Fleurs d'Equinoxes

"Equinox Flowers" is a poetic short film about past loves and souvenirs, happening in the late 60s, remembering WKW's In the Mood for Love.

Project visual Fleurs d'Equinoxes
End date
Out of €3,000
28 %

Fleurs d'Equinoxes

<p>(if you have a <strong>company or an industry</strong> and would like to do some advertising, please have a look at the rewards section !)</p> <h2><strong>Synopsis :</strong></h2> <p><em>In the 60s night parties. While Marie was visiting an appartment to finally settle down with her lover Andr&eacute;, the landlord, Anna, discovers that Marie is the new love of the man she loved many years ago. Andr&eacute;, him, discovering that the appartement is the place he previously lived, starts to remember his lost memories, while Marie forces him to settle down with her.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/552920/vlcsnap-2018-11-01-04h24m57s223-1541388447.png" width="100%" /></p> <h2><strong>L&#39;&eacute;quipe :</strong></h2> <p>Director/writing/production : <em>Ludovic Bontemps</em></p> <p>Dialogues : <em>Laurent Bernard</em></p> <p>Cinematographer :<em> Pierre Hosselet</em></p> <p>Leads : <em>Paula Isiegas, Nathalie Meunier, Alexandre Lino</em></p> <p>Cameraman : <em>Benjamin Liberda</em></p> <p>Post-prod sound : <em>Gianluca Kegelaert</em></p> <p>Music&nbsp;: <em>Simon Vanneste</em></p> <p>Editing: <em>Harold Bauthier et Ludovic Bontemps</em></p> <p>Hair and make up :&nbsp;<em>Vivyane Dewals</em></p> <p>Sets assistant :<em> Adrien Raemdonck</em></p> <p>Food and suits : <em>Marie-France Hemberg</em></p> <p>Precious Help : <em>Louis Peroo, Anthony Zollo, Pierre Van Der Lynden, Diego A.</em></p> <h2 style="text-align:center"><strong>Thanks for your support, we invite you to have a look at the teaser above !</strong></h2> <p><img alt="" src="https://i86.servimg.com/u/f86/19/41/38/24/img_3710.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>The visual inspirations come from <strong>In the Mood for Love</strong> (and most of <strong>Wong Kar Wai</strong>&#39;s films) ; <strong>Akira Kurosawa</strong> and <strong>Takeshi Kitano</strong> for the composition.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/552111/vlcsnap-2018-11-01-04h25m22s231-1541043419.png" width="100%" /></p> <p>We hope to release the film in <strong>April 2019</strong> and thus send it to <strong>festivals </strong>by the next spring !</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://i86.servimg.com/u/f86/19/41/38/24/img_3610.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>The idea of the project came when an old person went to a retirement house : his home was going to be renovated and sold. By pure luck, we were able to visit the place before and made a proposition to shoot there a movie, before the restoration. The house is goergeous, everything has been kept as in the 60-70s, furnitures, windows, and especially the plenty of retro wallpapers (those will be used for the film credits).</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://i86.servimg.com/u/f86/19/41/38/24/img_3810.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>By the lack of funds and qualified persons, the film will not be shot on film stock as intended, but we will keep the 1,85 aspect ratio (unlike the fake 2,35 in most of the acutal produced short willing to imitate a &quot;cinema&quot; look...) !</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://i86.servimg.com/u/f86/19/41/38/24/img_3711.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>For any complementary information, don&#39;t hesitate to contact us, people or companies, everyone is welcome to help :)</p> <p><strong>Contact</strong> : ludovic.cinema@gmail.com (reply under 10 days)</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://i86.servimg.com/u/f86/19/41/38/24/img_3510.jpg" width="100%" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>The gathered funds will be used for the making of the short film, its post-production and its future distribution.</p> <p><em>Details of expenses :</em></p> <p>Actors : 900&euro;</p> <p>HMC : 600&euro;</p> <p>Food : 300&euro;</p> <p>Equipment + Technical stuff : 1000&euro;</p> <p>Festivals (part of it, we hope to be help by the local WBI funds) : 70&euro;</p> <p>Total : 2770&euro; (92%) + 240 (8% KKBB+bank fees) = 3010 round&nbsp;<strong>3000&euro;</strong></p> <p>If the gathered funds exceed 3000&euro;, the money will be used to pay the registration fees in festivals (40 to 85 $ for American festivals, travel fees if selected are of course not included) and provide a better distribution and worldwide visibility of our work ! Thank you very much !!</p>


Featured reward

Shooting documents


Online access to the documents (numerical copies) of the film : last version of the screenplay, original intentions from before shooting and editing, and storyboard (scans) (+previous rewards).

Estimated delivery: February 2019

Thank you !


The pleasure and satisfaction to have helped the production of a local independant low-budget short to come alive ! Access granted to the online version of the film after festival distribution.

Name in End Credits


Your name in the end credits (+previous rewards).

Pre-release access


Online access to the film and its different cuts at the same time as the cast and crew ! (+previous rewards).

Estimated delivery: March 2019

Shooting pictures


Online access to the pictures taken during the shooting (+previous rewards).

Estimated delivery: February 2019

Special mention


    Your name in the end credits in the special mention/category (limited to 5 people !) (+previous rewards).



    An invitation to the Premiere screening of the film (Brussels or Braine-l'Alleud), intended to be for Spring 2019 (+previous rewards).

    Estimated delivery: April 2019

    Signed screenplay


      Signed and dedicated screenplay hardcopy by the director (Europe and China only). Limited to 10 copies ! (+previous rewards).

      Estimated delivery: March 2019


        A drink with the director ! Enjoy an afternoon talking about films around a good beer ! (Belgium from Feb to Aug 2019, maybe China after Sept 2019, Français/English/汉语) (+previous rewards).

        Your logo in BIG !


          (companies) Your company's logo in big at the opening of the film, before the credits, under the mention "this short film has been mostly financed by". Guaranteed visibility for each view of the film ! Also in the end credits (+previous rewards).

          Your name at the opening !


            (persons) Your name in big at the opening of the film, below the line "this short film has been mostly financed by". Also in the end credits (+previous rewards).



            You're crazy ! Previous rewards + customized request from your part ! (approved by the director) :)

            Make a donation

            Give what I want