INSOLITE promotes artists, sound postmen and craftsmen and gives a space for musical, sound and cultural diversity.

Project visual INSOLITE asbl
End date
Out of €6,000
9 %


<p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>In an artistic, musical and pedagogical universe in constant motion and in perpetual demand for recognition, the existence of INSOLITE association seems obvious.</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Promote artists, sound factors and postmen, and their instruments. Give a place to musical, sound and cultural diversity.</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>INSOLITE is a platform, an engine, a springboard. Its root is its adherents; sound factors, craftsmen and musicians, but also pedagogical and cultural actors in constant demand of concrete and objective projects, linked to their goals.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>The goals of INSOLITE are:</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>- Value&nbsp;the work, talent and skills of its members.</p><p>- Promote their involvement, in the field of sound, perceptions, diversity and personal development, in an educational environment.</p><p>- Create new synergies between sound factors and craftsmen as well as between cultural and educational actors.</p><p>- Demonstrate that one can give shape to his imagination, make his passions alive and realize his objectives and vocation, as unusual as they could be.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>INSOLITE is a space of discovery, development and meetings, a showcase, for these artists and musicians, whom are the expression of a cultural and musical diversity. The &#39;Salon des Instruments Insolites&#39;, a unique event organized by the association, as well as other projects aimed to&nbsp;the public, are the showcase of INSOLITE and its members.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In concrete terms, being a member of INSOLITE means benefiting from a real support. Through its network, the association is able to find solutions, provide help in the drafting files and projects, search for partners or even to be a support in obtaining subventions.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The objective being to promote, INSOLITE does not take any &quot;bite on the cake&quot; on the various projects and contracts which will be established with pedagogical and cultural actors.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>Members will be offered a schedule over several months of their interventions. This will allow them to have a clear vision on their planning and therefore visualize the time they will have to evolve in their personal projects as well as the budget they will be able to invest in the said projects.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>INSOLITE is the platform that allows active members&nbsp;and educational or cultural actors to focus on their goals and their work. It gives the opportunity to all of them&nbsp;to bring to life, objectively and constructively, their respective projects.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>PEDAGOGICALLY&nbsp;ORIENTED&nbsp;WORKSHOPS AND INTERVENTIONS&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The various workshops offered by INSOLITE will be led by its members; sound therapists, sound factors, musicians or artists. All are recognized for their know-how, their pedagogical spirit and their experience.</p><p>Their fundamental objectives are&nbsp;to promote awakening, personal development and collective well-being.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>INSOLITE&rsquo;s team visits the institutions and pedagogical actors to present the various workshops and interventions, in accordance with their educational project. It also supports the projects of artists, sound postmen and craftsmen and puts all its energy into the realization of those.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Promote, support and shape.</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>Your contribution will be invested in:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>First Level: 6000&euro;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>INSOLITE&rsquo;s office installations and layout.</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Office plan:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Budget: 3500&euro;</p><p><br />This investment will enable the association to function and respond to the demands of both educational actors and intervenants.</p><p>A space will also be dedicated for the adherents, allowing them to work on their presentation files or other projects, with the support of our team.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Communication and promotion.</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Website, folders and other visuals: 2500&euro;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>These are essential in the development of activities and in obtaining long-term support from subsidizing powers and future partners.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>More donations, more projects coming to life.</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><br />It is obvious that the project of INSOLITE is only feasible on the basis of partnership, grants and donations.</p><p><br />If your support exceeds the amount requested, here is how it will be invested in a transparent and concrete way:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Second Level: 10.000&euro;</strong></p><p><br />- Expenses linked to the canvassing and presentation of the project in more than 50 educational institutions before&nbsp;end of June 2018 (schools, children&#39;s hospitals, day centers and other social institutions). As each institution has a project, a budget and varying needs, each file and presentation or workshops are&nbsp;tailor-made.</p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;Training and follow-up of trainees at INSOLITE association.</p><p>-&nbsp;&nbsp;Expenses related to daily communication and promotion as well as to rental charges.</p><p>- Creating&nbsp;&quot;synergistic&quot; events: meetings between members, support of projects and organization&nbsp;of the 2019 Fair of Unusual Instruments!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Third Level - 20.000&euro;</strong></p><p><br />Reaching this sum would allow INSOLITE to subsist, evolve and respond in a concrete way to the needs and demands of both stakeholders and cultural and educational actors.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><br />Indeed, let&#39;s be realistic, it&#39;s been a year that we have been working full time on&nbsp;this project, in which we believe and&nbsp;makes sense. On the one hand, the organization of the &#39;Salon des Instruments Insolites&#39; and on the other hand the birth of INSOLITE association.</p><p><br />It&#39;s being a year of volunteering. We are certainly richer in positive encounters and experiences, but without a stronger financial base, the association will not be able to respond to the general enthusiasm and the demands of the pedagogical actors and members of INSOLITE.&nbsp;</p><p><br /><strong>To support is also&nbsp;having&nbsp;people supporting you.</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>The counterpart&nbsp;&quot;THE DONATION THAT DONATES&quot; - Associations whom will benefit from your donations.</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>Some of the rewards of your donations are actually donations to other associations that, through music and sound, are aimed at the personal fulfillment and well-being of people with physical or mental disabilities and people in social or personal difficulty.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>. <strong>L&#39;Ecole Maximilien</strong> is an incredible team of volunteers, teachers and educational actors, schooling the children of refugee families during their &quot;stage&quot; of transition and integragtion. INSOLITE and this team are putting in place projects based on musical and sound workshops oriented towards the learning of the French language, getting more self-confidence and recovery.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>. <strong>Pr&eacute;-Texte&nbsp;</strong>aims to provide a place to welcome people who can not integrate themselves into working structures, even adapted. It aims to encourage personal development , social maturation&nbsp;and&nbsp;autonomy of the individual.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>. <strong>Ana&iuml;s<strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></strong>is a day center for adults with mental disabilities, mental disorders and behavior. The goal of Ana&iuml;s is, among others, to be a meeting place and to offer workshops based on the development and construction of symbolic landmarks.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>. <strong>La Chantrerie</strong> is hosting&nbsp;musical workshops for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The objective is to contribute to the development of their personality.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>. <strong>The others</strong>: INSOLITE&nbsp;is in the midst of development and is building more and more relationships and contacts with many associations. It is obvious that they will also benefit from your counterparts!</p><p>&nbsp;</p>



A Thank You message on INSOLITE's page!


Guilhem Desq's autographed album: Visions.


An INSOLITE instrument; the Bass Dan Moi


An INSOLITE T-shirt. Long sleeves - available in all sizes - Special VIP edition for your kids!


    Choose between both INSOLITE's gifts: - A ticket to one of the concerts of the Festival de la Harpe 2018 and a autographed album of Vanessa Gerkens. - A Thunder Box.


    The INSOLITE backpack for the musical awakening of your kids! Included: a Dan Moi, a Wooden Ball Shaker, a 3D Flute from YouMake and a surprise!


      Offer a Kalimba or Drum to the Maximilian School or another association supported by INSOLITE asbl. If you wish or are available, you will have the opportunity to offer it yourself. With, of course, a little surprise too ... All information about the associations that INSOLITE is supporting is to be found in the project description.


        Give a Didgeridoo or a Stardrum to the Academie "la Chantrerie" of Soignies or to the association "Pré-texte". If you wish or are available, you will have the opportunity to offer it yourself. With, of course, a little surprise too ... All information about the associations that INSOLITE is supporting is to be found in the project description.

        Keyaki Narusawa private concert


        Offer your friends and relatives an amazing and INSOLITE private concert of Keyaki Narusawa. More vids on Facebook page INSOLITE asbl and youtube.


        Offer a sound and vibrations workshop by SAWADI to Anaïs association! All information about the associations that INSOLITE is supporting is to be found in the project description.


        A private concert of Wonderlhang for you, your relatives and friends ! INSOLITE ! (Belgium only)

        Make a donation

        Give what I want