June 27, 2014
Alex Millan - TIMECOLORS - New Album
Take part in the launch and distribution of my... Your last album TIMECOLORS. If you also want to give colors to Time !!!

End date
Out of €10,000
112 %
Alex Millan - TIMECOLORS - New Album
<em><strong>(English subtitles available by clicking the appropriate option, at right bottom of the video, once launched.)</strong></em></p>
Proud and happy to present you <strong>TIMECOLORS</strong> , a 'fully completed album' in its composition, music production and arrangements. </p>
Following numerous record releases and DJ gigs abroad, I am determined to <strong>self-produce this album of heart and conviction</strong>, which I invested myself in as a writer, composer, and for the first time performer... two years of my life and without a doubt <strong>the best musical project I've done so far</strong>. </p>
<strong>Why autoproduction?</strong> Because I want 'to have the choice' on how to produce this new album that represents so much to me and decide of my collaborators and stakeholders. </p>
With your participation, I'll be able to give birth to <strong>TIMECOLORS</strong> and surround myself with true professionals to ensure 'a major program of communication': radio, TV, press, web, videos, photos, graphics, press kit, cd ...). All is said! This project is just waiting to be yours.</p>
<img alt="Crowdfunding_-_photo_1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100683/Crowdfunding_-_Photo_1.png"></p>
<strong>TIMECOLORS</strong> is an intense and deeply personal story which I invite you to dive in. <strong>Most important is your participation whatever the contribution.</strong></p>
By 'joining me' in this adventure, you will be introduced somehow to the production of a musical project, an intriguing as well as exciting area . We will stay in constant contact to share and keep you informed of any progress. <strong>All together, let's co-produce and take up the challenge!</strong></p>
And to give full dimension to the project, two other versions, one more 'electro' (dancefloor), the other 'acoustic', are being developed.</p>
<strong>The musical style?</strong> A combination of electronic music and Nordic pop, such as an updated "New Wave". In summary: "Electropopnewwave." With <strong>TIMECOLORS</strong>, I develop an additional aspect of my original artistic style.</p>
<strong>>>> DISCOVER, FEEL... LISTEN TO MY UNIVERSE !!!</strong></p>
<em>(Discover the 13 tracks of my album with the player below. Point on the tracks in the player and use the scrollbar to see them all).</em></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="500" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fw.soundcloud.com%2Fplayer%2F%3Fvisual%3Dtrue%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fapi.soundcloud.com%252Fplaylists%252F32819847%26show_artwork%3Dtrue&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Falex-millan-1%2Fsets%2Falbum-timecolors-original-version-2014&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.sndcdn.com%2Fartworks-000080264188-ou4470-t500x500.jpg%3Fe76cf77&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=soundcloud" width="500"></iframe></p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>Your participation will fund half of the overall cost of the operation</strong>. The other half will be covered by the support provided by local communities, grants and personal funds.</p>
The <strong>overall cost of the operation</strong> amounts to: € 20,000.</p>
The <strong>amount of crowdfunding</strong> is: € 10,000.</p>
<img alt="Diagrammes_camembert_uk__contour_" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/106505/Diagrammes_camembert_UK__contour_.png"></p>
<strong>The objective is to go beyond the € 10,000 target</strong> for even greater opportunities and more chances of success. </p>
<strong>Your participation + My investment = TIMECOLORS.</strong></p>
Thank you for supporting this project and adding your colors to my time. </p>
Musically yours,</p>
<img alt="Logo_alex_millan_2014__blue_" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/101273/Logo_Alex_Millan_2014__Blue_.png"></p>
<strong><a href="http://www.alexmillan.com" target="_blank">http://www.alexmillan.com</a></strong></p>
Many thanks to (they have greatly contributed to the realization of TIMECOLORS):</p>
Maria Rosa (inspiration principale)</p>
Luis Azemar (voix chœurs)</p>
Lucas Itié (guitares)</p>
Johnny Rivière (conseils artistiques et technique son)</p>
Annabelle Arbonville (anglais)</p>
Edouard Stefanik (conseils et stratégie de communication)</p>
Vincent Oleg (conseils)</p>
Patrick Michel (conseils)</p>
Théo Sauvage (video)</p>
Also thank you to:</p>
Nadia Djabella for its backing on the title « See And Sound ».</p>
Arno Riva for its synth parts on the title « Feeling Coming ».</p>
<strong>Join the list...</strong></p>
<img alt="Crowdfunding_-_photo_2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100699/Crowdfunding_-_Photo_2.jpg"></p>
- 10 contributions
'THUMBS-UP': All my gratitude ;-)
- 27 contributions
'THE DIGITAL': The digital album in exclusivity before its release + its visual + Nominative thanks on my website and social networks.
- 36 contributions
'THE PHYSICAL': The physical album (CD) signed by myself and in exclusivity before its release + Digital album with its visual + Nominative thanks on my website and social networks.
- 38 contributions
'MUSIC & SHOW': The physical album (CD) signed by myself and in exclusivity before its release + Digital album with its visual + 2 invitations to the launch concert or a 2015/2016 concert + Nominative thanks on my website and social networks.
- 25 contributions
'MUSIC & VIP SHOW': The physical album (CD) signed by myself and in exclusivity before its release + Digital album with its visual + 2 invitations to the launch concert or a 2015/2016 concert + 2 passes for rehearsals, backstage evening and VIP tasting + Nominative thanks on my website and social networks.
- 1 contribution
'VIP SHOW WITH FRIENDS': 4 invitations to the launch concert or a 2015/2016 concert + 4 passes for rehearsals, backstage evening and VIP tasting + 4 dedicated CDs personally delivered + Digital album with its visual exclusively before its release + Nominative thanks on my website and social networks.
- 2 contributions
'PRIVATE DAY': A day in private in Montpellier to share the 'Timecolors' universe with rehearsals, private listening, questions/answers, lunch, musical ride + Invitation to the launch concert or a 2015/2016 concert + Access to rehearsals, backstage evening and VIP tasting + dedicated CD personally delivered + Digital album with its visual in exclusivity before its release + Nominative thanks on my website and social networks.
'MILLAN AT HOME': A DJ concert at your home or your company (transportation, hotel and catering in addition outside the Montpellier area) + a few copies of the album personally delivered + Digital album with its visual exclusively before its release + Invitation to the launch concert or a 2015/2016 concert + Access to rehearsals, backstage evening and VIP tasting + Nominative thanks on my website and social networks.
- 1 contribution
'YOU ARE VIDEO': You become a co-producer of the video for the single 'Sound And See'. You take part in the writing process of the script, the making and filming of the video in Montpellier. Your name or brand will be inserted. You also get the previous counterparts and the 'private day' (day in private in the 'Timecolors' universe).
'TOTAL': You become 'The' co-producer of the album. Your name or brand will appear on every elements of the production and communication. Adding of course all previous counterparts.