July 18, 2014
Ateliers créatifs numériques pour les 7-17 ans Creative computing workshops for kids & teens
Help us make an outstanding place for our creative computing workshops for kids & teens! #education #digital #code #kids #fun #technologies
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Out of €5,500
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Ateliers créatifs numériques pour les 7-17 ans Creative computing workshops for kids & teens
<strong>HOW DID WE COME UP WITH THE IDEA?</strong></p>
<img alt="19757486_m" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90105/19757486_m.jpg"></p>
<em>I remember a time when we already talked about digital school, the arrival of TO7 and MO5 in classrooms, BASIC lessons given by my dad on our TRS-80, pretty boring computing books in English and Super Nova games... in short, another age!</em></p>
<em>Since then, the progress in technology, <strong>Internet</strong> and <strong>new technologies</strong> invaded our households, which led to new usages and the birth of a new generation, ultra connected, communicative, collaborative and creative: the "<strong>digital natives</strong>". </em></p>
<em>Today, mom of a 12 year-old boy, I can only note that, although computers, tablets, smartphones are part of their everyday life, those young <strong>technophiles</strong> often remain very <strong>passive</strong> in front of new technologies, even though their mastering and coding will be essential for their <strong>future</strong>.</em></p>
<em>Tech Kids Academy</em> is designed to get our kids be more <strong>active</strong> in front of computers, be <strong>creative</strong> and <strong>innovative</strong> with new technologies and pass on to them the desire to <strong>learn</strong> in a fun way, enabling them to live by their <strong>passion</strong>!</p>
<strong>WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT?</strong></p>
<em>Tech Kids Academy </em>offers <strong>creative computing workshops</strong> for kids and teens aged 7 to 17.</p>
<img alt="Creative-computing-workshops-kids" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90641/Creative-computing-workshops-kids.jpg"></p>
<em>Tech Kids Academy</em> wishes to:</p>
• <strong>Offer an alternative solution </strong>on the after-school programs market and fill in the gap of education in the digital (school, books, tutorials etc.): explore, imagine, create and innovate with computers will be as easy as child's play! </p>
• <strong>Prepare our kids' future</strong> by passing on to them the digital skills they will need, through an entertaining learning approach and helping them with their personal projects.</p>
• <strong>Animate a community</strong> of technology enthusiasts, eager to learn: led by our instructors and experts, kids will be able to reveal all their talents!</p>
• <strong>Create a place dedicated to new technologies</strong> where kids and teens will be able to work together, create, exchange, share their experience and evolve in confidence, in a fun and friendly environment.</p>
<strong>WHAT DO WE TEACH IN OUR WORKSHOPS?</strong></p>
<em>Tech Kids Academy</em> wants to do more than just teach kids how to code!</p>
Our <strong>creative computing workshops</strong> will cover the following topics:</p>
· Programming: logic and languages ;</p>
· Design and making of video games ;</p>
· 2D/3D design and animation, 3D printing ;</p>
· Design, photo retouching & editing ;</p>
· Video editing, stop motion, slow motion ;</p>
· Electronics, Computer Assisted Music etc.</p>
In a collaborative environment, kids will be able to evolve in confidence. Our <strong>instructors</strong> will help them in the design and development of their projects, using an <strong>entertaining learning approach</strong> tailored for kids, and favoring open source tools, allowing them to continue the experience at home.</p>
We would like to pass on to them our <strong>passion</strong> for computer science and new technologies, our expertise of tools and our know-how... but also show them that we can be <strong>creative</strong> and <strong>innovative</strong> while having <strong>fun</strong>.</p>
<strong>Programming: interactive storytelling, game and animation</strong></p>
<img alt="Logo_scratch" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90397/logo_scratch.png">S<em>cratch</em>, a free software designed for kids aged 8 and up, helps young people learn to think creatively, design and code their own interactive stories, games and animations, through a very simple visual interface. It gives an approach of programming basic concepts (loop, variable, control, condition) and allows to manipulate objects, sounds and videos. </p>
<img alt="Scratch-screenshots" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90399/scratch-screenshots.jpg"></p>
<em>Scratch</em> is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten at the MIT Media Lab, learn more: <a href="http://scratch.mit.edu/">http://scratch.mit.edu/</a></p>
We will also be among the first to use <a href="http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/gleamcode-mon-jeu-pour-apprendre-a-coder" target="_blank">Gleamcode</a>, a game to learn kids how to code.</p>
<strong>Animation: stop motion movie</strong></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="405" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FHzD3zxzLLVY%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DHzD3zxzLLVY&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FHzD3zxzLLVY%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
<em>Stop motion</em> is a technique of animation image by image, similar to that of cartoon, enabling static objects look like they're in motion. A scenery composed of objects is shot at regular intervals. Between each picture, we slightly move the objects to then create the illusion of motion. Kids can easily produce short animation movies, especially with Lego (brick films).</p>
<strong>Electronics and programming with Arduino (12+)</strong></p>
<img alt="Tinkerbots" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90401/TinkerBots.jpg"></p>
<em>TinkerBots</em> electronic robots building sets, learn more: <a href="http://tinkerbots.net/">http://tinkerbots.net/</a></p>
<a href="http://arduino.cc/" target="_blank">Arduino</a> is an open source platform based on a printed circuit card integrating a micro controller that can be programmed to interact with captors (humidity, heat, light etc.) and other components (LED, mic, switch, motor, LCD screen etc.). It helps learn the basics of electronics, programming and robotics. The younger ones can code with <em>Scratch</em> visual interface.</p>
<img alt="Arduino_kit_web" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/91527/Arduino_kit_web.jpg"></p>
<strong>3D objects d</strong><strong>esign and printing </strong></p>
Having fun designing 3D objects with <a href="http://www.sketchup.com/" target="_blank">Sketchup</a> and print them with a 3D printer!</p>
<img alt="Makerbot-6667803681_e02cc19c14_b" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90404/MakerBot-6667803681_e02cc19c14_b.jpg"></p>
Photo of <a href="https://www.makerbot.com/" target="_blank">MakerBot</a> 3D printer, Creative commons 2.0</p>
<img alt="1598837_m-maszas" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90402/1598837_m-MaszaS.jpg"></p>
Our workshops are open to <strong>all kids aged 7 to 17</strong>: we welcome all the little curious, technology enthusiasts, budding inventors, fanatics of photo & video, geeks, electronics makers, gamers, young artists, musicians to be, and all the "I'm bored" and other "Don't know what to do"... in short, all those who are eager to experiment, exchange, create, learn and above all have fun with new technologies!</p>
<strong>HOW DOES IT WORK?</strong></p>
In order to meet everyone's needs, we have designed two types of options:</p>
- Our<strong> passes</strong>, valid for one or more entries, offer the most <strong>flexible option</strong>, perfect to occasionally participate to our workshops all year-round. Our daily passes are valid for kids aged 7 to 17, members of the same family and can benefit friends & other family members.</p>
<img alt="Formule-passe-tech-kids-academy" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90427/formule-passe-tech-kids-academy.jpg"></p>
- Our <strong>annual subscription package,</strong> offers the <strong>most economic </strong>deal and the best option to<strong> </strong>make the most of our workshops, make personal projects and achieve new skills, all along school year. The nominative subscription is valid for one person, who's entitled to exceptional benefits and special discounts.</p>
<img alt="Formule-abonnement-tech-kids-academy" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90428/formule-abonnement-tech-kids-academy.jpg"></p>
The academy will be open <strong>everyday after-school</strong> and on <strong>Wednesdays</strong> all-day and possibly on Saturdays depending on the number of subscriptions. Members will be able to either participe to our scheduled workshops or directly work on their personal projects with the guidance of our instructors.</p>
<strong>So we just let kids come when they want and learn what they want!</strong> We trust our educational and entertaining approach to give them the master keys to their future and enable them to reveal all their talents.</p>
We will also organize <strong>camps</strong> during school holidays and <strong>special events</strong>, like birthday parties.</p>
<strong>WHO ARE WE?</strong></p>
<img alt="Tech-kids-academy-team" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90447/Tech-Kids-Academy-team.jpg"></p>
<strong>Alexandra</strong> <strong>BERNARD</strong> - Founder & CEO</p>
<em>Computer science enthusiast since my early age, my career led me to different positions in IT companies and communication agencies, working as a consultant for customers concerned by their digital transformation. With over 15 years experience in web marketing, project management, consulting in strategy of communication, and the design and production of digital platforms, I now wish my skills and expertise in new technologies to benefit our kids' future.</em></p>
<strong>#education #digital #code #kids</strong></p>
<strong>Tony</strong> <strong>BASSETTE</strong> - Co-founder & CTO</p>
Co-founder of the association for the promotion and defense of free software (April), I've been working almost 20 years in IT companies, as a system administrator, project manager and software architect for major account customers. I am a real Swiss army knife in free software and computer science savvy in multi subjects (administration, programming, music, design...). I have this belief that knowledge should be shared to a large extend and would like the young people to benefit from them and use them in their future projects.</p>
<strong>#logiciellibre#share #tech #community</strong></p>
A skilled and complementary team, that we will develop as soon as possible!</p>
<strong>WHERE DOES IT TAKE PLACE?</strong></p>
<img alt="Local-sud-est" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90535/local-sud-est.png"></p>
<em>Tech Kids Academy</em> will soon open a <strong>unique place dedicated to new technologies and young people</strong>! </p>
This working space will also be a living place, where kids will be able to <strong>create</strong> and <strong>share</strong> their experience, in a fun atmosphere. A remarkable place, between a computer science club, a community centre and a FabLab, where <strong>kids would reveal all their talents!</strong></p>
We would like this space to have the <strong>state-of-the-art technologies</strong>, enabling kids to develop their proficiencies with the very latest hardware and software available.</p>
<img alt="Local-nord-ouest" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/90537/local-nord-ouest.png"></p>
We are currently looking for a place to open our first academy, in Paris or in the suburbs, to ideally launch our activity at the next start of school year. In the meantime, if you're interested in hosting our workshops in your premises, you can contact us at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p>
<strong>Help us equip, arrange and decorate this place to make it an outstanding experience for kids & teens!</strong></p>
Allocation of funds
We need your help to equip and arrange our future place, especially to buy <strong>computer hardware</strong> (desktop computers, laptops, tablets, printers), <strong>hi-tech devices</strong> (screens, cameras, camcorders) and other <strong>electronic materials </strong>like Arduino kits, and everything that will enable kids to learn in good conditions.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb-contributions-en2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/93905/KKBB-contributions-EN2.jpg"></p>
<strong>Don't forget to share this crowdfunding campaign with the greatest number of people</strong>, family, friends, neighbors and co-workers... it's free and it maximizes our chance to reach our goal!</p>
<em>Thank you & credits: we would like to thank José Da Silva for the making of our video trailer and give a special thank you to Michael Hickox for allowing us to use his great Lego stop motion animation.</em></p>
- 6 contributions
FRIENDSHIP PACK: you like the project and wish to support the initiative. You will receive a big thank you and all our gratitude. And your name displayed in the credits of Tech Kids Academy website.
- 17 contributions
FAN PACK: you believe in our project and wish to support the initiative, but can't participe to our workshops. We offer you the possibility to buy a color brick of our logo, which will be made in Lego. In exchange, you will receive a big thank you and all our gratitude + a 4Go Lego USB storage key. And of course your name displayed in the credits of Tech Kids Academy website.
*Shipping to France only, for international shipping, please add 5€.
- 7 contributions
DISCOVERY PACK: your kid will be among the first to unveil our offer and participate to a discovery workshop. You will receive a "1-DAY PASS", valid for one entry, for any kid aged 7 to 17. He or she will be given a Tech Kids Academy sticker on the day of the workshop.
- 5 contributions
"DUO" DISCOVERY PACK: it's more fun with two, so invite a friend or come with a brother or sister! Kids will be among the first to unveil our offer and participate to a discovery workshop. You will receive 2 x "1-DAY PASS", valid for one entry per person, for any kid aged 7 to 17. Both kids will be given a Tech Kids Academy sticker on the day of the workshop.
come with three and share the experience with your siblings or best friends! Kids will be among the first to unveil our offer and participate to a discovery workshop. You will receive 3 x "1-DAY PASS", valid for one entry per person, for any kid aged 7 to 17. All three kids will be given, on the day of the workshop, a Tech Kids Academy sticker and a pen.
- 12 contributions
LOVER PACK: you're really excited about the project and wish to give it a little help, but can't participate to our workshops. We offer you the possibility to buy a letter among the 15 of our logo, which will be made with Lego. In exchange, you will receive a huge thank you, all our gratitude and our set of goodies: a 4Go Lego USB storage key + a pen + the Tech Kids Academy sticker. And of course, your name displayed in bold in the credits of Tech Kids Academy website. *Shipping to France only, for international shipping, please add 5€.
PASSION PACK: your kid is a computer science enthusiast and would like to participate to the thematic workshops of his / her choice. You will receive a "5-DAY PASS", valid for 5 entries, for any kid aged 7 to 17. He / she will be given, on the day of the first workshop, a Tech Kids Academy sticker + a pen + a 4Go Lego USB storage key.
GEEK PACK: your kid is real a geek and wishes to take the most of our thematic workshops. You will receive a "10-DAY PASS", valid for 10 entries, for any kid aged 7 to 17. He / she will be given, on the day of the first workshop, the Tech Kids Academy sticker + a pen + a 4Go Lego USB storage key.
SPECIAL GROUP PACK: you represent a school or an association and wish to help kids learn more about new technologies. You will receive 10 x "1-DAY PASS special group", valid for one entry per person, for a group of 10 kids aged 7 to 17. Each kid will be given, on the day of the workshop, a Tech Kids Academy sticker + a pen + a 4Go Lego USB storage key.
- 1 contribution
GAMER PACK: your kid is a technology addict and cannot live without his / her computer. You will receive a "20-DAY PASS", valid for 20 entries, for any kid aged 7 to 17. He / she will be given, on the day of the first workshop, a Tech Kids Academy sticker + a pen + a 4Go Lego USB storage key + the T-shirt of the academy.
- 1 contribution
"EARLY-BIRD" MEMBERSHIP PACK: your kid is a computer science enthusiast and wishes to participate to our workshops on a regular basis. Choose a differentiating after-school activity and go for our annual subscription at an exceptional price! Your kid will be among the first to get his / her nominative membership card, which gives him / her unlimited access to Tech Kids Academy for a whole year. He / she will be given, on the first day, a Tech Kids Academy sticker + a pen + a 4 Go Lego USB storage key + the T-shirt of the academy.
your kid is a computer science enthusiast and wishes to participate to our workshops on a regular basis. Choose a differentiating after-school activity and go for our V.I.P annual subscription at an exceptional price! Your kid will be among the only one to get his / her V.I.P membership card, which gives him / her unlimited access to Tech Kids Academy for a whole year. He / she will be given, on the first day, a Tech Kids Academy sticker + a pen + a 4 Go Lego USB storage key + the T-shirt of the academy. And as a privileged V.I.P member, you and your kid will be invited to the grand opening ceremony of Tech Kids Academy !
BRONZE SPONSOR PACK: if you've read up to this point, it necessarily means that you're sensitive to the fact of passing on to kids the taste of coding and the desire to be creative and innovative in front of a computer. Then sponsor Tech Kids Academy, a new alternative offer on the after-school activities market! In exchange, we promise you a place of choice in the credits of our website, a maximum visibility on the making-of of our workshops and of course all our gratitude. You will also receive an invitation to assist to the grand opening ceremony of our first academy. A big thank you!
SILVER SPONSOR PACK: if you've come so far, you must be a fervent partisan of digital education for kids. Then sponsor Tech Kids Academy, a complementary offer to digital school (in a funnier way)! In exchange, we promise you a larger place in the credits of our website, a maximum visibility on the making-of of our workshops, a set of shared communication actions and of course all our gratitude. You will also receive a privilege invitation to assist to the grand opening ceremony of our first academy. A huge thank you!
GOLD SPONSOR PACK: if like Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or François Hollande and Axelle Lemaire, our French Deputy Minister for digital affairs, you believe that coding is essential to the future of our kids, then sponsor Tech Kids Academy, who aims at doing more than just teach kids how to code! In exchange, we promise you a privileged place in the credits of our website, a maximum visibility on the making-of of our workshops, a set of shared communication actions and of course all our gratitude. You will also receive a V.I.P invitation to participate to the grand opening ceremony of our first academy. A huge thank you!
PARTNERSHIP PACK: you are a major digital, new technologies or innovation player, you are key to the world of creation, education, business or politics, you cannot miss out on this trendsetting concept. Then become the privileged partner of Tech Kids Academy, a truly disruptive offer that will revolutionize digital natives' world!
In exchange, you will receive all our admiration and our life-long gratitude and of course an exclusive access to the backstage of Tech Kids Academy. You will also receive a V.I.P invitation to participate to the grand opening ceremony of our first academy... and so much more. A gigantic thank you!