a <strong>Big Party</strong><strong> </strong>in the shape of an <strong>exceptional performance</strong> on <strong>Sunday, March 15th, 2020.</strong></p> <p>We will be <strong>5 performers</strong> and you will be <strong>50 artists drawing.</strong></p> <p><strong>The Gallery &quot;La Charpente, Art School&quot;&nbsp;</strong>is letting us <strong>play free</strong> under its glass roof, the session will <strong>start at</strong> <strong>6pm</strong> and will <strong>last 3 hours.</strong></p> <p>The drawers will be able to <strong>walk freely</strong> in the <strong>different rooms</strong> and in front of the <strong>multiple&nbsp;propositions</strong> of the artists posing that evening.</p> <p>We will have <strong>solos</strong>, <strong>duos</strong>, trios and a <strong>final bouquet</strong>. Are you ready for this ?</p> <p>The doors will open at 5:45 pm. The performance will begin at 6:15 pm sharp. Be on time, <strong>no late comers will be accepted</strong> ! In case of unexpected events, you will be able to go inside during the breaks that will take place at 7pm and 8pm.</p> <p>It&#39;s a <strong>costume session.</strong></p> <p>Participation is required this time in advance, and <strong>registration is mandatory</strong>. The <strong>ticket office happens</strong>&nbsp;<strong>online</strong>, <strong>the entry fee is 26 euros minimum.</strong></p> <p><strong>Pictures are forbidden.</strong> Our&nbsp;joy for this occasion is to have<strong>&nbsp;a team of image professionals​</strong> with us. <strong>By booking, you agree to be filmed and photographed during the evening. </strong>The images will be used to mark history and highlight our work, <strong>leave a trace.</strong></p> <p><strong>Participants bring their drawing material. </strong>Do not hesitate if you have any questions about the facilities on site:<strong></strong></p> <p>Each model was <strong>lovingly casted&nbsp;</strong>by <strong>Daphne Naomi Cyla Hausman</strong> (model, actress and performer) for their<strong> spectacular abilities</strong> and <strong>natural grace.</strong> All in a <strong>playful atmosphere</strong>. They are generally <strong>professional models but also dancers, acrobats, contortionists and/or actors...</strong> And if you have already come to draw with us, you probably&nbsp;know them.</p> <p><strong>The fundraising remunerates the artists for production, performance and image. It is also used to pay for the room that night and all the expenses necessary for the comfort of the event, including catering.&nbsp;</strong><strong>Any financial support on your part is welcome to make our events come alive. Don&#39;t hesitate to make your donations.</strong></p> <p><strong>Oh and there is a little surprise: The most generous artist, will have the right to suggest a pose to one or more of our models. It will be, for a few minutes, the pose of HIS/HER dreams. On top of that, our video team will immortalize the moment, with a portrait of him</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Sounds amazing no ?</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>By investing in Sneaky Peek, you will help us to develop this concept which highlights the models of the crafts. We are muses, if we are at home everywhere your performance experience becomes real.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Our address that night.</strong></p> <p><strong>La Charpente is located at 1 rue de l&#39;admiral Courbet 94160 Saint-Mand&eacute;.</strong></p> <p><br /> <strong>Easily accessible by transport :<br /> - Metro Saint-Mand&eacute; line 1<br /> - By Trams T3B and T3A<br /> - By bus 56,86,325</strong></p> <p><br /> <strong>By car exit at Porte de Vincennes, there is a car park at the Mairie de Saint-Mand&eacute;.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>

À quoi servira la collecte

<p><strong>La collecte r&eacute;mun&egrave;re les artistes &agrave; la production, la performance et &agrave;&nbsp;l&#39;image. Elle sert &eacute;galement &agrave; payer la salle ce soir l&agrave; et toutes les d&eacute;penses n&eacute;cessaires au confort de l&#39;&eacute;v&egrave;nement, dont le catering.</strong></p> <p><strong>Tout soutien&nbsp;financier de votre part est bienvenue pour faire vivre nos &eacute;v&egrave;nements. N&#39;h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; faire vos dons.</strong></p> <p><strong>Oh, et il y a une petite surprise. Le dessinateur le plus g&eacute;n&eacute;reux dans son don, aura le droit de sugg&eacute;rer une pose &agrave; un ou plusieurs de nos mod&egrave;les. Ce sera, le temps de quelques minutes, la pose de SES r&ecirc;ves. En plus de cela, notre &eacute;quipe vid&eacute;aste immortalisera le moment, avec un portrait de lui.</strong></p> <p><strong>En investissant dans Sneaky Peek, vous nous aidez&nbsp;&agrave; d&eacute;velopper ce concept qui met en valeur les mod&egrave;les des&nbsp;m&eacute;tiers de l&#39;art. Nous sommes des muses, si nous sommes chez nous partout votre exp&eacute;rience de repr&eacute;sentation devient r&eacute;elle.&nbsp;</strong></p>

Faire un don

Je donne ce que je veux



Je dessine à Sneaky Peek

26 €

  • 50 contributions
Bon pour don contre participation à la soirée anniversaire de Sneaky Peek Date : 15 mars 2020 à 18h

Livraison estimée : mars 2020