<strong>CINEMA RÉTRÉCI</strong> is a <strong>NADNAT PRODUCTIONS</strong> Production:</p>
<em>Cinema Retreci</em> is an encounter between circus and cinema centred around a caravan. This caravan becomes an outdoor cinema-theatre, projecting stop motion animations on its surface. Jetty Kane is the one and only protagonist of these films, and she also performs live acts on a rope or even dances on the cinema screen, in remembrance of her glorious past.</p>
<strong><u>Who is Jetty Kane?</u></strong></p>
Jetty Kane is a nostalgic figure, diva of the silent cinema era, forgotten in the modern memory, seeking her audience. The recurrent plot of each <em>Cinema Retreci </em>is Jetty Kane's never ending search for her unconditional followers. </p>
Once a 1920's silent movie actress Jetty Kane lived a life of scandals and debauchery. Now she travels with her caravan in order to remind the people of who she once was and who she will be remembered as.</p>
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<u><strong>The Cinema-Caravan</strong></u></p>
The <em>Cinéma Rétréci</em> arrives in squares, streets and other public spaces. People who attend the show are invited to pass through the caravan before the show begins. The caravan's interior is a museum of Jetty Kane's better days with memorabilia; paper clippings, photos, objects and curiosities. It is also her dressing room, where she prepares herself for the show as the audience pass through, immersing themselves in Jetty Kane's world.</p>
<img alt="Caravan_portico_graussepia540" src=""></p>
<strong><u>Circus acts</u></strong></p>
The beginning of cinematography was linked to circus and pantomime in that many actors came from this background. Silent movies were often based on visual gags and slapstick comedy. Our main aim is to create a modern tribute to the cinema of these times through the character of Jetty Kane, an actress who was discovered by a Hollywood director at a local Maltese circus while performing her majestic rope act.</p>
In an attempt to revive the femme fatale that she once was, Jetty struggles to maintain her glamour on stage, although once she's up there nothing can stop her.</p>
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<img alt="Rope.graus" src=""></p>
<strong><u>Site specific creation:</u></strong></p>
Each <em>Cinema Retreci </em>is a unique encounter as part of the scenes are created in the place of arrival itself. On each quest for her audience, Jetty Kane meets someone (normally another circus artist), and together they live new adventures in the local streets and squares of the town. These sequences are all captured in stop motion to later be projected during the show. The guest artist is also invited to perform a live act in the <em>Cinema Retreci.</em></p>
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The local population also has an important role in the creation process as they dance the Jetty Kane dances in the main town square or other characteristic places. Throughout workshops, NADNAT invite the local people to become active participants, by creating group choreographies, that will subsequently be captured in the local whereabouts with the actual Jetty Kane herself. This is the moment Jetty has been long waiting for: the re-encounter with her fans that have been longing to dance with her. These sequences are also projected as part of the show.</p>
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<strong><u>The <em>Cinema Retreci</em> experience:</u></strong></p>
Coming soon to a town near you, the <em>Cinema Retreci</em> is aimed at audiences of all ages who consider that cinema is an art form and should therefore be treated as so, and not as a big neon flashy multiplex popcorn crunching nightmare of an experience with a dolby full surround volume that makes the deepest inner thoughts of your subconscious be awakened by super-sized explosions, excruciating melodrama and morality to the sound of violins.</p>
It is a cinema-show experience, you will meet Jetty on screen, Jetty live, Jetty on a rope, Jetty with a guest artist, you will be joining the Jetty flashmobs, you will see yourself on the screen....</p>
Each Cinema Retreci is unique because each Cinema Retreci is made with you.</p>
<img alt="Jetty_fans_ppierre540pix" src=""></p>
<u>NADNAT PRODUCTIONS</u> is a circus and photography collaboration project by Nadine O'Garra, circus artist and Nathalie Fixon, photographer. Our aim is to create audiovisual performative works. NADNAT Productions is interested in the creation in public space and in innovative forms of representation. </p>
We are based between Toulouse and Barcelona, and no matter how new age psychedelic hippy this may sound, we consider ourselves citizens of the world.</p>
First of all, for those of you who actually do pay your taxes, apparently you get a tax reduction when you give us money. We cannot explain how this works, for the intricate workings of the current economic system are something close to Mordor for us, but according to other kisskissbank projects, this is a fact (at least in France).</p>
To finish our project we are still in need of some major details. The money will be used for:</p>
1000 €: musical creation for Jetty's rope act.</p>
800 €: a decent dance floor.</p>
200 €: microphone.</p>
300 €: residency costs (transport mainly).</p>
200 €: Costume.</p>
Merci, merci, merci...Jetty will never forget you.</p>