
We are two womenswear designers, Alix and Yukyoung. With a love and strong believe in sustainable fashion we have founded our label, Duay.

Project visual duay
End date
Out of €2,000
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manifesto Duay is a synergy of the word “duality” and the first letters of the designer’s names. The idea of dualities is indeed embedded in every aspect of the brand. Duay is a duo of danish/french designer alix habran jensen and korean designer yukyung joung based in Paris. It is an independent studio committed to sustainable designs creating unique aesthetics. Yukyung and Alix met while working together at a brand in paris. Here they discovered a strong common belief for slower and environmentally respectful design. duay was founded from the love of designing new garments, yet conflicted with a feeling of responsibility towards future generations and our earth. A feeling of anxiety towards the role that the fashion industry plays in terms of polluting actors. Two feelings that essentially are in opposition but which together are at the core of the creation of duay. At duay we do not believe that the desire for fashion and garments will decrease but we do believe that the amount of waste caused by the industry needs to. We believe that fashion needs to change it’s methods in all aspects and we want our studio and our customers to be a part of this change. We choose to work with pre-existing materials, this way we not only prevent the production of new fabrics, we help, at our scale, reducing the growing textile waste of our industry. Design-wise duay is a junction of the two designer’s aesthetics allying fluid, draped silhouettes, a certain sensuality together with an interest for craftsmanship and a focus on details. We enjoy the duality of pieces both strong and fragile at the same time. This first release of pieces is fully up-cycled. In order to avoid any unnecessary environmental harm we work closely with french suppliers who themselves recycle, sort and select used garments from france and local picking points. Through our pieces we propose an encounter of a couture process together with the affordability of ready to wear. By working with vintage items we assure a total exclusivity to each piece. The uniqueness of the prime material enables each piece to differ from one another. Furthermore our designers dedicate time to every single piece in order to create singular beautiful colour combinations and placements.

Allocation of funds

Currently our first collection and samples are ready, we have shared them with buyers and have had a very positive feedback. The donations would help us start the production and pay our suppliers.


Featured reward

thank you card and newsletter


- lettre de remerciements par mail - receptions de nos lookbooks digitaux - invitations à nos showrooms en france et à l'étranger - possibilité d'échange avec notre équipe et updates régulières sur l'avancement du projet

Estimated delivery: January 2022

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