Étude des singes Vervet d'Afrique du Sud
<img alt="1601-louve-3-1485366782" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/387076/1601-Louve-3-1485366782.jpg"> I am Lauren, currently at an agronomy and biology Engineer School in Paris (named AgroParisTech). I’ve always been fond of biology and zoology (especially about monkeys). Since I was a child, I’ve dreamed of studying and observing wild monkeys behavior! When I’ve been offered to do this internship about studying Vervet monkeys in South Africa, it was obvious I had to do it.</p>
I will do this internship, which aims at<strong> Studying Vervet monkeys’ social behavior</strong>, from 4th April to 1st August. It will take place at a South African reserve located in Limpopo: Mogalakwena River is a 1500 ha reserve. I’ll be working for a research center settled in the reserve. You can get more information on their website:</p>
<a href="http://www.mogalakwena.com/research/research-centre/" target="_blank">http://www.mogalakwena.com/research/research-centre/</a></p>
My study goal would be to know those monkeys better and to understand their natural behaviors by observing them in wild.</p>
<img alt="2-1485334791" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/386864/2-1485334791.jpg"></p>
<strong>On the field</strong></p>
What’s interesting, but also hard, with this research is observation features: those mammals are partial nocturnal and very territorial (in very wide spaces). Thus, direct observing are quite hard. Getting information needs volunteers like me to study those fascinating animals.</p>
<strong>At the camp</strong></p>
Part of my work will be to collect and analyze found data. This should help the research center to better understand local monkeys’ social behaviors.</p>
<img alt="Art1-1485334885" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/386865/art1-1485334885.jpg"> <img alt="Art2-1485334919" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/386866/art2-1485334919.jpg"></p>
<strong>The artist me</strong></p>
Drawer and plush-sewer since several years, I want to make this experience and art experience too. I would like to benefit from the wonderful landscapes and incredible animals to practice water-colored illustrations and photography. I’ll make some art book that I will offer to those who helped me with funding.</p>
I’d like to make some Vervet monkey plushies to make the more known among my public (and I will give those plushies to my funders too of course). </p>
<img alt="Art3-1485334966" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/386867/art3-1485334966.jpg"></p>
The research center interns are all volunteers. So I’ll pay or whole fees whereas this internship condition don’t allowed me to get a bourse from my school nor country. That’s why I’m asking for some financial help, every single dollar would be helpful!</p>
Here are what fees I have:</p>
- Visa fees: 50$</p>
- Medical fees: 370$</p>
- Travel: 1300$</p>
- Housing: 1500$</p>
Total goes to more than 3200$ (without feeding nor trekking material) and this funding aims at covering unplanned fees which will certainly be added to this huge total. I didn’t expect that much fees when signing for the internship, so I hope to get some help. All donations will be on my account (Laurène Fraysse).</p>
I’ll very thankful to all donators ! <strong>Every single dollar will help me realize my dream </strong>!</p>
If I get more than my funding aim, I'll make a video report of my internship for all my donators. Plus, I'll put my vervet monkey plush pattern for sale and give all benefits to a animal protection association !</p>