October 31, 2013
Chasing Bonnie & Clyde
In a world where rehabilitation is cheaper than imprisonment, what if Bonnie and Clyde were alive nowadays?

End date
Out of €15,000
107 %
Chasing Bonnie & Clyde
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<strong><i>The story...</i></strong></p>
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“You've read the story of Jesse James of how he lived and died. If you're still in need; of something to read, here's the story of Bonnie and Clyde.”</p>
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On may the 23rd, 1934, Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker were killed by Texas police officers on a rural road near Gibsland, Lousiana. The ambush put an end to two years on the run for the Barrow gang well-known for killing – at least 9 police officers and 5 citizens – and committing dozen of robberies in the Central United States during the Great Depression.</p>
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80 years later, as we live a new Great Depression, Bonnie and Clyde are still fascinating people. However in Texas, their</p>
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home state, things are evolving for criminals. Famous for its tough-on-crime reputation and its ability to put people on death row, the Lone Star State is now applying smart-on-crime policies and social justice.</p>
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This transmedia project interrogates criminality and freedom in our modern world shaken by a financial crisis. Following the tracks of the famous outlaws, this project takes Bonnie and Clyde life as a central theme to travel in the modern Texas, revisit the memory of the criminal lovers and meet young delinquents to understand how justice can impact our society.</p>
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<iframe frameborder="0" height="269" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x16hwjf" width="480"></iframe></p>
<strong><i>The project...</i></strong></p>
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<em>Chasing Bonnie & Clyde</em> is written and directed by Thomas Salva and Olivier Lambert, with the participation of <a href="http://blackyaya.com/" target="_blank">Black Yaya</a>, leader of the folk band <a href="http://www.hermandune.com/" target="_blank">Herman Dune</a>, who plays the narrator and the singer of this story, as he has composed original songs for this project.</p>
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This transmedia project has two complementary parts : a <strong>long length feature film </strong>+ an <strong>interactive documentary app for tablets</strong>, with a 3 to 60 minutes long immersive experience.</p>
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<img alt="Kkbb1" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/38773/kkbb1.jpg"></p>
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<strong>The 90 minutes long documentary</strong></p>
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• An interrogation about the criminal justice system in Texas to provoke a reflection about the way a second chance can help criminals to reentry the society</p>
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• A 90 minutes story told and sung by Black Yaya the leader of the folk band Herman Dune (original songs)</p>
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• A road-movie on Bonnie and Clyde’s tracks through relatives or passionate people who tell what’s left from the criminals</p>
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• Meetings with modern Bonnie and Clyde’ (juvenile criminals in Texas), engaged in rehabilitation programs</p>
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• Interviews with smart-on-crime advocates</p>
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• A subtle mix of videos, archives reels from the 30s, still images and motion design by <a href="http://cejenesaisquoi.com/" target="_blank">Arnaud Desjardins</a> (also designer of the app)</p>
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<strong>An interactive documentary application for tablets</strong></p>
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• A web-app built for tablets offering a 3 to 60 minutes immersive video experience with a 220° view on Bonnie and Clyde roads</p>
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• Behind the windshield of Bonnie and Clyde’s Ford V8, the user goes by places where the couple lived and robbed. He is free to choose the roads he wants to take, the places he wants to stop by.</p>
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• A radio plays news bulletins about Bonnie and Clyde crimes or social justice facts, but also Herman Dune songs</p>
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• During his journey, the user collects badges depicting his ‘‘crimes’’, at the end of his journey the user gots his criminal record and his sentence</p>
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• To unlock new roads, the user has to invite a friend to do a synchronized connexion and discover new places</p>
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<img alt="Kkbb2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/38774/kkbb2.jpg"></p>
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<strong><i>Why this story?</i></strong></p>
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“What's past is prologue” – Shakespeare – <i>The Tempest</i>,<i> </i>1610.</p>
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This sentence sums up our point of view: we don't want to make a historical movie, but we do want to take Bonnie and Clyde live as a starting point to tell a story about our current era.</p>
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Since 2007, because of the Great Recession, the very tough-on-crime state of Texas has decided to change a bit its criminal justice policies. No doubt death row and harsh sentences are still used, but it appears rehabilitation, reentry and prevention for criminals, especially the young ones, are cheaper than imprisonment.</p>
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This is this unexpected paradox we want to highlight with this project.</p>
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<em>Chasing Bonnie & Clyde</em> gives food for thoughts: this part of <em>American Dream</em> goes far beyond as it underlines a social realty that could be useful for oour societies and justice systems. Debates about "social justice" and "smart-on-crime" policies are getting bigger and bigger in the US but also in France, in the UK or recently in Australia.</p>
For us, this project is a way to bring new contents and perspectives in this debate. And hopefully invite you to share your thoughts and take part to these major interrogations in order to build a better world for tomorrow. </p>
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<img alt="Kkbb3" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/38775/kkbb3.jpg"></p>
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Allocation of funds
Like our previous projects (<a href="http://paris-ile-de-france.france3.fr/brevesdetrottoirs/#/intro" target="_blank">Brèves de trottoirs / Sidewalk Shorts</a>, <a href="http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/visuel/2011/10/17/la-nuit-oubliee_1587567_3224.html" target="_blank">La Nuit Oubliée / The Forgotten Night</a>), we are used to start by ourselves, with DIY methods. </p>
Here with <em>Chasing Bonnie & Clyde</em>, it is the same, but now we have our own company, the creative narrative lab <a href="http://lumento.fr/" target="_blank">Lumento</a>. </p>
Nevertheless, this project is a BIG one for us: the first made outside of France and a quite expensive one! We are not afraid to put ourselves in danger but now the clock is ticking, and we count on you to help us make this project happens. </p>
After 18 months writing on that project, we got a funding from the French national center for cinematography to do a scouting trip last may in Texas.</p>
Now we are starting the production part of this project without any firm engagement from a broadcaster.</p>
Our dream is to put the long feature on screens in cinemas around the world, and make the app a hit.</p>
We know, this project is risky because it is ambitious but there is no doubt we are going to make it happen and release it together. </p>
<img alt="Timeline_en_2610" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/46671/timeline_EN_2610.jpg"></p>
Even in our DIY world, this project still needs at least 50 000 euros to be fully and beautifully finished. Obviously, we could ask for even more as we could enhance the post-production and prepare a worldwide impact with a massive distribution campaign.</p>
We have already put a good amount of our own cash, and we have prepaid a part of the shooting trip in october. But now we hope you'll help us to give an unbelievable boost to this uncommon adventure and maybe make it an unbelievable project that we would have built together.</p>
We dream to see this documentary released in cinemas ! Could you imagine that ? It would be amazing. And you are the ones who can make this dream come true.</p>
We count on you to share this project with your friend, family and colleagues. And be sure we are working really hard to find new partnerships and to make it big !</p>
The impact of this KissKissBankBank page will define the end of this project, but don't worry, no matter how it goes, we will continue as YOU are the one we give our best everyday for. </p>
Meanwhile, we personally thank you all for your great support, thank you for your time. </p>
You can follow us on our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ChasingBC" target="_blank">Facebook page</a>, or our <a href="https://twitter.com/ChasingBC" target="_blank">Twitter feed</a>, on the <a href="http://www.chasingbc.com/" target="_blank">website dedicated to the project </a>or even by email on [email protected] </p>
<img alt="Kkbb5" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/38781/kkbb5.png"></p>
- 5 contributions
Pack Wall of Fame.
Thank you very much.
You put your name on the « Wall of Fame » on the website, in the film ending credits and in the app credits

- 24 contributions
Public Enemy Package.
Thanks young bandit.
You deserve your Badge "I rob banks" or "Smart on Crime" + the Wall of fame Package
- 38 contributions
Hold-up Package.
You're just born to be a bank robber, congrats !
Thanks, you're now onboard for a gret adventure.
You'll receive personal links to preview the film and access the app before anyone + the Public Enemy Package

- 96 contributions
Red-Handed Package.
Hey, you thought you'll catch us first. We want to be nice to you so you're released. Take your Chasing Bonnie & Clyde tote-bag made by our friends from CoolAndTheBag.com (bag 100% cotton, 140gr, no pleat, long handles) + the Hold-Up Package

- 47 contributions
Little Bonnie & Clyde Package.
It's nice of you Sweet Lady or Young Mister.
You got the right to have your own mugshot like real criminals, from you photo ID, but it's to promote smart-on-crime policies (jpg + profile pic Facebook) + your name goes onto the Wall of Fame inside the interactive app + the Red-Handed Package

- 28 contributions
Pack Live From Shooting.
Great, come with us, we're ready to welcome warmly.
You receive 3 pics from the shooting, like real polaroids 4x4inches + the Little Bonnie & Clyde Package

- 5 contributions
Pack American Dream.
We appreciate that and you got to live just like us this succesful journey.
We don't have any doubt, this project will win many awards. So you ought to have one of them in your living-room during 1 week and impress you friend with it. Then you can take it to another friendly funder.
In addition, we take your picture and we make a real mugshot portrait (face and profile jpg + profile pic Facebook) + the Live From Shooting Package

- 16 contributions
Pack FBI.
Man you're such a good Eliott Ness.
You got 4 special prints from the FBI Bonnie & Clyde file + the American Dream Package

- 6 contributions
Bonnie Parker Package or Clyde Barrow Package.
Amazing Bonnie, wonderful Clyde, put a hat on your head.
You have a real "Bonnie" beret OR a "Clyde" hat, both are handmade in the purest tradition of French hat-making in small French village, thanks to our friends from the concept store MonsieurLondon.com British style French touch + the American Dream Package

- 6 contributions
MidWest Package.
You got it right, you like to keep your eye on beautiful things. Here comes a piece of the true US at your home.
A panoramic print 10x30 inches in B&W by Thomas Salva (just 10 prints possible to choose among 5 pictures) + the American Dream Package (if you like a picture of France countryside, it's possible too)

- 1 contribution
Bonnie & Clyde Package
Dear couple, we wish you the best!
You deserve those beautiful hats, a "Bonnie" beret and a "Clyde" hat, both handmade in the purest tradition of French hat-making in small French village, thanks to our friends from the concept store MonsieurLondon.com British style French touch + the American Dream Package
- 1 contribution
Final Cut Package.
You always want more and you do right.
Gather your friends or your colleagues, you can organize a private projection of the film and if possible we come to answer all your questions and share with you that great moment + the Bonnie & Clyde Package
- 1 contribution
Philanthropist Package.
We don't know how to thank you, you're just fantastic.
From your ID pics, we create your very own mugshots greetings cards for 2014 (5 peop. max) + we put your name and logo in the ending credits of the film and in the app credits + the Final Cut Package
Bid Daddy Package.
Hold-up, this is a hug !
Come to our studio, we organize a private photo session to make your mugshot or the portrait of your dreams (5 peop max) + we put your name in the debut credits of the film and in the app credits + the Final Cut Package
Lumento Bandit Package.
Wow. Simply wow. And THANK you.
You're officially our "good star", we now talk about you anytime, anywhere, online and offline you always appear with us + we put your logo in the debut credits of the film and in the app credits + the Big Daddy Package
Chasing Bonnie & Clyde Package.
Let's get crazy. You are crazy. We just love you.
You come with us during 4 days to live the 80th anniversary of Bonnie & Clyde death in Gibsland (LA) in may 2014 (all included) + the Final Cut Package
Pack Crazy Uncle Sam.
Oh man... let's get serious. We stand clear, hands up.
You take it all and become the official sponsor of the project, your logo is everywhere like any other broadcaster or fund that support us.
Thank you.