March 1, 2015
Carmilla de Sheridan Le Fanu, nouvelle édition
Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu, a bloody good read!
End date
Out of €3,000
108 %
Carmilla de Sheridan Le Fanu, nouvelle édition
<img alt="Accueil2-1424532423" src=""></p>
<strong>Tendance Négative</strong> Publishing House came from both our love of books and graphic design. Text and image deeply transform the way we read, understand and experience the story told. <strong>Our work is to give reading a new meaning and transcend words and images.</strong></p>
Because we are sure that paper lives long, even after death, for our first publishing we chose to revive the brilliant work of Sheridan Le Fanu and present a new translation in French of his Carmilla. 25 years before Bram Stocker’s Dracula, Le Fanu has engraved the image of the vampire as we know it, evil and disturbingly sensual.</p>
From Lord Ruthven to Dracula, Nosferatu to Lestat or more recently Eric and Edward from True Blood, the vampire has almost always been a very pale-skinned man, frightening and bewitching.</p>
Carmilla is the first short story in which the character is a young, beautiful female vampire that preys on innocent girls.</p>
<strong>Nightmares, blood and forbidden love collide in this gothic masterpiece. It’s modern, spellbinding and practically unknown to the French public.</strong></p>
<img alt="Photo-une-1424532467" src=""></p>
<strong>We would like to offer a well-designed, fully original and challenging book as a mark of great respect for Le Fanu’s writing.</strong></p>
The book is pierced right through, as if bitten by the night creature. Page by page, the text is covered with blood to match the thrilling and ghoulish turns of the story.</p>
<strong>Technical details</strong></p>
128 pages</p>
format 11x18</p>
printed in 2 colors</p>
print run 500 copies</p>
out on March 2015</p>
available on our website and in bookstores</p>
<strong>Thanks to your generosity, the book will be brought to life. We hope it will bring you a great new experience!</strong></p>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" src=""></a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" src=""></a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" src=""></a></p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>Tendance Négative</strong> is a no-profit association. We work during our free time for the love of books & literature and unite our 3 forces to make the best of our ideas come to life.</p>
To make our project finally see the light of day and to be able to share it, we do need you booklovers, vampires ghouls & groupies and graphic design fan(g)s!</p>
This project will only be funded if at least the sum of 3000 € is reached. The money will exclusively be used for printing, distribution, shipping costs, making of the goodies and kisskissbankbank commission.</p>
<img alt="Budget-eng-1426338199" src=""></p>
<strong>Your counterparts are original copies. Bookmarks, postcards, posters and totebags have been silkprinted with love and in limited editions.</strong></p>
<img alt="Print-1424367435-1424532533" src=""></p>
If we reach our purpose, we will set <strong>a <em>Ghoul & The Gang party</em></strong> to thank you, meet you for drinks and dance all night. The goodies will be handed to you personally at the party.</p>
To those who can’t be here with us on this occasion, we will of course send them by post.</p>
If we collect more than expected and together with the book sales, we will keep calm and carry on the venture: we’ll give birth to new graphic & editorial concepts of the highest quality to match the masterpieces of French and foreign literature. A collection with mirror and see-trough graphic design is to be continued…</p>
<u><strong>Our project in numbers</strong></u><strong>: </strong></p>
<strong>0</strong> animal harmed to make the book (but some trees alas!)</p>
<strong>3</strong> booklovers</p>
<strong>4</strong> new grey hairs</p>
<strong>36</strong> restaurant napkins full of great ideas</p>
<strong>288</strong> reprimands for too long lunch breaks</p>
<strong>17 392</strong> boiling red globules</p>
Follow our news drop by drop on social networks:</p>
<a href=""></a></p>
<a href=""></a></p>
<a href=""></a></p>
<a href=""></a></p>
<img alt="Equipe-tendance-negative-collecte-carmilla-1424808551" src=""></p>
© Camille Cier</p>
<strong>The Team</strong></p>
<strong>Tendance Négative</strong> gathers 3 booklovers who are fond of images, graphic design and long & short stories.</p>
<a href=""></a></p>
Clément Buée is a graphic designer, our king of book making-up & northern soul records. See what he does when he’s not working on <em>Carmilla </em>(always around paper though):</p>
visual <a href=""></a> writing <a href=""></a></p>
Bookaholic and nuts about almonds and literature in English, Malika Baaziz deals with translation, corrections and printing follow-up.</p>
Corentin Sparagano is teaching History and is an archery big chief. He juggles with numbers & figures and is in charge of the association finances.</p>
- 1 contribution
B- Rhésus négatif mais positivement généreux.
Un grand merci, votre nom restera à jamais gravé dans le marbre de la page dédiée à nos « donneurs » sur notre site + 1 sticker
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 2 contributions
B+ Rhésus positif à Tendance Négative.
Recevez nos remerciements éternels, que dis-je, immortels + votre nom sur le site + 1 sticker + 1 badge
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 8 contributions
A- Une petite transfusion s’impose. Merci, vraiment. Votre carte de donneur vous donne droit à 1 sticker + 1 badge + 1 carte postale (10 x 15) et 1 affiche sérigraphiée (15 x 42) en édition limitée
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 15 contributions
B-A-BA Bon sang de bonsoir, merci à vous ! Vous recevrez 1 superbe marque-page + 1 livre
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 4 contributions
AB César. Hors de question de se faire du mauvais sang. Nous vous remercions chaudement et nous vous offrons 1 badge + 1 sticker + une affiche A3 sérigraphiée + le livre
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 1 contribution
AB+ reçoit universellement mais donne sang compter. Nous avons de la veine, merci ! À vous le livre et son marque-page + 1 badge + 1 carte postale + 1 tote bag sérigraphié en édition limitée
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 3 contributions
AB- Sang peur et sang reproche.
Ne vous rongez pas les sangs, votre don est très apprécié. En retour, recevez le livre dédicacé et son marque-page + 1 badge + 1 carte postale + 2 stickers + 1 affiche sérigraphiée (15 x 42 cm)
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 2 contributions
O+ Bon sang ne saurait mentir. Un petit prélèvement en échange de notre éternelle dévotion + le livre dédicacé et son marque-page + 2 stickers + les 3 cartes postales + les 5 badges + les 2 affiches
Estimated delivery: April 2015
Pour sang bal’ (des vampires) t’as plus rien… si, vous aurez tout et plus encore ! Nos remerciements s’accompagnent du livre dédicacé + marque-page + 2 stickers + 3 cartes postales + 5 badges + 1 affiche A3 sérigraphiée et en édition limitée
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 1 contribution
O- Oh donneur universel ! Gloire à vous qui méritez la vie éternelle ou à défaut le livre dédicacé et son marque-page + tout le print sérigraphié + 1 invitation “Vampire In the Place” à la soirée de lancement et 2 cocktails offerts
Estimated delivery: April 2015
- 1 contribution
Sang bleu. Vous vous saignez pour nous, un immense merci + le livre dédicacé + tout le print sérigraphié + le tote bag + le DVD « Vampyr » de Carl T. Dreyer + 1 invitation VIP à la soirée de lancement et 2 cocktails offerts
Estimated delivery: April 2015
Le pack(te) du sang. Bienfaiteurs mordus d’images, vous avez toute notre gratitude + le livre dédicacé et marque- page + tout le print sérigraphié + 1 photo originale de Camille Cier en tirage limité sur le thème des vampires
Estimated delivery: April 2015
Garder votre sang froid. Si vous avez encore les crocs après tous ces cadeaux, un dîner privé composé de pavé saignant, aïoli, sang pellegrino… Un repas à (na)thème pour vous montrer notre impérissable reconnaissance
Estimated delivery: April 2015
Make a donation
Give what I want
Sold out
Sold out
- 20 contributions
B- Sang d’encre
Une lecture dont vous ne reviendrez pas ! (peut-être que si…). Pour vous remercier, 1 sticker + 1 badge + le livre + le marque- page sérigraphié + 1 carte postale
Estimated delivery: April 2015
Sold out
- 20 contributions
AB+ reçoit universellement mais donne sang compter. Nous avons de la veine, merci ! À vous le livre et son marque-page + 1 badge + 1 carte postale + 1 tote bag sérigraphié en édition limitée
Estimated delivery: April 2015