Des Bourses Scolaires et des Lunettes pour les enfants vietnamiens
<strong>From 2005</strong>, the association <a href="" target="_blank">Solidari'Terre</a> has sent students on a humanitarian trip in Vietnam, in collaboration with local association <a href="" target="_blank">Xuan, Les Enfants de l'Avenir</a>.</p>
This year, we are <strong>6 students</strong> taking up the torch and raising the funds we need!</p>
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From the end of June until the end of July 2015, we will spend <strong>1 month in Phu Vang</strong>, in Hue province, in Vietnam.</p>
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We will:</p>
- allocate <strong>32 scolarships</strong>. We will visit the families to assess with them, thanks to an interpret, the money their child needs to go to school.</p>
- pay for <strong>ophtalmologic health care</strong> for children</p>
- hold <strong>activities in an orphanage. </strong></p>
To follow our adventures, like <a href="" target="_blank">our Facebook page</a>!</p>
Out of the <u><strong>5000€</strong></u> we need, we hope to raise at least 600€ through Kiss Kiss Bank Bank. Each contribution is helpful! We hope to raise the money remaining thanks to sponsorship, jobs and by selling cakes.</p>
The more money we receive, the more appointments with an ophtalmologist and glasses we can pay for. If we receive more than 5000€, we can also consider raising the number of scolarships allotted.</p>
<strong>The impact of our project therefore depends on YOU!</strong></p>
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More infos:</p>
Money will be spent on:</p>
- <strong>32 scolarships among which 11 are for upper studies</strong>. They will provide for tuiton fees, books, pens, school bag, uniform, health insurance... The average age of beneficiaries is 16 years old.</p>
- NEW THIS YEAR:<strong> Appointments with an ophtalmologist and pairs of glasses</strong> (20€ each on average).</p>
All activities organized at the orphanage will be costless.</p>
<strong>All the money collected will <u>only</u> be spent on the humanitarian project ! </strong>We pay our plane tickets and cost of living with our own money.</p>