June 10, 2014
Donations pour l'école de Jazz: Belo Arte Jazz
We're in Cantagalo, a favela of Rio de Janeiro, 50 000 inhabitants crammed on a little hill. Children aren't living like kings around here!
End date
Out of €800
129 %
Donations pour l'école de Jazz: Belo Arte Jazz
The project Bela Arte Jazz started 2 years ago and unifies a group of about fifteen children. It's a music school, spezialised on jazz and completly for free for children of the neighbourhood.</p>
You will tell me that music won't be what makes them get out of their situation.</p>
But being a music teacher is more than just teaching music.</p>
It's givin hope, education and sharing a philosphie that can help in your every day life.</p>
It's teaching a language that everybody can understand. A way to get in contact with people no matter their religion, their color of skin, age or wealth. Its a way to express yourself, express your emotions and ideas without any censorship-</p>
When I tell them that they'll be able to travel, playing music in the street, I see a light shining in their eyes. And for sure the week after everyone knows perfectly how to play their pieces!</p>
Sometimes I tell them about Europe, our country and all the differences in the way of life. It makes them curious and they don't stop asking me questions.</p>
Even giving everything we can its hard to make them progress. There aren't enough instruments nor music sheets and other accessories and without those materials its hard for them to really improve.</p>
Thats why I told myself: Why not ask my friends and other people for help. For example you could just not buy one paquet of cigarettes and exchange it for some happiness. Giving 10€ wont be the end of the world!</p>
Its eating once at Mc, going to the cinema or to a party, or just the cap to get home from the party.</p>
Try it, its not that hard!</p>
For more informations about the project in the past, actualities and photos, look on the facebook page of the project:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bela-Arte-Jazz/205638376196467?fref=ts !! </p>
Allocation of funds
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=603032353123732">Bela Arte Jazz | Facebook</a><a href="https://www.facebook.com/">Facebook</a> - E a manhã assim...(palhinha) #JazznaLaje</p>
How I explained it before we are looking for funds to buy new instruments which we can lend to the childre of the community who are following classes at the music school.</p>
We want also to buy scores with music Cds to motivate them to play at home and to help them sharing their experience with the music with people around them.</p>
We also need to repare some of the sheaper instruments we already bought which start to get old.</p>
Last year the roof broke down (here in the favela you don't call ingeneers to built things!), so the project needs still to pay back the new roof, which is essential for the protection of the piano and to give the possibility to teach with every weather.</p>
<img align="BOTTOM" height="194" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/96864/images__2_.jpg" width="259"><img align="BOTTOM" height="168" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/96865/images__3_.jpg" width="300"><img align="BOTTOM" height="358" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/96867/Bela-Jazz-Arte.jpg" width="540"></p>
This photo shows the difficulties we have to overcome to succeed with our project.</p>
<img align="BOTTOM" height="294" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/96874/print-h-i.jpg" width="540"></p>
We hope you will be numerous, dear donor!</p>
- 5 contributions
A partir de 10 euros, vous aurez le droit à un Grand Merci de toute l'équipe du projet, mais surtout vous aurez rendu des enfants de favela un peu plus heureux! Que demander de mieux ?
Estimated delivery: August 2014
- 26 contributions
En plus d'un Grand Merci, avec une participation de 10 euros ou plus, vous recevrez un joli petit autocollant du projet !!
Estimated delivery: August 2014
- 7 contributions
En donnant 20 euros vous recevrez une jolie carte postale du Brésil. Si c'est pas magnifique !!
(et bien sur, les contreparties précédentes)
- 3 contributions
Pour les plus généreux, en plus de toute les contreparties précédentes vous recevrez un t-shirt du projet !!
voir sur la page fb pour plus de modèles:
Estimated delivery: August 2014
Vous recevrez non seulement toutes les contreparties précédentes mais vous serez aussi dans la liste des parrains officiels du projet!
Estimated delivery: August 2014