[ Freespace ] in Paris

Participate in [ Freespace ] ! A creativity, community and civic innovation space.

Project visual [ Freespace ]  in Paris
End date
Out of €5,000
14 %

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La Banque Postale



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GLAMOUR supports the project [ Freespace ]  in Paris

[ Freespace ] in Paris

<p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FjO_X889wR_g%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjO_X889wR_g&amp;image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FjO_X889wR_g%2Fhqdefault.jpg&amp;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> <strong> [ Birth of Freespace ]</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> The [Freespace] idea was born in San Francisco when a community was given a warehouse for $1 for one month. </p> <p> [Freespace] was created out of the  <a href="http://hackforchange.org" target="_blank">National Day of Civic Hacking</a> which is sponsored by the White House and NASA and invites hackers to use open data to solve challenges in their communities. As a response to this event, [Freespace] extended the National Day of Civic Hacking to the National month of Civic Hacking.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="National-day-of-civic-hacking-event-banner1-970x400" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100278/national-day-of-civic-hacking-event-banner1-970x400.jpg"></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> Providing an open space to people from many backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines, [Freespace] will enable citizens to innovate and create together. </p> <p>  </p> <p> We started with a simple observation: it is a challenge to find a workplace that is free for everyone. We need a space to promote collaborative creation and exchange between people who had never have the opportunity to work together outside of [Freespace]. </p> <p>  </p> <p> Getting out of our comfort zone and bringing new ideas to the community: that is the concept of [Freespace]. </p> <p>  </p> <p> [Freespace] welcomes radical inclusion with distinct communities of experts (scientists, artists,  economists, lawyers, musicians, IT developers, ect…) who will meet in the space to help to generate ideas, create projects, and find solutions to challenges. </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> An ephemeral space, our goal is to create a temporary space for lasting change. We will be open from June 20th until the end of September. </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="405" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FKj9YJrCA_3E%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DKj9YJrCA_3E&amp;image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FKj9YJrCA_3E%2Fhqdefault.jpg&amp;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p> <p> <em>Mike Zuckermann at Ouishare fest </em></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong> [ Philosophy ]</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p dir="ltr"> <img alt="Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.35.05" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100282/Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.35.05.png"></p> <p> Inspired by the mean annual release of creative power and artistic community values of Burning Man</p> <p> [ Freespace ] is an eco-friendly, ephemeral community gathered around multiple events and creative projects.</p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> <strong>[ Valeurs ]</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> <img alt="Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.36.43" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100284/Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.36.43.png"></p> <p>  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> <strong>[ Freespace is extending ]</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> Presented below are the different cities that will soon be opening their [Freespace].</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Screenshot_2014-06-02_21.33.25" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97521/Screenshot_2014-06-02_21.33.25.png">      </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>[ Our team ]</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> [ Freespace ] is an open group that thrives in the diversity of its’ members! Our aim is to work together.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Screenshot_2014-03-22_16.59.10" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97425/Screenshot_2014-03-22_16.59.10.png"></p> <p> Today our core team includes 16 members of all ages and backgrounds:</p> <p>  </p> <p> Adèle:  Gobelins, visual communication </p> <p> Marie: Paris Dauphine, finance </p> <p> Stéphanie:  Paris Dauphine, finance </p> <p> Amine: Sup de Pub, advertising  </p> <p> Beth: Professor, poet </p> <p> Fanely: Fashion model, artistic director </p> <p> Murielle:  ESCIA, webmaster </p> <p> Inkis: Archeology</p> <p> Romain: Aeorotic engineer, sustainable development   </p> <p> Camille: Euromed, teacher</p> <p> Xavier: Artistic director </p> <p> Sami: Harvard, neuroscientist </p> <p> Ghizlaine: Corporate finance </p> <p> William: Sorbonne and Sup de Pub, Graphism </p> <p> Carole: CNAM</p> <p> Laurent: Paris Dauphine, serial entrepreneur </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> Here is the whole team : <a href="http://freespaceparis.wpigniter.org/core/" target="_blank">http://freespaceparis.wpigniter.org/core/</a></p> <p> Want to join in the adventure of [Freespace] ? Write us  at <i>getintouch@paris-[Freespace].com</i></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>[ </strong>Our “Space”ship <strong>]</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> [Freespace] is a 500 m² space in an Eiffel style building near the Canal Saint Martin, the Saint Louis Hospital, and the Place de la République.   [[Freespace]] is located at 15-17 rue Sambre et Meuse 75010 Paris.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.50.17" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100285/Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.50.17.png"></p> <p> <em>Entrance, 15-17 Rue de Sambre et Meuse, Paris 10e.</em></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.51.31" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100286/Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.51.31.png"></p> <p> Currently under construction, this location will open this summer and will be open from Wednesday to Sunday. We need you to be ready!</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.57.34" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100288/Screenshot_2014-06-11_21.57.34.png"></p> <p> <em>The space is 500 m2.</em></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>[ Events ]</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> March 3, 2014, the <a href="http://vimeo.com/90136132" target="_blank">first Fashion Hackathon</a> in France at Numa, in the heart of the textile quartier was completed in two weeks.</p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> <img alt="10012599_425267287608530_2033337192_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100473/10012599_425267287608530_2033337192_n.jpg"></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fplayer.vimeo.com%2Fvideo%2F90136132&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;src_secure=1&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F90136132&amp;image=http%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F469172877_640.jpg&amp;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=vimeo" width="540"></iframe></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p>  On June 23rd, we will create a neighbourhood hack event at NUMA. The aim is to discuss how to improve relations between neighbors and optimize our relationships with each other (for example how to share: time, equipment, food, gardens, rainwater, etc.. ). You are welcome to participate !</p> <p> https://www.numa.paris/Evenements/VOISINS-CO</p> <p>  </p> <p> During Fashion Week in September, we will organize a FashionTech event at Numa, with the star designer Chalayan, Parsons School, Hall Couture, Startupweekend, and many others. The event is held simultaneously in New York, London and Milan.</p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> <strong>[ Hacking the World Cup ]</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p>  </p> <p> [Freespace] Paris will open in June in conjunction with the launch of the World Cup in Brazil.</p> <p> This global sporting event is a time when the world comes together to celebrate the potential in each one of us to achieve our goals and dreams. Freespaces across the globe will screen the World Cup. In partnership with UNICEF, at halftime, the screen will turn into a global video conference with Freespaces from all around the world.</p> <p> Each Freespace will share their ideas and local events with each other to inspire hope and to create a worldwide conversation about working together and sharing. </p> <p dir="ltr"> You can discover more about it on  http://blog.burningman.com/2014/05/afield-in-the-world/global-freespace-movement-to-hack-the-2014-world-cup/</p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p> <strong><u>Nos amis :</u></strong></p> <p> <img alt="Screenshot_2014-06-02_22.13.28" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100290/Screenshot_2014-06-02_22.13.28.png"></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>[ Prizes /Distinctions in France ]</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p dir="ltr"> - National Contest  <a href="http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid77179/ouverture-des-inscriptions-au-prix-pepite-tremplin-pour-l-entrepreneuriat-etudiant.html" target="_blank">PEPITE </a>for entrepreneurship by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research </p> <p> - Participant in the Digital Talents House Mutuality, Utopia category</p> <p> - Semi-finalist in the Student of the Year competition in France</p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> <strong>[ Press ]</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> Freespace in San Francisco : http://www.freespace.io</p> <p dir="ltr"> <a href="http://www.fastcoexist.com/1682343/this-is-what-happens-when-you-give-a-creative-community-an-empty-14000-square-foot-building#1">http://www.fastcoexist.com/1682343/this-is-what-happens-when-you-give-a-creative-community-an-empty-14000-square-foot-building#1</a></p> <p dir="ltr"> <a href="http://www.pinterest.com/arrowrootmedia/freespace-press/">http://www.pinterest.com/arrowrootmedia/freespace-press/</a></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> <strong>[ Videos ]</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> http://vimeo.com/90109094</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> Thank you very much ! </p> <p>  </p> <p> LET'S MAKE [ FREESPACE ] HAPPEN ALL TOGETHER IN PARIS ! </p> <p>  </p> <p> <i>Go alone go fast, Go together go far.</i></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p>

Allocation of funds

<p dir="ltr"> The fundraising will allow us to bring the complementary and essential financement for the development of your place like charges, electricity, water, internet and space security.</p> <p dir="ltr">  </p> <p dir="ltr"> The more we have funds, the more the space will get bigger and organized as you all wish and imagine. This is a place for all of us designed by us ! <img alt="10464246_10154216029550417_2485294552653214763_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/101349/10464246_10154216029550417_2485294552653214763_n.jpg"></p>



Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party !

Estimated delivery: August 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers

Estimated delivery: August 2014


Your name on the wall and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style

Estimated delivery: August 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + creative tango lesson by Sami

Estimated delivery: August 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + a light painting by Xavier


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + your private yoga and meditation initiation by the hot teacher Beth from San Francisco !

Estimated delivery: August 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + your private yoga and meditation initiation + creative Tango lesson by Sami or a light painting by Xavier

Estimated delivery: September 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + photoshooting for you done by Murielle or Thomas

Estimated delivery: September 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + photoshooting for you done by Murielle or Thomas + creative Tango lesson by Sami or a light painting by Xavier + when [Freespace] closes in September you will have the opportunity to grab the item you’ve always wanted at [Freespace] !

Estimated delivery: September 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + photoshooting for you done by Murielle or Thomas + creative Tango lesson by Sami or a light painting by Xavier + when [Freespace] closes in September you will have the opportunity to grab the item you’ve always wanted at [Freespace] + Astrologic discovery tour in Paris from the heights of the town !

Estimated delivery: September 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + photoshooting for you done by Murielle or Thomas + creative Tango lesson by Sami or a light painting by Xavier + when [Freespace] closes in September you will have the opportunity to grab the item you’ve always wanted at [Freespace] + fashion coaching by the stylist Alice, Inkis or Amandine


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + photoshooting for you done by Murielle or Thomas + creative Tango lesson by Sami or a light painting by Xavier + when [Freespace] closes in September you will have the opportunity to grab the item you’ve always wanted at [Freespace] + startup coaching by the “Les Poissons Volants” agency

Estimated delivery: September 2014


Your name on the wall of [Freespace] and a collective hug for a dose of positive energy + a ticket for the special donors party + [Freespace] stickers + your portrait [Freespace] style + photoshooting for you done by Murielle or Thomas + creative Tango lesson by Sami or a light painting by Xavier + when [Freespace] closes in September you will have the opportunity to grab the item you’ve always wanted at [Freespace] + a tour for you and your friends in the CATACOMBS of Paris with the French Burners !

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