ETUDE SLA MICROBIOTE : une étude pionnière sur la SLA (maladie de Charcot)

ALS (Charcot's disease): What if the issue is in our gut?

Project visual ETUDE SLA MICROBIOTE : une étude pionnière sur la SLA (maladie de Charcot)
End date
Out of €20,000
137 %

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ETUDE SLA MICROBIOTE : une étude pionnière sur la SLA (maladie de Charcot)

What is ALS or Charcot's disease? Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Charcot's disease or Lou Gehrig's disease, is a neurological disease characterized by degeneration of motor neurons that control muscle movement, leading to progressive muscle paralysis and death due to respiratory failure. Motor disability may be associated with other signs affecting the digestive tract, metabolism and immune system. The clinical and evolutive expression of ALS varies from patient to patient, with a median survival of 2 years and extremes from 6 months to 15 years, although these differences are not fully understood. In the vast majority of ALS cases, the cause is unknown. No drug has proven effective in treating ALS, the symptoms or the progression of the disease. The purpose of the TECS association and the ALS Microbiota study In 2020, our association "Tous En Selle Contre la SLA" (TECS) was created on the initiative of a core group of ALS patients and their families to support research into the links between ALS and the gut microbiota, and the development of new therapies, as this area of research is still largely unexplored. To do this, TECS chose to work with a committee of volunteer experts, doctors and researchers in the field of microbes and gut microbiota, from INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research), INRAE (French national institute for agronomic research, food and the environment), and Université Paris-Saclay. 3 years later, thanks to our determination, the TECS association has carried out the first French kinetic* and comparative study of the gut microbiota of ALS patients and their relatives, sharing the same environment. *Monitoring changes in the microbiota in line with disease progression The "SLA Microbiota" clinical trial, whose investigators are Professor Jamila Faivre (INSERM) and Doctor Joël Doré (INRAE), was launched in 2022 after obtaining regulatory and ethical authorizations (approval from the Comité de Protection des Personnes Ile de France II obtained on March 24, 2022). Stool samples are taken from patients and their relatives (controls) at regular 6-month intervals over a 2-year period. The study is currently funded solely by donations to the association. However, despite a network of faithful and regular donors, this is not enough to guarantee the completion of the entire study. What stage has the study reached? The study comprises five phases (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4), spaced at approximately 6-month intervals, corresponding to the frequency of sample collection. The total cost of each phase is approximately €20,000. Funding for stages T0 and T1 has already been guaranteed by the TECS association. Stage T0 covers the collection of clinical data and the first sampling cycle. It ran successfully from August 2022 to February 2023, and included 60 patients and 54 controls. Sequencing of the fecal microbiota from stage T0 is currently underway. Stage T1 covers the second sampling cycle. It was launched in April 2023 and has been fully funded Stage T2 covers the third sampling cycle and is scheduled to start in October 2023. Yet to date, despite our association's best efforts, we do not have the necessary funds to complete stage T2, nor the following stages (T3, T4). That's why we've decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign. Our objective is straightforward: to raise 20,000 euros to fund the T2 stage of the study, which is our priority. Thanks to your support, we are confident of reaching this goal.

Allocation of funds

Short-term objectives The funds raised will be used to cover the different expenditure items in stage T2, according to their respective costs. The total cost of performing one stage of the study, i.e. €20,000, breaks down as follows: Pre-analytical phase = 10% of total cost Clinical data collection Sample collection (equipment and consumables) Sample transport Analytical phase = 35% of total cost Laboratory sample processing Nucleic acid extraction Sequencing Post-analytical phase = 55% of total cost Analysis, correlation with clinical data Bioinformatics and statistics Secure data storage Each item of expenditure is necessary to complete the study, which is precisely the reason for our funding target. We need to obtain these funds by August 2023 at the latest, in order to be able to consider the T2 stage, which is due to start in October 2023, and for which preparations are underway several weeks in advance. Medium-term objectives Thanks to this campaign, we also hope to improve public awareness of our association, increase the number of donators and members, and offer the opportunity to work together on projects aimed at understanding and combating ALS. Beyond stage T2, the study must continue through to stage T4, i.e. two additional stages to be financed thereafter. So, if we manage to exceed our target of 20,000 euros, the additional funds raised will enable us, in order of priority: secure the financing of stages T3 and T4; develop the association's communication tools and media. Our aim is to help establish proof of the relationship between ALS and the gut microbiota. We believe that if this link is substantiated, it will enrich this whole new field of research into neurodegenerative diseases and the gut microbiota and, more broadly, into the links between the brain and the gut. To make this project a success, we need your support. Help us fund this innovative and challenging study, and demonstrate the link between ALS and the gut microbiota. Faced with the failure of existing therapeutic solutions, it is urgent to support research to develop new therapies and improve and prolong the life and quality of life of ALS patients. Thank you so warmly for your support. -- IMPORTANT: All contributions in exchange for a consideration benefit from a 66% tax deduction, with the exception of those in exchange for Joël Doré's book. All contributions without consideration (= free gift) are tax-deductible at 66%.


Personalised association card 💌


  • 15 contributions

Estimated delivery: September 2023

Association support pack 🙌🏼


  • 19 contributions

Estimated delivery: September 2023

Free access to Arte documentary on microbiota 📺


  • 36 contributions

Estimated delivery: September 2023

30x30 cm Karine Brailly's paintings poster 🎨


  • 8 contributions

Estimated delivery: September 2023

Online invitation to a conferences series on microbiota 💻


  • 25 contributions

Estimated delivery: October 2023

Book "Jamais sans mon auxi !", from Karine Brailly, signed 📖


  • 8 contributions

Estimated delivery: September 2023

Book "Bien manger pour ne plus déprimer", from Guilaume Fond, signed 📖


  • 16 contributions

Estimated delivery: September 2023

Featured reward

Physical invitation to a conferences series on microbiota 👩🏻‍🏫


  • 8 contributions

Estimated delivery: October 2023

Book "Le microbiote intestinal" from Joël Doré, signed by the author 📖🖋


  • 10 contributions

Estimated delivery: September 2023

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