Chevalier d'éon - First collection

Chevalier d'éon - silk Carré scarves for the contemporary aesthetes

Project visual Chevalier d'éon - First collection
End date
Out of €5.000
107 %

The publications

Dear Contributors, After 30 days full of suspense, surprises and bounces, our participative fundraising campaign finally ended last night with a total amount of €5,372 raised. In other words 107% of the initial target! We thank you very much for your support, your participation and for spreading our campaign on social networks and communicating with your family and friends. As announced, the amount collected will allow Chevalier d'éon to pursue its development in the best possible conditions and to organize soon its photo shooting (on which we are already working). We look forward to keeping in touch with you regarding our development and news. Feel free to also follow us / join us on social networks to continue this great adventure with us!
<p>Last night we crossed the 80% mark. A great performance made possible thanks to your support and mobilization. Today, closing date being only a few days away, we're close to the final objective! So together, let's continue to communicate about the project and spread the page around us.  See you in a few days for the final result!</p> <p><img alt="80-1552557379" src=""></p>
<p>This campaign holds us a lot of surprises, just like this genuine letter written by the Knight, which was kindly sent to us by its owner, an authentic admirer! </p> <p><img alt="Letter-1552322263" src=""></p>
<p>The 70% target has been exceeded thanks to your support and participation! Still by our side for the final stretch?</p> <p><img alt="70-1552060855" src=""></p>
<p>Bravo! Les 60% de l’objectif ont été atteints ce matin alors que nous entrons dans les 10 derniers jours de campagne! </p> <p><img alt="60-1551968869" src=""></p>
<p>The symbolic 50% barrier has been crossed! A big thank you for your participation and to the new contributors who have joined us in the adventure!</p> <p><img alt="50-1551713273" src=""></p>
<p>Today, Chevalier d'éon unveil to you the origin of the house emblem</p> <iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe>
<p>As our friends at KissKissBankBankBank would say:  We're on the right track! Let's keep going!</p> <p><img alt="40-1551371968" src=""></p>
Well done, we just passed the 30% mark!
<p>We’ve already achieved 20% of our target! Thank you to all the Kissbankers for their participation and generosity. Pre-sales and the campaign continue! </p> <p><img alt="52730267_2507875485895215_1332561110217261056_n-1550679089" src=""></p>