1er album du Rocksteady Sporting Club

Rocksteady Sporting Club's first album... thanks to YOU!

Project visual 1er album du Rocksteady Sporting Club
End date
Out of €5,000
106 %

Candidats 2018

Le Parisien

1er album du Rocksteady Sporting Club

<p>After four 7&quot; singles, the Rocksteady Sporting Club goes to LP, with the recording of its first full length album.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/539937/rsc1-1536165750.png" width="100%" /></p> <p>8 brand new songs, marking a turning-point in RSC&rsquo;s sound: while ska and rocksteady influences are still present, rock and soul tunes assert themselves, as well as the voice of Manou, the lead female singer. All this leads to a less &laquo;&nbsp;vintage&nbsp;&raquo; but much more &laquo;&nbsp;direct&nbsp;&raquo; and contemporary sound, closer to the band&rsquo;s current development, after 15 years of experience.</p> <p>Born on an island (Reunion Island, between Madagascar and Mauritius), the Rocksteady Sporting Club has always been centered around its charismatic singer, Manou, a character of its own. So &laquo;&nbsp;Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries&nbsp;&raquo; will be, fairly enough, a kind of concept album. A logbook run by a fictional character, combining lives of real-life figures and Manou herself. The artwork of the album is created by <a href="http://www.instagram.com/clelll/" target="_blank">CLEIII</a>, an artist hailing from Reunion Island.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/539938/rsc2-1536166049.png" width="100%" /></p> <p>After a first French tour in 2016, the RSC will present &laquo;&nbsp;Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries&nbsp;&raquo; on stage starting from march 2019.</p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src="https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FL9vX1jELoS8%3Ffeature%3Doembed&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DL9vX1jELoS8&amp;image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FL9vX1jELoS8%2Fhqdefault.jpg&amp;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="500"></iframe></div> <p>In the meantime, many thanks for your past, present and forthcoming support!</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/539939/rsc3-1536166130.png" width="100%" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>And first, why using crowdfunding? Considering all your feedbacks, after our gigs or following the releases of our 7&nbsp;&raquo; singles, may it be in Reunion Island, France, UK, Mexico, or USA, it seemed obvious to us that you should be our partners in the evolution of our project. This is not a minor step, this is a new level for the band that we&rsquo;d like to reach with your help. New ambitions means new needs, and your participation will be precious, if not necessary, on different levels.</p> <p><strong>Level 1 (5000&euro;):</strong><br /> &bull; end the recording and mixing with the sound engineer Brice Nauroy (Studio Kobold - Reunion) - 2800&euro;<br /> &bull; master the album at The Exchange Studio (London) - 1600&euro;</p> <p><strong>Level 2 (6500&euro;):</strong><br /> &bull; release the album on vinyl, CD, and digital - 2300&euro;</p> <p><strong>Level 3 (8000&euro;):</strong><br /> &bull; have the unreleased 7&nbsp;&raquo; single out for those who asked for it - 1250&euro;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>What if the raising gets beyond the requested amount?</strong><br /> It will help us to:<br /> &bull; promote the album&rsquo;s release<br /> &bull; make new goodies for the contributors<br /> &bull; participate in the release of a video clip</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>The Rocksteady Sporting Club association will perceive 100% of the raising.</strong></p>



  • 4 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album.

Estimated delivery: February 2019


  • 20 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, a "vintage" 40x60 poster, digital version of the album.

Estimated delivery: February 2019


  • 18 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, a "vintage" 40x60 poster, one of the previous 7" singles (depending on the stock), and digital version of the album.

Estimated delivery: February 2019


  • 16 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, one of the previous 7" singles (depending on the stock), and the album "Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries" on vinyl and digital.

Estimated delivery: April 2019


  • 6 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, and the album "Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries" on vinyl, CD and digital.

Estimated delivery: April 2019


  • 23 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, the album "Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries" on vinyl and digital, and a t-shirt (organic cotton and ink - in partnership with Bouftang brand)

Estimated delivery: April 2019


  • 4 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, the album "Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries" on vinyl, CD and digital, a t-shirt (organic cotton and ink - in partnership with Bouftang brand), a "vintage" 40x60 poster, and one of the previous 7" singles (depending on the stock).

Estimated delivery: April 2019


  • 4 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, the album "Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries" on vinyl, CD and digital, a t-shirt (organic cotton and ink - in partnership with Bouftang brand), an original screen printing of the album's artwork, and a signed picture.

Estimated delivery: April 2019

Reunion only! (or come and meet us at home...)


  • 3 contributions
A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, the album "Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries" on vinyl, CD and digital, a t-shirt (organic cotton and ink - in partnership with Bouftang brand), an original screen printing of the album's artwork, a signed picture, and a full week-end in the heights of Reunion Island with the whole RSC team, apéro and local food included!

Estimated delivery: June 2019

Private gig! (Reunion only)


A huge "thank you", a sticker and a badge at the colors of the album, the album "Holy Soul - Backyard Diaries" on vinyl, CD and digital, a t-shirt (organic cotton and ink - in partnership with Bouftang brand), an original screen printing of the album's artwork, a signed picture, and a private gig of the Rocksteady Sporting Club!

Estimated delivery: June 2019

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