July 2, 2015
Démocratisons l'Art Contemporain !
TAG bxl is an unconventional art gallery, promoting promising emerging art whilst offering an accessible approach i.e. prices, communication
End date
Out of €10,000
9 %
Démocratisons l'Art Contemporain !
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<strong>Let's Democratize Art!</strong></p>
TAG-bxl - The Accessible Gallery is a new contemporary art gallery located in the heart of 'old' Brussels, in "Les Marolles". This neighbourhood is very symbolical for us as it really underlines our mission to make art available to all, the young, the 'more mature', professionals and amateurs alike.</p>
<strong>Now we need your help! The aim of this campaign is to implement a communication plan that will enable us to disseminate information in a different manner and to a much wider audience. Our projects include: </strong>an animated fun film, exclusively printed T-shirts and bags designed specifically for this campaign by some of our in-house artists, etc. (see below for details in 'Why fund this project'). This campaign will allow us to have a much greater outreach in Brussels, in Belgium and even internationally. </p>
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Adil Haouata; "Groupe Isolé"</p>
We believe that art is often (wrongly!) associated with the 'elite', reserved only for those with financial means and not necessarily knowledge and this prevents art from developing freely, resulting in a closed sellers' market (i.e up-scale galleries, international auction houses, ect.). Consequently, artists cannot find places to exhibit and potential clients cannot afford to acquire art.</p>
Historically, "Les Marolles" has never been known to attract the 'elite' or even those who trawl the galleries, art fairs and auctions. It is also a fact that some people who are not used to the art-world can feel intimidated by even entering a gallery, sometimes because they feel that they do not have the necessary knowledge and don't want to sound stupid, etc.</p>
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Agnieszka Wogiel; "Jaune"</p>
<strong>THAT IS WHERE TAG-bxl - The Accessible Gallery IS DIFFERENT as we are open to all and only too pleased to help someone embark on a journey into the art world, which is a really exciting challenge for you and us.</strong></p>
Acquiring works of art is not only a passionate and thrilling experience, but can also be a good investment as well as a souvenir of a special moment in time. Our clients range from amateur art lovers/first-time buyers to avid collectors looking for new talent. Some may never have entered an art gallery before; others just want to dress their living spaces with authentic art.</p>
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Live painting in the gallery with Jérôme Desert </p>
<strong><em>"Help artists live from their talent!" </em></strong></p>
We want to help promising artists to be discovered and live on their art and talent. Our artists come from Belgium and from all over the world..they all fight the problems emerging artists have, it is often tricky a business....</p>
TAG bxl give them the possibility to exhibit their painting, sculpture, photography, drawing so we can offer a wide range for unique art pieces to accessible prices without never compromising on the quality. From our artists we ask that they keep their artistic passion burning brightly and maintain the high quality.</p>
A final thought: we will be helping an artist to make his living whilst living.</p>
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<strong><em>"So why this crowd-funding campaign?"</em></strong></p>
TAG-bxl is a Gallery run by 3 partners (Jacques, Suzanne and Johanna) who are all passionate about art and who want to turn this mission into a full-time occupation.</p>
This campaign is about values and is entirely coherent with the vision of the Gallery: "you need to invite people to become more engaged in art as well as other cultural projects, increasing people's quality of life and knowledge". </p>
Today we need your help to raise at least 10.000€; this will cover specific communication activities visible in Brussels, Belgium and internationally. Please see details below. </p>
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Dimitrios Oikonomou; "The Medusa with Blue Eyes" </p>
Allocation of funds
<strong><em>"Let's reach out and invite more people take part because art is for everyone" </em></strong></p>
We are convinced that humour is the best medicine for breaking down barriers and contemporary art can be fun and thought-provoking. Furthermore, humour is a great means of communication and interaction amongst people and can help change people's perceptions of contemporary art.</p>
<strong>Therefore our new message is that "ART IS also FUN" and we have based our campaign on this simpler approach to art.</strong></p>
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Raising <strong>10.000€,</strong> we can finance: </p>
<strong>- 5.000€: an animated short, fun film </strong>relating the Gallery's mission and concept, the artists' works and the Gallery founding partners. The film will be available on the website, on social media i.e. Facebook and Twitter and on YouTube. It will be an important tool when communicating with young people as well as diverse potential partnerships. The film will also be shown in the Gallery in a new "cinema space", among the artworks. This will be a unique experience! </p>
<strong>- 500€ : 20 stickers for the Gallery windows</strong>, a vital advertisement tool for the people passing in the street; it will be an enticement for people to want to enter the Gallery and ask questions/look around.</p>
<strong>- 1.500€ : 100 T-shirts</strong>, in natural cotton, displaying exclusive prints by one of our in-house artists and in keeping with the campaign.</p>
<strong>- 350€ : 100 bags in </strong>natural cotton 135 grs. to wear every day, displaying an exclusive sketch by one of our in-house artists and with a campaign message.</p>
<strong>- 2.650€ : professional communication tools such as</strong>: brochures describing the Gallery and its activities to give to potential partners (800€), a badly-needed signpost for the facade above the entrance of the Gallery (1000€) and professional photos of the Gallery and the artworks (850€).</p>
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Anders Kumlien; "Black/White" </p>
<strong>AND if our campaign goes really well....</strong></p>
<strong>With 13.000€: </strong>we will create an open-house weekend where 3 of our artists will be present to paint and inform the audience on painting techniques. They will present their works and their vision. It will be possible for the visitors to paint with our artists and a participatory painting will be the result of a collaboration between the artists and the audience.</p>
<strong>With 15.000€:</strong> we will launch the first steps of a larger-scale project close to our hearts: it will consist in developing together with international partners support structures for emerging artists. How is art funded? How should it be funded? What different kinds of structures exist to support emerging art? How to help artists to develop (both artistically and with entrepreneurial skills)? How and where to sell their works? </p>
<strong>With over 20.000€: </strong>we would be able to do a real in-depth exploration of all possibilities regarding the development of more advanced activities such as organising debates on access to art, best practice exchanges and workshops for emerging artists and alternative selling techniques.</p>
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Maria Leal Da Costa; "Because in the World" </p>
A REALY HEARTFELT THANK YOU! All amounts count. For 5€ and more your name will be added to the Gallery's website www.tag-bxl.be, on a page created specifically for this purpose.
Estimated delivery: June 2015
A PERSONALISED THANK YOU! You will receive a customised photo of one of our Gallery's artworks via Facebook; a visitor to the Gallery will be asked to choose his or her favourite artwork and to hold-up a sign with your name on it and this photo will be posted on Facebook no later than 6 days after receiving your contribution.
Estimated delivery: June 2015
A PRESENT FOR YOU! A very special bag designed by Jenni Emilia, a Finnish artist represented in the gallery (equally fashion designer!). She has made a motif in limited edition for our KissKissBankBank campaign. Jenni Emilia’s art is a bit about recycling lifestyle. Art made by the “trashionista” – trash off and make art – is fun. The bag is made by natural cotton; you can come and get it in the gallery or you can get it sent to you.
Estimated delivery: September 2015
YET ANOTHER GIFT! TAG-bxl is really privileged to work with some exciting artists and one of them the French artist Jérôme Desert, has agreed to create an exclusive design for our T-shirts. Once again this is an exclusively a limited edition for our KissKissBankBank campaign. You can come and pick it up in the Gallery or get it sent to you.
Estimated delivery: September 2015
THE T-SHIRT + many THANK YOUs! For 75€, you will receive: the exclusively designed T-shirt by Jérôme Desert, your name and nationality will appear on the "donor wall" in the Gallery and a
visitor to the Gallery will be asked to choose his or her favourite artwork and to hold-up a sign with your name on it and this photo will be posted on Facebook no later than 6 days after receiving your contribution.
Estimated delivery: September 2015
JACKPOT! Why be forced to make choices if you can have all the above gifts! For 90€ or more, you will get the limited-edition natural cotton bag with the exclusive Jenniemilia design, the limited-edition natural cotton T-shirt with the exclusive Jérôme Désert design, your name and your nationality will appear on our "donor wall" in the Gallery; again a visitor to the Gallery will be asked to choose his or her favourite artwork and to stand in front of it with your name - and of course a big THANK YOU - written on a sign and this photo will be posted on Facebook no later than 6 days after receiving your contribution. There will also be a BONUS photo with one of the exhibited Gallery works.
Estimated delivery: October 2015
IF YOU WANT TO BE A VIP! We will organize a VIP evening - with a complimentary cocktail - at the Gallery and you will be able to attend the first screening of the short film to be made as a result of this campaign. You will also have the chance to meet its director and the Gallery partners will give you a private guided tour of the Gallery. This invitation is valid for two persons.
Estimated delivery: October 2015
THE HOLY GRAIL: THE KEYS TO THE GALLERY FOR ONE NIGHT! Yes, you will become the "owner" of the Gallery for an evening; in other words the Gallery will be privatised for you, your colleagues and your friends. You will enjoy a guided tour and introduction by one of the Gallery partners. This will really be a special "art" evening that you will always remember (do not hesitate to contact us for more details).
Estimated delivery: September 2015
THE RED CARPET! You are a true "patron of the arts", you just want to support this project because you believe in us, because you know that we will succeed and above all you really admire and appreciate our concept and project. In return, you will receive several unexpected surprises and you will realise how very appreciative we are.