October 27, 2014
La Classe à Dallas - Team France Roller Derby
Team France Roller Derby: The Top-20 French players on their way to the World Cup in Dallas.
End date
Out of €6,000
155 %
La Classe à Dallas - Team France Roller Derby
<strong>The French Team of Roller Derby taking part in the 2014 World Cup.</strong></p>
Roller Derby is a team sport on skates, mixing contact and speed, imported from the United States. Invented in the 1930's, it experienced a rebirth in 2009 with the release of Drew Barrymore's movie <em>Whip it</em>. The discipline arrived in France in February 2011 with the creation of teams in Bordeaux, Toulouse and Paris. A hundred associations followed in their footsteps. In only three years, Roller Derby won the heart of 2.000 players, members of the French Federation of Roller Sports (FFRS). A French Team was created in 2011, sending 20 players to the first World Cup in Toronto, Canada where they reached the 7th place out of 13. For the second World Cup of Roller Derby in Dallas, the cradle of the sport, a strong team of 20 athletes will proudly represent the French colors. They have been preparing since summer 2013, attending intensive training camps and international bouts. They have already won many victories against the national teams of Holland, Norway, Belgium and Denmark and they don't intend to stop now. They are going to be classy in Dallas!</p>
<img alt="1622802_540794242685505_32460331_n-1408099295" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/113378/1622802_540794242685505_32460331_n-1408099295.jpg"></p>
<strong>Help Team France go to Dallas!</strong></p>
Although the Team France players are members of the French Federation of Roller Sports, they do not receive financial assistance like professional athletes. Does that mean we should wait until we are fully recognized and supported? We don't think so! From the very beginning, Team France has been struggling to gather funds, looking for sponsors and selling team merchandizing. However, despite all these efforts, huge expenses remain to be covered by the players. Including -and especially- for Dallas. That is why the French Team of Roller Derby needs your support to go to Texas and meet the best conditions as possible for success.</p>
<img alt="10412013_618024601629135_3304851608515906914_n-1408099311" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/113379/10412013_618024601629135_3304851608515906914_n-1408099311.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>How can you help?</strong></p>
- In buying goodies specially made for the World Cup in Dallas, in very limited edition. - With a donation: Your name will appear in a thank-you video and you will get a tax exemption on your donation.</p>
- In sharing our project and sending us demonstrations of support!</p>
<img alt="La_classe_a__dallas-1408099427" height="239" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/113380/La_classe_a__Dallas-1408099427.png" width="219"></p>
<strong>Your support is essential for the French Team and for French Roller Derby</strong></p>
By supporting the French Team of Roller Derby, you're also supporting the whole French Roller Derby community. Strong commitment and success in Dallas will bring recognition to a sport that is still marginalized in France.</p>
Your financial support will enable to help:</p>
- Partly finance travel expenses for Dallas;</p>
- Cover the accommodation and other expenses on the spot;</p>
- Make Roller Derby and the French Team better known.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2Fw6EJCvD0p-w%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dw6EJCvD0p-w&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fw6EJCvD0p-w%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
- 14 contributions
Our gratitude for your support and your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video.
Estimated delivery: December 2014
- 26 contributions
2 Dallas special edition badges "La Classe à Dallas" as well as our gratitude for your support! Your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video. (shipping costs included for France / + € 5 World).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
- 41 contributions
2 badges + 1 Dallas special edition sticker "La Classe à Dallas" as well as our gratitude for your support! Your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video. (shipping costs included for France / + € 5 World).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
- 24 contributions
TSHIRT TEAM FRANCE : T-shirt classique de la Team France, ainsi que notre reconnaissance pour votre soutien ! Votre nom apparaitra dans la vidéo de remerciements après Dallas. (frais de port compris pour la France / + 5 € pour Monde )
Estimated delivery: November 2014
- 30 contributions
TSHIRT EXCLUSIF : 1 Tshirt exclusif supporter Team France "La classe à Dallas", ainsi que notre reconnaissance pour votre soutien ! Votre nom apparaitra dans la vidéo de remerciements après Dallas. (frais de port compris pour la France / + 5 € pour Monde )
Estimated delivery: November 2015
- 16 contributions
PACK SUPPORTER TF : 1 Tshirt Team France + 1 Tote Bag + 2 badges + 2 stickers, ainsi que notre reconnaissance pour votre soutien ! Votre nom apparaitra dans la vidéo de remerciements après Dallas. (frais de port compris pour la France / + 10 € pour Monde )
Estimated delivery: November 2014
- 37 contributions
FAN PACK: 1 T-Shirt + 1 Tote Bag + 2 badges + 2 stickers, "La Classe à Dallas" - Dallas special series "The Class in Dallas" as well as our gratitude for your support! Your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video. (shipping costs included for France / + € 5 World).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
- 2 contributions
COUPLE PACK "La Classe à Dallas ": 2 T-Shirts (1 men's and 1 women's) + 2 Tote Bags + 4 stickers + 4 badges - Dallas special series "La Classe à Dallas" as well as our gratitude for your support! Your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video. (shipping costs included for France / + € 5 World).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
- 4 contributions
TEAM FRANCE JERSEY DALLAS EDITION: The exclusive jersey of the French Team in Dallas! With a surprise postcard sent from Dallas! As well as 4 stickers, 4 badges, and our gratitude for your support! Your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video. (shipping costs included for France / + € 5 World).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
2 Tshirts + 2 Tote Bags + 4 badges + 4 stickers + The exclusive jersey of the French Team in Dallas! With a surprise postcard sent from Dallas and signed by all the players! And our gratitude for your support! Your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video. (shipping costs included for France / + € 5 World).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
Make a donation
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Sold out
Sold out
- 50 contributions
T-SHIRT TEAM FRANCE: Classic Team France T-shirt, and our gratitude for your support! Your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video. (shipping costs included for France / + € 5 World).
Estimated delivery: November 2014
Sold out
- 30 contributions
DALLAS SPECIAL EDITION T-SHIRT: Team France T-Shirt, "La Classe à Dallas" - Dallas special series, as well as our gratitude for your support! Your name in our post-Dallas thank-you video. (shipping costs included for France / + € 5 World).
Estimated delivery: November 2014