November 28, 2013
CA FAIT UN BAIL - une pièce de Che Walker (Been So Long)
For the first time ever, "Ça fait un bail" (Been So Long) by British playwright Che Walker comes to the Parisian stage.

End date
Out of €6,000
106 %
CA FAIT UN BAIL - une pièce de Che Walker (Been So Long)
Yessss. We've reached 6000€, <strong>half our production budget</strong></p>
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH to all our Kissbankers. </p>
All donations beyond this point helps us getting closer to our total preproduction budget of 14,700€ (for more details, see the bottom of this page)</p>
We will expand our <strong>publicity</strong>, build even a better <strong>set </strong>turning it into <strong>a real live London Bar</strong>. And who knows, we might be able to get a <strong>publicist.</strong></p>
<strong>PREMIERING IN PARIS...</strong></p>
The Ubuesque Theatre Company presents</p>
<em>CA FAIT UN BAIL</em></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">A La Folie Theatre</a> (75011, PARIS)</p>
from Feb 6 to Mar 30, 2014</p>
Thu / Fri / Sat at 9:30PM</p>
Sun at 6pm</p>
<strong>THE STORY</strong></p>
The play is set in the Phoenix bar, a failing pub in Camden Town, London. Stoic barman Barney serves up drinks to the raucous cast of characters coming through: Gil, a punk out for revenge, Raymond LeGendre, the jail bird Casanova, Simone and Yvonne, two young women cruising for some action.</p>
The five of them become embroiled in a circus of misunderstanding, profane fantasy, vicious cusses and reconciliation. </p>
Here's a small taste:</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="" title="ÇA FAIT UN BAIL - Trailer" width="540"></iframe></p>
<strong>THE AUTHOR</strong></p>
A Camden native, <a href="" target="_blank">Che Walker</a> is an award-winning English playwright. His plays have been performed at the Shakespeare Globe, the Royal Court Theater, the National Theater and many others.</p>
<strong>THE CAST OF CHARACTERS</strong></p>
Barney our seemingly impassive barman is played <a href="" target="_blank">Michaël Louchart</a>, veteran of the Festival of Avignon as well as frequent one-man-show in Lille, France.</p>
<img alt="Personnages-page1" src=""></p>
Vengeful thug Gil Scantlebury is played by <a href="" target="_blank">Tom Svaldi</a> an American actor in Paris who's played throughout France as the lead in Dracula. </p>
<img alt="Personnages-page3" src=""></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Sandrine Binet</a>, dramatic actress and singer, plays Simone a fierce yet vulnerable young mother making a go of it on her own. She recently directed and adapted La pension almayer. </p>
<img alt="Personnages-page4" src=""></p>
An actress and a voice artist, <a href="" target="_blank">Céline Le Coustumer</a> plays Yvonne, her brash, hyper sexual but always loyal friend. You might have seen her on stage in la Carte blanche de Jean Claude Dreyfus aux Bouffes Parisiens.</p>
<img alt="Personnages-page2" src=""></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Alex Disdier</a> plays Raymond LeGendre, a suave ex-convict looking for a good time who gets more than he bargains for. He's also currently appearing on stage at <a href="" target="_blank">Théâtre Des Varietés</a> as the lead role in <a href="" target="_blank">Zorro</a>.</p>
<img alt="Personnages-page5" src=""></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Olivier Troyon</a> is our indispensable Assistant Director. You'll also find him at <a href="" target="_blank">Théâtre Des Varietés</a> as assistant director to <a href="" target="_blank">Zorro</a>. </p>
<img alt="Olivier" src=""></p>
<strong>MILESTONES </strong></p>
<strong>2010-2012</strong> Translation of Been So Long en français ÇA FAIT UN BAIL by Alex Disdier</p>
<strong>December 2012 </strong>Che Walker approved the rights for our first French production in Lille</p>
<strong>January 2013</strong> The cast is finalised.</p>
<strong>March 2013</strong> Olivier Troyon joins our team as director's assistant</p>
<strong>March-April 2013</strong> Rehearsals, set building and creation of our first breakaway bottle</p>
<img alt="Set_construction" src=""></p>
<img alt="Bottleang" src=""></p>
<strong>April 2013</strong> ÇA FAIT UN BAIL première in Lille, France</p>
<img alt="Lille_prod" src=""></p>
<strong>May-June 2013</strong> Our show proposal created</p>
<strong>June-September 2013 </strong> Search for the theatre in Paris</p>
<strong>September 2013</strong> Contract is signed with A LA FOLIE THEATRE for 30 dates in 2014</p>
<img alt="Contract" src=""></p>
<strong>October 2013 </strong> Kiss Kiss Bank Bank crowdfunding campaign is launched along with a new trailer for our play</p>
Keep updated with what's happening with our project on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
Allocation of funds
This play is close to my heart, trite but true. Right out of conservatory, we produced the original (English) version of Been So Long in New York and Philadelphia. Raymond LeGendre, who I played in English and now reprise in French, remains one of my favorite roles. </p>
After coming back to France, the play lingered at the back of my mind. The UK is one of France’s closest neighbor, so the sensibility, the humour, the outlook is both familiar and foreign to us. I wanted to bring it to Paris because (or despite the fact that?) it’s not like anything that was playing here. </p>
This play is quintessentially English, quintessentially Camden Town. I made a choice not to adapt the play (for example, not to replace the local references with French ones) but to remain faithful as possible to the original piece. Just like all of us, where our protagonists come from defines so much of who they are. </p>
I love all the characters. They’re rude, crass, ridiculous and painfully human. While this takes place in a Camden Town pub, I believe the emotions evoked by this play are universal. Everything and nothing happens in this little bar. Stereotypes will be made and broken. You’ll hear a whole lot of cussing, but also a kind of poetry. I can promise that it will be very entertaining but I hope our audience leaves just a little bit moved. </p>
When I started translating this Been So Long three years ago, I didn’t know how or when this band of five would come to life in Paris. But we’re almost there and we would be so very grateful for your help to make it happen. </p>
<strong>PRE-PRODUCTION BUDGET</strong></p>
Our projected total budget of 14,700 € to finance the play breaks down as follows</p>
Theatre rental space: 8800<strong> </strong>€ <strong> </strong></p>
Play licensing fees: 1600<strong> </strong>€</p>
Marketing and Communications: 2400 €</p>
Rehearsal space: 400 €</p>
Miscellaneous (transport, props and materials, etc): 1500 € </p>
We hope to raise <u>at least</u> 6000 € through KissKissBankBank (the goodness of your hearts, our dear crowdfunders) to bring us to at least half our the total budget. At the same time we'll be knocking on doors, looking for sponsors, and pulling from our pockets. Any little bit you give means a lot even if it's just a shoutout to your friends to COME SEE OUR PLAY. </p>
If you've read this far, we thank you for your time and attention and we hope to see you next Spring <a href="" target="_blank">A La Folie Theatre</a> in Paris. </p>
<img alt="-_lafolie_noir_sur_fond_blanc_-_point_rouge" src=""></p>
- 3 contributions
a heartfelt THANK YOU from our team
- 14 contributions
a heartfelt thank you from our team + your NAME will appear on our SET
- 11 contributions
a heartfelt thank you from our team + your name on our set + a BADGE "Been So Long"
- 8 contributions
a heartfelt thank you from our team + your name on our set + a badge "Been So Long" + ONE TICKET to see our show
- 11 contributions
a heartfelt thank you from our team + your name on our set + a badge "Been So Long" + TWO TICKETS to see our show
- 1 contribution
a heartfelt thank you from our team + your name on our set + a badge "Been So Long" + TWO TICKETS to see our show anytime + a PHOTO of you ON SET with the cast of Been So Long and a signed POSTER of the show
a heartfelt thank you from our team + your name on our set + a badge "Been So Long" + TWO TICKETS to see our show anytime + a photo of you on set with the cast of Been So Long + a signed poster of the show + a DRINK with our team
a heartfelt thank you from our team + your name on our set + a badge "Been So Long" + TWO TICKETS to see our show anytime + a photo of you on set with the cast of Been So Long + a signed poster of the show + drinks and DINNER with our team