4G so I can study

Fund Access to Education!

Project visual 4G so I can study
End date
Out of €5.334
34 %

4G so I can study

<p>Founded in 2016, EduMais is an NGO that provides <strong>high-quality education</strong> to underprivileged children and teenagers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Our educational programs <strong>empower </strong>at-risk young people in the Pav&atilde;o-Pav&atilde;ozinho and Cantagalo favelas with the <strong>skills </strong>to build a<strong> future away from poverty, violence, and drugs</strong>. All nine of these programs are <strong>free </strong>for our talented students as everyone deserves access to a good education. But to make this possible, we <strong>rely on the generosity and commitment of our wonderful donors and volunteers</strong>.</p> <p>Due to COVID-19, our immediate concern is the <strong>health </strong>and <strong>well-being of our students and their families</strong>. The congested space of the favelas makes social distancing impossible. In addition, the economic impacts of the coronavirus are particularly severe in these communities. Many families have lost all sources of income.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/696617/0ead2dba-a818-4c69-aad4-a86865f395bf.png" width="100%" /></p> <p>400 students, 250 Families.</p> <p>During this pandemic, the economic downturn is hitting the poorest the hardest. Indeed, with schools closed and incomes spread thin, many families in the Pav&atilde;o-Pav&atilde;ozinho and Cantagalo favelas are struggling to pay rent - let alone ensure their children have access to the internet on the one family device!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>4G so I can study </strong>ultimately&nbsp;aims to fundraise enough to cover 4G for 250 families over a period of 6 months.</p> <p>Our <strong>first </strong>target, which is the target of this campaign, is of <strong>5,334&euro;.</strong> This will enable us to cover 3 months of access for all our students.</p> <p>Finally, our ultimate goal is to reach <strong>11,000&euro; </strong>to cover 6 months of access to education for our kids.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>If you choose the &quot;gifting&quot; option in the rewards, you will need to follow the following instructions:</p> <p>- include your name &amp; email address</p> <p>- include the giftee&#39;s name &amp; email address</p> <p>- a personalised message if you wish.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/700996/a35fee58-a49a-4c54-bf11-e63ac219dfee.png" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/700997/955e1f6e-3532-4f25-9733-8479ff045d8e.png" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>The cost breakdown of this project is as follows:</p> <ul> <li>The cost of the phone plan is 40 reais per month.</li> <li>This campaign, as explained above, has a first aim of <strong>5334&euro;.&nbsp;</strong></li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Below is the cost breakdown of the overall cost of the project, including overhead, which was divided 6 ways to find the overall cost of this program per month.</p> <ul> <li>As we are looking to provide for our 250 students for 6 months, the total direct cost will be 60,000&nbsp;reais</li> <li>We have estimated a 15% overhead. <ul> <li>Including distribution and set up costs</li> <li>Allowing for fluctuation in exchange rates between Euros and Reais</li> <li>Including the cost of the bank transfer from a European bank to a Brazilian company</li> <li>The 8% overhead of KissKissBankBank</li> </ul> </li> <li>This brings our total cost to <strong>69,000&nbsp;reais</strong></li> </ul> <h4><em><strong>Converted through xe.com on the 24th November 2020, this is </strong></em><strong>10,670 Euro. This is our ultimate goal.</strong></h4> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/696612/2594d5ae-5067-4ed1-8f0d-0a4e86d3d1eb.JPG" width="100%" /></p>


Featured reward

Bronze Donor: 3 months, 3 students


You have funded three students for 3 months! Thank you so much. Receive access to our exclusive e-book and a personalised video from a student thanking you for your donation TO GIVE THE GIFT OF EDUCATION Simply include a message when you donate, including your name and email address, as well as the giftee's details. If you wish to include a personalised message, please do so. An electronic confirmation of your gift will be sent to you and your giftee either immediately or on a chosen date!

Entry Level Donor: 3 months, 1 students


Here you have covered the phone plan for 3 students for 1 month. Thank you so much! You will gain access to our exclusive e-book detailing our crisis response to the COVID pandemic and personal stories from the students you have directly impacted. TO GIVE THE GIFT OF EDUCATION THIS CHRISTMAS Simply include a message when you donate, including your name and email address, as well as the giftee's details. If you wish to include a personalised message, please do so. An electronic confirmation of your gift will be sent to you and your giftee either immediately or on a chosen date!

Silver Donor: 5 students, 3 months


Here you have given access to 5 students for the 3 months of our campaign. Thank you so much!! Receive our exclusive e-book and personalised videos from a student and our founder Diana Nijboer thanking you for your donation. TO GIVE THE GIFT OF EDUCATION Simply include a message when you donate, including your name and email address, as well as the giftee's details. If you wish to include a personalised message, please do so. An electronic confirmation of your gift will be sent to you and your giftee either immediately or on a chosen date!

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