Pré-commandez le FREE LIVRE et aidez nous à financer ce projet !

Project visual FREE LIVRE !
End date
Out of €5,000
22 %


<p>The concept was simple: we&rsquo;ve already had uploaded a few pictures online, and then, we publicly invited anyone who wanted to participate to this collection to upload their own photos.</p> <p>Some clarifications were although necessary for participants to get caught up in the game:</p> <p>&ldquo;Anyone can participate, there&rsquo;s no actual rule, you are free to upload any picture you&rsquo;d like once we&rsquo;ve added you to the contributor&rsquo;s list. We only ask you to be the author of the content you&rsquo;d like to share. You also might find some inspiration in the pictures that&rsquo;s been already posted.&rdquo; &nbsp;</p> <p>As regular shifts were put into place because of the limited amount of contributors at the same time, effervescence grew and, in three months, 1000 photographs were uploaded by nearly 90 internet users. But since it is restless to process that much images, we&rsquo;ve made a book out of it.</p> <p>This fundraising will allow us to print out 500 FREE LIVRE (ou Un bout de ou FREE LIVRE le Livre) as well as to plan a launch partie/exhibition at library OFR&rsquo;s 104, in Paris.</p> <p>Thank you for your time, consideration, and we hope to see you soon with books in our hands!</p> <p>Freely,</p> <p>The FreeLivre Team</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>This fundraising will allow us to print out 500 FREE LIVRE (ou Un bout de ou FREE LIVRE le Livre) as well as to plan a launch partie/exhibition at library OFR&rsquo;s 104, in Paris.</p>


a BIG thanks


The FREE LIVRE's team thanks you for your contribution and looks forward to seeing you at the book launch in September 2019 in Paris!



FREE LIVRE's team thanks you for your contribution. You will receive a FREE LIVRE.

Estimated delivery: September 2019

one book FREE LIVRE + a Tote Bag + a framed postcard format image


FREE LIVRE's team thanks you for your contribution. You will receive a FREE LIVRE + a Tote Bag + a framed image.

Estimated delivery: September 2019

Un FREE LIVRE + un tirage encadré 15 x 21 cm + un Tote Bag


L'équipe du FREE LIVRE vous remercie pour votre contribution. Vous recevrez Un FREE LIVRE + un Tote Bag + un tirage encadré 15 x 21 cm

Estimated delivery: September 2019

Un FREE LIVRE + un Tote Bag + un grand tirage photo


L'équipe du FREE LIVRE vous remercie pour votre contribution. Vous recevrez Un FREE LIVRE + un Tote Bag + un grand tirage photo (42x59,4cm)

Estimated delivery: September 2019

2 livres + 2 Tote bag + un tirage encadré (15x21cm) + un grand tirage photo


L'équipe du FREE LIVRE vous remercie pour votre contribution. Vous recevrez 2 FREE LIVRE + 2 Tote bag + un tirage encadré (15x21cm) + un grand tirage photo

Estimated delivery: September 2019

2 FREE LIVRE + 2 Tote bag + 2 grand tirage photo (différents)


L'équipe du FREE LIVRE vous remercie pour votre contribution. Vous recevrez 2 FREE LIVRE + 2 Tote bag + 2 grand tirage photo

Estimated delivery: September 2019

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