Stolen equipment

« Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. » Forrest Gump

Project visual Stolen equipment
End date
Out of €5.000
101 %
Hugo-Arnesson1511 days

Merci pour l'hébergement à Paris l'été 2019

Caroline-Dejonghe-Hondermarck1511 days

Bon courage Julien !

Olga et Eric-De Moussan1511 days

Pour qu'Aurore et Margot retournent à la plage.Bravo mon grand Petit Mot.Vers l'infini et au-delà...

Casey-Wilson1511 days

I can't even imagine what you're going through. So sorry to hear about all of your equipment being stolen. Hope for the best and can't wait to meet one day!

Margot-Touge1511 days

Pour repartir sur un coup de tête à la plage aux aurores !

Alexandre-CARME1511 days

On espère que le projet sera validé !

Sassa & Toutou- 1511 days

Tu vas y arriver !

Clothing-Heartcore1511 days

Good luck! 🖤

Wouter-De Mol1511 days

Hi man, a little contribution from my side, hope you reach the goal!

Heidi -Pulkkinen1512 days

Hi Julien! I hope you get your work soon up and running! All the best and take care. Cheers, Heidi from Finland

Itaque1518 days

Courage !

Ana-Salvador 1538 days

L’art méritera toujours que nous soyons là.