Soutenez l'album du trio "Fado Mãnouche"! Véritable rencontre entre le Fado et le Jazz Manouche, métissage musical et culturel!

Project visual ALBUM "FADO MÃNOUCHE"
End date
Out of €3,000
26 %


<p>My name is&nbsp;<em>Lo&iuml;c Da Silva,</em> Also known as&nbsp;<em>Cordeone</em>.</p> <p>I&#39;ve created this awesome&nbsp;<strong>&quot;Fado M&atilde;nouche Trio&quot;</strong>&nbsp;in 2014 in order to sing my own Fados some Fado Covers rearranged by me with the Gyspy Jazz taste.</p> <p style="text-align:center"><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>We&#39;ve been performing a lot essentially in France and Portugal.</p> <p style="text-align:center">We could notice that the crowd was loving it wanted to leave with a cd so they could listen to the trio at home or in their car but we haven&#39;t have any album at the time.&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>Today this album is all recorded. some parts were recorded in France, others in Lisbon Lisbonne, and some even in&nbsp;NYC.</p> <p>Some lyrics were written by me, some others by&nbsp;<em>Elsa Magalh&atilde;es</em>, and some by one of the biggest Portuguese&nbsp;poet of all times,&nbsp;<strong><em>Fernando Pessoa</em></strong>.</p> <p style="text-align:center">&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>This great trio is made of&nbsp;<strong><em>Ga&euml;l Rouilhac</em></strong>&nbsp;on Guitar&nbsp;M&atilde;nouche and&nbsp;<strong><em>Giovanni Colletti</em></strong> on bass.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:center">Myself, I sing and play Portuguese guitar and accordion.&nbsp;<iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src=";;;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="500"></iframe></p> <p>In this album I invited my friend&nbsp;<strong><em>Rogerio Ferreira</em></strong> which is one of the biggest viola de Fado in&nbsp;Lisbon. regularly performing with artists such as Caman&eacute;, Mariza, Ana Moura, Ricardo Ribeiro...</p> <p>I also invited the amazing&nbsp;Fadista <strong><em>Suzi Silva from Montreal </em></strong>and the great <strong><em>Tiago Sim&otilde;es from Lisbon</em></strong><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>To finish this album we only need to Mix it (We gonna mix it in Lisbon), Masterise it&nbsp;and Print it!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>All funds will directly go to the producer Lo&iuml;c Da Silva in his personal account, he&#39;s gonna use the money like this&nbsp;:</p> <p>-<strong>&nbsp;November 2018 : Studio Mixing in Lisbon&nbsp;</strong>: 1000 euros</p> <p>- <strong>December 2018 :</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Studio Mastering in&nbsp;New York</strong> : 1000 euros</p> <p>- <strong>December 2018 :&nbsp;Print 1000 cd&#39;s&nbsp;</strong>: 1000 euros</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


4 tracks + 1 Album


For 10 euros, I'll send you 4 tracks from the Fado Manouche Trio album in mp3 + the cd of Cordeone (Miss Erzulie) signed and a big "thank you" on my page facebook!

Estimated delivery: January 2019

2 Albums


For 20 euros I'll send you the album of the Fado Manouche Trio in mp3 + le cd de Cordeone (Miss Erzulie) and a big thank you on my page facebook!

Estimated delivery: October 2019

2 albums + 1 poem


For 30 euros, you'll receive the previous rewards (Fado Manouche Trio format mp3 + cd of Cordeone) + 1 poem written by me especially for you!

Estimated delivery: October 2019

2 cd's + 1 poem


For 50 euros, I'll send you 2 cd's signed (Fado Manouche Trio + Miss Erzulie) + 1 poem written by me for you!

Estimated delivery: January 2019

2 cd's + 1 song


Well, This is gonna be serious now! For 60 euros, I'll send you 2 cd's (Fado Manouche Trio + Miss Erzulie) + 1 chanson of your choice singed and filmed for you with a special dedication that I'll post on my page Facebook! Woop Woop...

Estimated delivery: January 2019

3 cd's + 1 t-shirt Cordeone + 1 poem


For 100 euros, I'll send you : - 2 cd's of the Fado Manouche Trio (you can give one to your friend) - 1 cd of Cordeone (Miss Erzulie) - 1 poem written by me for you! + - 1 t-shirt Cordeone with your name on it or a special sentence for you

Estimated delivery: January 2019

3 cd's + 1 t-shirt Cordeone + 1 poem + 1 song


- 2 cd of Fado Manouche Trio (one for you friend) - 1 cd of Cordeone (Miss Erzulie) - 1 poem written by me for you! - 1 t-shirt Cordeone with your name on it or a special sentence for you + - 1 chanson of your choice singed and filmed for you with a special dedication that I'll post on my page Facebook

Estimated delivery: January 2019

3 cd's + 1 t-shirt Cordeone + un poème + une chanson + 5 cours


- 2 cd's du Fado Manouche Trio (one for your friend) - 1 cd of Cordeone's last album (Miss Erzulie) - 1 poem written by me for you! - 1 t-shirt Cordeone with your name on it or a special sentence and given to you during a show! - 1 chanson of your choice singed and filmed for you with a special dedication that I'll post on my page Facebook + - 5 lessons (each lesson 1 hour) of the instrument of your choice (accordion, Portuguese guitar, piano, guitar) or Portuguese "Can be done by skype if I'm not in your country"

Estimated delivery: January 2019

3 cd's + 1 t-shirt Cordeone + un poème + une chanson + 5 cours + private show


- 2 cd's of Fado Manouche Trio (one for your friend) - 1 cd of Cordeone's last album (Miss Erzulie) - 1 poem written by me for you! - 1 t-shirt Cordeone with your name on it or a special sentence for you, given during a show - 1 chanson of your choice singed and filmed for you with a special dedication that I'll post on my page Facebook - 5 lessons (each lesson 1 hour) of the instrument of your choice (accordion, Portuguese guitar, piano, guitar) or Portuguese "Can be done by skype if I'm not in your country" + 1 private concert

Estimated delivery: January 2020

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