May 24, 2013
A child that works on the street cleaning car windshields to help his familly but DREAMS of going to SCHOOL and become an urban music SINGER

End date
Out of €6,500
102 %
<strong>"Esperanzas de Cartón" </strong>is a documentary that describes the life of Jeffrey, a 9 year old boy from the Dominican Republic who works on the streets of Santo Domingo cleaning car windshields. He's the 7th child among a poor family of 9 siblings who live in"Los Tres Brazos" a slum on the east side of Santo Domingo. </p>
Jeffrey has the responsibility of paying the rent and helps his mother financially. During the day he earns his living as an adult and at night he composes and sings "Dembow" Songs with his brother Junior. His dream is to go to School and become a policeman to protect and help his mother but his most secret dream is to become an urban music singer! His life is so hard that he thinks that it is just a bad dream.</p>
<strong>Director's Intentions:</strong></p>
With this documentary I want to tell a simple story of kids forced to be adults. I would like to show the courage of teens and preteens when they set up a goal. Jeffrey embodies that courage regardless of his young age, he bears the responsibility of supporting his mother and brothers. I want to capture the true emotions of those around his life.</p>
"Esperanzas de Cartón" is a representation of our (Dominican) reality, a country where kids, teens and adults have to earn a living in the streets. Jeffrey is one of many children that earn a living cleaning car windshields in Santo Domingo, <strong>a reality that does not belong to the Dominican republic only, but to many Latin American nations, where youngsters have to fight every day for survival</strong>. This peculiar character of our society gives me inspiration and <strong>that's why I want to celebrate him with the making of this documentary. </strong></p>
<strong>Help spread the buzz! </strong>You can also help us by sharing our link and generating buzz over our project.</p>
Comment on this page:</p>
· <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
· <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
· <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
Allocation of funds
I need a <strong>minimun</strong> investment of 6500 € to be able to make this documentary.</p>
The money will be used to cover pre-production and production expenses such as: </p>
• A camera with a lens: 2000€ </p>
• To rent some professional lights, some other lenses, microphones and also the gadgets for protecting the equipments: 1000€ </p>
• 2 hard drives: 200€</p>
• Ticket to Dominican Republic: 800 €</p>
• Additional professional people helping me out (Camera Man, Sound engineer, Production coordinator, Driver): 1000€</p>
• Food for the crew and main characters for every day of shooting (10 to 15 days) 500€</p>
• Transportation (Gasoline for onsite production day): 500€</p>
• To Register Jeffrey and his brothers songs: 500€</p>
<strong>TOTAL: 6500 €</strong></p>
In case we obtain more money than expected we will be able to pay:</p>
• Accommodation with agency fee 1500€ (1 month and half)</p>
<strong>TOTAL: 8000 €</strong></p>
- And also be able to do the Post-Production of the movie:</p>
• Editing - 2000 €</p>
• color correction - 1000 €</p>
• Sound editing - 1000 €</p>
• Sound Mix- Original Music - 1000 €</p>
<strong>TOTAL: 13000 €</strong></p>
- 2 contributions
SUPPORTER!!! Here is what you get for being our SUPPORTER: your NAME ON THE WEBSITE ! <3 :-)
- 8 contributions
Gracias, AMIGO! Here is what you get for being our supporter: your NAME ON THE WEBSITE + a DIGITAL COPY of one of Jeffrey's dembow songs sent to your email address+ A POST CARD of the Film!! <3 :-) Date prévisionnelle d’envoi – Mars 2014
- 6 contributions
Muchas gracias! Here is what you get for being such a good friend: a DIGITAL COPY OF ALL SONGS composed and sang by Jeffrey and his brothers + your NAME ON THE WEBSITE+ 2 POST CARDS of the film+ an invitation to a Dominican Cocktail!! <3 :-) Date prévisionnelle d’envoi – Mars 2014
- 3 contributions
"GRAND AMI" - Woo ! Merci beaucoup ! Voici ce que vous recevrez pour être un Grand Ami : votre nom dans LES CREDITS DES REMERCIEMENTS + un DINER DOMINICAIN spécialement organisé pour vous tous les Grands Amis avec la Directrice + CONTREPARTIE PRECEDENTE!
<3 :-) Date prévisionnelle d’envoi – Mars 2014
- 3 contributions
"AMI FANTASTIQUE" - Woo ! Merci mille fois ! Voici ce que vous recevrez pour être un Ami Fantastique : un DINER DOMINICAIN spécialement organisé pour vous tous les Amis Fantastiques avec la Directrice PLUS 1 invitation + un POSTER DU FILM + CONTREPARTIE PRECEDENTE ! <3 :-) Date prévisionnelle d’envoi – Mars 2014
- 3 contributions
WAW! Thank you, gracias!!You'll get for being such a fantastic friend: a DIGITAL COPY OF ALL SONGS composed and sang by Jeffrey and his brothers + your NAME ON THE WEBSITE + DVD COPY of the film with SPECIAL BONUS (which will be sent to you after the movie hits the festival circuits)+ your name in the THANK YOU LIST OF THE MOVIE CREDITS + 4 POST CARDS of the film+ a DOMINICAN DINNER for all the Amazing amigos with the Director made especially for you PLUS 2 guest + 2 POSTERS OF THE FILM! ! <3 :-) Date prévisionnelle d’envoi – Mars 2014
Many THANKS:) You'll get for being such a ASSOCIATE friend (AF) an ASSOCIATE Friend CREDIT+ 2 TICKET TO PREMIERE of the film(Santo Domingo or Paris or NY)(this does not cover airfare, lodging and food)+ a DOMINICAN DINNER for all the AF with the Director made especially for you PLUS 3 guests+ 6 POST CARDS of the film+2 POSTERS of the film+ a DIGITAL COPY OF ALL SONGS+ your NAME ON THE WEBSITE+ DVD COPY of the film with SPECIAL BONUS(which will be sent to you after the movie hits the festival circuits)! <3 :-)
Date prévisionnelle d’envoi – Mars 2014
Thank you and congratulations You are now an ★ Official PARTNER of the Film (OP)★ You'll get a ★OFFICIAL PARTNER★ credit on the film + you'll be INVITED TO ALL FESTIVALS where the movie participates in(this does not cover airfare, lodging and food)+ to a DOMINICAN DINNER for all the "OP" with the Director made especially for you PLUS 3 guest+ a DIGITAL COPY OF ALL SONGS will be send to you+ your NAME will be ON THE WEBSITE+ a DVD COPY of the film with SPECIAL BONUS will be send to you + 6 POST CARDS of the film & 2 POSTERS OF THE FILM SIGNED BY THE CREW! Date prévisionnelle d’envoi – Mars 2014
★★ VIP OFFICIAL PARTNER (VIP)★★★★★★ congratulations you are now a VIP OFFICIAL PARTNER of the Film ★★★ You'll get the credit on the film + you'll be INVITED TO THE FINAL CUT IN THE POST-PRODUCTION+ TO ALL FESTIVALS where the movie participates in(this does not cover airfare, lodging and food)+ to a DOMINICAN DINNER for all the EA with the Director made especially for you PLUS 4 guest+ your NAME will be ON THE WEBSITE+ A DVD COPY of the film with SPECIAL BONUS and all SONGS will be send to you+ also 6 POST CARDS of the film & 2 POSTERS OF THE FILM SIGN BY THE CREW! Date prévisionnelle d’envoi – Mars 2014