Green Your Touring! a toolkit for musicians and technicians on the road

For low-carbon and sustainable touring, please support our project on KissKissBankBank! Thank you!

Project visual Green Your Touring! a toolkit for musicians and technicians on the road
End date
Out of €5.000
86 %
Hugues-Payen1602 days

Parce que j’y crois, et en souvenir d’un passage inoubliable de Caravan Palace à Katowice ;-)

Gwendolenn-Sharp1601 days

Merci Hugo !! Hahaha, oh que oui, que de souvenirs :-) Plein de bises !

Benjamin -Lorch 1608 days

GO! GO! GO! I hope you reach the goal!B

Gwendolenn-Sharp1606 days

Thank you Benjamin, we do too :-D

Al-Drumman1639 days

Mets go green !!

Gwendolenn-Sharp1606 days
