May 19, 2016
L'épicurieuse | 5x5000 TREK FOR SOCIAL CHANGE | Nepal
L’épicurieuse is an initiatory and engaged solo travel experience to reveal, to promote and to measure the individual action potential.

End date
Out of €5,000
100 %
L'épicurieuse | 5x5000 TREK FOR SOCIAL CHANGE | Nepal
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<u><strong>The idea is very simple</strong></u> : <strong>Have you ever thought of taking up a sportive challenge to raise money for some local social business with a large potential of environmental and social impact during your travel experience ?</strong></p>
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<u>This is exactly what I'm going to do in Nepal </u>: taking up a crazy 16 days trek in the Everest Region which means to climb 5 times above 5000m to raise 5000€ for local social business. </p>
<strong>>>>>> 1 euro for 1 meter climbed !</strong></p>
<u><strong>Who Am I ?</strong></u></p>
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My name is Charlotte Hoefman, I am a 23 year old french solo traveler from Lille (northern France) but I was established in Lyon (southeast France) for the past 5 years for my studies in a Political Sciences University. </p>
I would like to confess that: since childhood I asked myself an important question every morning to help me to make the most important life choices. <u>This question is</u> :<strong> Why do I keep waking up every mornings ? Have you ever asked yourself this question ? </strong></p>
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<strong>At the age of 17</strong>, while the perfect medicine or engineer career path was drawn for me, one morning I decided to change my mind to take exams to enter in that kind of renowned political university in France. Nobody trusted me, all my family and my friends told me : <strong><em>"You will never succeed in passing this exam ! That kind of studies are not for you...". </em></strong>But finally, I succeeded in.</p>
<strong>At the age of 22</strong>, while my studies did not make sense for me anymore,<strong> I read a book</strong> that changed my life, <u><em>Building Social Business</em></u>, a book written by <strong>Muhammad Yunus </strong>: a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist and civil society leader who was awarded the <strong>Nobel Peace Prize</strong> for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of <strong>microcredit and social business</strong> (a new kind of organization that applies commercial strategies improvements in human and environnemental impact on the society. And again, while my family and my friends told me <strong><em>"You are utopian, that kind of business can not exist", </em></strong>I decided <strong>to become a changemaker</strong> by working for a <a href="" target="_blank">big social entrepreneurship movement</a> in France as a pilot in a Region. During more than 1 year, <strong>I had the most inspiring life</strong> by working with more than 60 social entrepreneurs, helping them to raise their business, to spread their solutions and to raise awareness among the french government. </p>
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<strong>At the age of 23</strong>, while I had such an amazing, passionate and busy life, <strong>suddenly a morning my life turne</strong>d so much so that I had to detach myself <strong>to look back on my life. </strong></p>
This morning, I realized exactly why I kept waking up every mornings, <strong>what were the main feelings and characteristics which drove my motivation and my energy</strong> : a curious mind, a passion for adventure and world exploration, a strong believe in Humanity, an entrepreneurship and creative mind, a natural and communicative "joie de vivre" but above all, <u><strong>a big dream</strong></u> : t<strong>o be a changemaker rather than being a spectator of the world changes, to contribute right now to build the future world to make it even more better, sustainable and human. </strong></p>
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<strong>This morning, L'épicurieuse was born !</strong> It is also the morning I decided to quit that confortable and promising life, <strong>to get out my confort zone</strong> to dedicate all my energy and my passion this crazy new life project : L'épicurieuse ! I decided to backpack my stuff <strong>to be part of the new Sense Digital Nomad generation in search of sense, inspiration and change. </strong></p>
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<a href="" target="_blank">L'épicurieuse</a> is a project based on the idea that is possible <strong>to reveal, to promote and to measure</strong>, the <strong>individual action potential </strong>on the society, with <strong>an initiatory and engaged solo travel experience</strong> around the world. </p>
At the same time, the aim is to <strong>raise awareness among world citizens</strong> by sharing and spreading the positive solutions that are developed all around the world by inspiring people to solve the main challenges of the 21st century.</p>
L’épicurieuse<strong> is about how each individual can contribute to make the world even more responsible and united</strong>. It’s a project about <strong>how travel could be the best experience for yourself and the others at the time. </strong></p>
After 1 month spent in Nepal, a community of almost <a href="" target="_blank">1000 persons</a> are following the project on the blog and on social media but also some <a href="" target="_blank">companies</a> are now part of the project. That's why I decided to start my first action which consists<strong> in challenging yourself with a crazy action for a good cause</strong>. </p>
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<strong>Let's #follow, #support, #share this challenge !!!</strong></p>
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Allocation of funds
Nepal has been suffered one of the most important ecological crisis with the massive earthquake of the last April. This disaster had a very serious impact on the people's lives, on the infrastructures and also on tourism. One year after, damages have hardly been repaired but it's not that hard to find lots of initiatives for helping rebuilding this country. This is one of the reason why I decided to go to Nepal as the first destination of my travel plan. </p>
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Logically, your money will be used for financing 3 different kind of actions which participate in a direct or indirect way on the Nepal reconstruction : </p>
<strong>1) <u>50% of the campaign amount </u>will be allocate to your compensations. </strong></p>
<strong>The idea is very simple : </strong>I'm going to send you <strong>qualitative and very special products</strong> which are 1<strong>00% Made in Nepal, handcraft, ethical, responsible, ecological</strong> and produced by nepalese <strong>social business</strong> which are working in resolving different kind of social and environmental issues like climate change, women empowerment, recycling, organic agriculture...</p>
The aim is <strong>to allow you to discover the nepalese culture from the handcraft and social business perspective </strong>and at the same time, to <strong>have an indirect impact on the Nepal economy, environment and social issues.</strong></p>
Each of your compensations will be send with a presentation and a description of the organization, its missions and impacts on the nepalese society but also the story about it creation.<strong> During all the campaign, you will have the opportunity to discover more about those products on the different <a href="" target="_blank">social media.</a> </strong></p>
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<strong>2) 4<u>0% of the campaign amount</u></strong> will be allocate to different pilot programs which will be setting up with a local social business. </p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Sabah Nepal</a> has been actively involved over the past several years in strengthening the livelihood of more than 2000 financially deprived and marginalized home based workers women of rural Nepal. </p>
Khokana, a small village on the southern fringe of the Kathmandu valley will be the epicenter of my work. This is because Sabah has a strong physical presence there and we would be able to impact the local community efficiently with 2 different actions : </p>
1) A pilot and trainee program on the environmental issue, one of the most problem in Kathmandu area. This aim is to trained those 200 women on how they can preserve the environment with an efficient waste management to bring the tourism back in those areas.</p>
2) A microcredit program for those women who need a small amount of money to start their own business and empower themselves. </p>
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<strong>3) <u>10% of the campaign amount </u></strong>will be allocate to a financial participation on the total cost of the trek (equipment, transports, local agency...)<u>.</u></p>
I picked up a responsible and engaged local agency named <a href="" target="_blank">Social Tours</a> for taking up this challenge which means your money will have a direct impact on the local life. Also, Raj Gyawali, the Social Tours's founder is one of the most inspiring and engaged people I met in Nepal and he is very concerned by the environmental issue, which it does make sense with the challenge aim. </p>
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- 5 contributions
DO RECYCLING AND BE SUSTAINABLE | | 10 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Recycled ∞ Ethical ∞ Responsible ∞ Handcraft ∞ RECYCLE PENCILS & BAG @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: December 2016

- 6 contributions
GET IMMERSED WITH NEPALESE HANDCRAFT | | 15 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Handcraft ∞ Ethical ∞ Responsible ∞ NATURAL BRACELET & HANDCRAFT FLOWER @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: December 2016

- 10 contributions
ORGANIC COFFEE BRINGS NEW IDEAS | | 20 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Responsible ∞ Organic ∞ Recycle ∞ ORGANIC COFFEE & RECYCLE BOOKNOTE @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: August 2016

- 3 contributions
GO BAMBOO AND BE GREEN | | 25 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Responsible ∞ Green ∞ BAMBOO SCARF @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: December 2016

- 5 contributions
BE HEALTHY WITH MARIJUANA | | 30 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Responsible ∞ Green ∞ Natural ∞ MARIJUANA BAG @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: December 2016

- 7 contributions
GET INSPIRED AND BE RELAXED | | 40 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Homemade ∞ Green ∞ Natural ∞ AYURVEDIC TEA & ENCENSE @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: August 2016

- 3 contributions
LET'S HAVE A GREEN SURPRISE | | 60 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Organic ∞ Green ∞ Natural ∞ HIMALAYAN COFFEE HONEY & ORTIE (NETTLE) SCARF @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: December 2016

- 3 contributions
GET WARM AND HAPPY | | 80 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Responsible ∞ Recycle ∞ CACHEMIRE SHAWL (CHÂLE) @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: December 2016

- 2 contributions
COOK GREEN AND DRINK ORGANIC | | 100 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Organic ∞ Green ∞ Natural ∞ MANGO WOOD CUTTING BOARD & RECYCLE RECIPE NOTEBOOK & AYRUVEDIC TEA & ORGANIC COFFEE @100%MadeInNepal | | Thank You on @LepicurieuseBlog
Estimated delivery: December 2016

GET A NEPALESE HOME/COMPANY STYLE + | | 300 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Organic ∞ Green ∞ Recycle ∞ 1 SUSPENSION COFFEE PAPER LIGHT & NEPALESE PRAYER FLAG + 2 MANGO CUTTING BOARDS + 5X5 RECYCLE PENCILS + WAX NEPALI HOME PAINTING @100%MadeInNepal | | PARTNERSHIP on @LepicurieuseBlog & SocialMedia | | LOGO promotion on ALL SUPPORTS
Estimated delivery: December 2016

GET A NEPALESE HOME/COMPANY STYLE ++ | | 300 METERS | | 5x5000 Videos-Photos-Stories | | Sustainable ∞ Ethical ∞ Organic ∞ Green ∞ Recycle ∞ 2 SUSPENSION COFFEE PAPER LIGHTS & NEPALESE PRAYER FLAG + 3 MANGO CUTTING BOARDS + 10X5 RECYCLE PENCILS + WAX NEPALESE HOME PAINTING + MANDALA CARPET @100%MadeInNepal | | LOGO promotion on #MediaSupports | | PARTNERSHIP on @LepicurieuseBlog & SocialMedia
Estimated delivery: August 2016

Estimated delivery: December 2016