June 26, 2014
La Paillasse
We need you to help us build the first OPEN and COMMUNITY LAB in France !

End date
Out of €14,000
157 %
La Paillasse
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_20_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100054/Banniere_KKBB_-_20_english.jpg"></p>
We are reinventing together the concept of laboratory, to make Science and Technology more open, shareable and available to everyone. </p>
<a href="http://lapaillasse.org/" target="_blank">LA PAILLASSE</a> is<strong>:</strong></p>
<strong>- The collaborative spirit of makers who embraces biology,</strong> </p>
<strong>-</strong> <strong>A co</strong><strong>llaborative space and a</strong><strong> fablab</strong> merged with a <strong>biotech </strong><strong>research lab</strong>.</p>
<strong>-</strong> <strong>A genuin</strong><strong>e space of freedom and </strong><strong>counter-culture </strong>for explorers and curious minds.</p>
In order to offer this <strong>unique space of experimentation in France</strong> where designers, scientists, artists, makers, entrepreneurs, engineers and citizens can<strong> freely invent the Future</strong>, we now<strong> need your support </strong>to make this unique adventure happen.</p>
<strong>THE VALUES OF LA PAILLASSE</strong></p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_valeurs_de_lp__english_" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100053/KKBB_-_valeurs_de_LP__english_.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_21_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100055/Banniere_KKBB_-_21_english.jpg"></p>
In This talk at LIFT 2014 in Geneva, Thomas Landrain, founder and president of La Paillasse, presents how and why biohacking has emerged; he explains what is a biohacker-space. Among several examples of biohacking projects, he delves into home-grown ink, one of many biotech applications that you can develop and use at home.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2Fy31S3uomq9Q%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dy31S3uomq9Q&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fy31S3uomq9Q%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_22_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100056/Banniere_KKBB_-_22_english.jpg"></p>
At the beginning, <strong>LA PAILLASSE is a fabulous experience born in a squat of the Parisian suburb area</strong>. The early clandestine lab has since grown and turned into <strong>one of the largest community labs in the world.</strong></p>
<img alt="Assemblage_kkbb_squat" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97746/assemblage_KKBB_squat.jpg"></p>
<strong>THE BIOSCAVENGER CAMPAIGN</strong></p>
<strong>How can we equip a modern biology lab for free ?</strong> We go scavenging for pieces of left-over lab equipment dumped by academia and private firms. <strong>Recycling is really a gold mine for the construction of a low-cost lab</strong>. To reach the thousands of French labs, we use our community, your community. <strong>We launched the bioscavenging campaign(biochineurs) so that everyone can help in our recycling effort</strong>. With this campaign, we hope to recover enough material<strong> to equip not only La Paillasse's new site in Paris, but also to help our budding network in France (Lyon, Bordeaux, ...) and abroad (Lausanne, Manila, ...).</strong></p>
<strong>WHEN NASA FUNDS LA PAILLASSE</strong></p>
<strong>La Paillasse received last year a grant from SPACE GAMBIT, a NASA-funded foundation, to develop a cheap and open source bioreactor</strong>. When NASA funds a squat to send humans into space, it validates the ecosystem of La Paillasse; it demonstrates the strength of free and open innovation!</p>
<strong>WIRED UK IS SPEAKING OF US</strong></p>
<img alt="Wired_la_paillasse_062014" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97748/WIRED_LA_PAILLASSE_062014.jpg"></p>
<strong>WHY DID WE CREATE LA PAILLASSE ?</strong></p>
On one hand <strong>Science has become too expensive and much complicated to quickly prototype ideas.</strong> On the other hand, <strong>scientists and non-scientists miss places where they can meet</strong> and exchange ideas, outside the impenetrable walls of scientific institutions. In a time when we are in need of better and cheaper biotechnologies, <strong>we took the initiative of building a modern biotech lab as a hackerspace. It is open to everyone, without diploma. It is cheap to use, the membership fee is what you make it</strong>. All projects and<strong> products are made with an open license and the benefits are re-invested to promote ever better projects.</strong> It also means everyone can go back to an old project, fix it, transform it and make it always better. <strong>For the first time, makers, designers, artists, scientists, students and any man, woman or child are able to try their hands at biology</strong>. No need to save the world. No need to be published in a science journal, and no need to race for a patent. Do what you want, do what you like and have fun with anyone you could wish to invite. <strong>Barely two years old, we already have 10 projects incubating, with young designers, engineers and biologists</strong>. <strong>We hope to make biology easier to access to everyone. It is too important to be left solely in the hands of professionals.</strong></p>
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_23_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100057/Banniere_KKBB_-_23_english.jpg"></p>
<strong>LA PAILLASSE MOVES TO PARIS!</strong></p>
<strong>Two months ago, with the support of the City of Paris, La Paillasse left its suburb squat to move into a 750m2 (8072 sqft) headquarter, in the middle of Paris!</strong> Le Sentier, the digital innovation campus of Paris.</p>
La Paillasse is now located in a cloister of the 18th century at 226 rue Saint Denis in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris just between the NUMA (Digital innovation hub) and the Gaite Lyrique (Museum for digital arts), in the veryheart of the Sentier district</p>
<img alt="Plan_226_paris" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98356/plan_226_paris.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_24_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100058/Banniere_KKBB_-_24_english.jpg"></p>
<strong>The new space of La Paillasse is bound to become a unique place</strong> with its peculiar mix of biotechs, robotics and ancient stones.</p>
The space will be divided into two areas: the ground floor for co-working and conference rooms and the large basement (the caves!) that will host the labs.</p>
<img alt="La_paillasse_226_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100174/La_Paillasse_226_english.jpg"></p>
<img alt="La_paillasse_226_copy2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97626/La_Paillasse_226_copy2.jpg"></p>
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<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_25_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100059/Banniere_KKBB_-_25_english.jpg"></p>
Here are some the projects that are being developped at La Paillasse. The community of La Paillasse has a great range of skills, allowing us to work on a wide range of problems using software, hardware and wet lab approaches.</p>
What would happen if instead of buying regular non-recyclable ink at a high price, everyone could produce ink at home in an eco-friendly way? <strong>We were able to develop the first protocol to manufacture biodegradable organic ink using bacteria. You can even change the colour by changing acidity. </strong>This ambitious project is currently being developed through the joint efforts of biologists and designers.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_bioink_nice" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/99193/KKBB_-_bioink_nice.jpg"></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fplayer.vimeo.com%2Fvideo%2F84710705&wmode=opaque&src_secure=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F84710705&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F462883491_1280.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=vimeo" width="540"></iframe></p>
<strong>We created a very low cost system for genetic tests (10 to 100 times less expensive than the standard commercial offer)</strong>. It allows everyone to decrypt his biological environment (plants, animals, food, ...). A simple and unexpensive tool for the analysis of different genetic signatures such as those of genetically modified organism (GMO). With these tests you can also tell which meat is used in your hamburger: beef or horse, organic or modified? </p>
<img alt="Lasagnes" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98411/lasagnes.jpg"></p>
Electronic components are now very difficult to recycle. Once discarded in the environment, the pollution createdcan take centuries to disappear naturally. <strong>We are currently working with engineers at Sony to experiment and develop a biodegradable conductive material. Such technology could reduce drastically the impact of electronics on the environment.</strong></p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_electronique_bio" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97896/KKBB_-_electronique_bio.jpg"></p>
<strong>BIOREACTORS </strong></p>
Biological reactors are routinely used in the academic and industrial fields to control and optimize the growth conditions of microorganisms. Bioreactors are useful for the mass production of biomolecules and to detoxify waste. Those tools are central to many laboratories but are extremely expensive to acquire. <strong>We recently obtained a7500 $ grant from the SpaceGambit foundation, funded by NASA and DARPA, to develop a low-cost and open-source bioreactor accessible to all.</strong></p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_bioreacteur" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97897/KKBB_-_bioreacteur.jpg"></p>
<strong>We organise regular workshops to introduce the public to the concepts and technics used in basic research (DNA barcoding, PCR, DNA sequence comparison)</strong>. We also organise debates on the progress of research and biotechnology.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_workshop" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97898/KKBB_-_workshop.jpg"></p>
We organise regular <strong>conferences on emerging technologies, where we invite current leaders to present and share their vision with the community of La Paillasse.</strong> This is how we connect La Paillasse to a large number of innovation ecosystems worldwide.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_conferences" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98998/KKBB_-_conferences.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_26_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100060/Banniere_KKBB_-_26_english.jpg"></p>
<strong>Over the last two months</strong> since we arrived at "226 rue Saint-Denis", <strong>there have been no less than thirty events and meetings between makers, entrepreneurs, designers and scientists ! </strong>Our goal is to become a hub for all creative communities that are curious about and that need technology. <strong>With the installation of a complete laboratory, La Paillasse in Paris will be able to host a hundred projects in parallel !</strong></p>
<img alt="Hackpad.com_z8kgqtzhqfb_p.62368_1401804287764_photo" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/97779/hackpad.com_z8kGQtzhQFB_p.62368_1401804287764_photo.JPG"></p>
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_27_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100061/Banniere_KKBB_-_27_english.jpg"></p>
<strong>La Paillasse is supported by a dedicated team with various skills ! </strong>Some scientists, some engineers, others come from design, business and law, or even professional globe-trotters! <strong>What unites us all is the motivation to reinvent the way in which science is serving society.</strong></p>
<img alt="10277900_10203798694316865_2399681935137770707_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98358/10277900_10203798694316865_2399681935137770707_n.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_28_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100062/Banniere_KKBB_-_28_english.jpg"></p>
<strong>The initiative is still fragile and requires special attention, espicially in light of its originality in the French economical and technological landscape.</strong> The next three months will be crucial for the future of the project. <strong>The goal of this crowdfunding campaign is to support us during this critical period prior to our opening in September so that we can create a place at the level of our ambitions !</strong></p>
The story of La Paillasse is first of all a community of enthusiasts and daring citizens, seeking to redefine the environement of the laboratory from a blank sheet <strong>with one solely constraint: putting the development of science and technology in a more OPEN and DEMOCRATIC framework</strong> to better address all the challenges that await us. It was therefore natural for us to <strong>CALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT</strong> to assert the ambition of La Paillasse.</p>
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_29_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100063/Banniere_KKBB_-_29_english.jpg"></p>
<strong>We believe that EUR 14 000 is the minimum required to enable La Paillasse to settle into its new premises and toallow an early opening in September. </strong>However, with your help during this campaign, i<strong>f we exceed our goal, it is a complete laboratory that can be offered to all our residents</strong> as soon as September! <strong>Your help is priceless !</strong></p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_objectives_campaign_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100234/KKBB_-_objectives_campaign_english.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Banniere_kkbb_-_30_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100064/Banniere_KKBB_-_30_english.jpg"></p>
To thank you for supporting us by participating in this campaign, we offer various counterparts according to the value of your commitment.</p>
1- THE WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS [For 1 € and more]</p>
Because we want to thank all of you for supporting The Paillasse, we offer you to include your name on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS regardless of your participation</p>
2- STICKERS [For 10 € and more]</p>
The unique stickers made by La Paillasse ! </p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_stickers" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98850/KKBB_-_stickers.jpg"></p>
2- THE OPENING CEREMONY [For 25 € and more]</p>
A moment that will remain in all memories. Be there from the beginning!</p>
3- A PRACTICAL WORKSHOP to learn LOW COST GENETIC TEST [For 49 € and more]</p>
Do not be afraid of your biological environment, decode it!</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_dna_barcoding_english" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/101365/KKBB_-_DNA_barcoding_english.jpg"></p>
3- A PRACTICAL WORKSHOP to grow your own INK [For 79 € and more]</p>
A unique workshop to learn how to master the secrets of personal bioproduction. A new form of autonomy putting any material at the center of a cycle of remediation.</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_bioink_trio" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/99234/KKBB_-_Bioink_trio.jpg"></p>
Choose your photo on this blog http://www.serendibscoop.com/sets/diybio-open-spaces.</p>
We will contact you to print your very own limited edition copy.</p>
<img alt="Lightroom__dscf2445_large.jpg_and_15_others_" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98818/Lightroom__DSCF2445_large.jpg_and_15_others_.jpg"></p>
Be among the first residents of La Paillasse in September 2014 ! </p>
<strong>Mid term RESIDENCY</strong> [For 249 € more] (max : ~10) 3 Month of residence Be a part of it, create the ladders to the clouds </p>
<strong>LONG TERM Residency</strong> [For 499 € more] (limit the number : ~5)</p>
6 month of residence Transcend body and spirit to merge into the neverending biohacking Nether .</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_plan_226_detaille" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98909/KKBB_-_plan_226_detaille.jpg"></p>
6- MASTERCLASS [For 999 € and more]</p>
For your or your organisation, a MASTERCLASS during half a day, to understand and learn the new disruptive technologies performed by the entire Paillasse's Team that counts biologists, designers, entrepreneurs, engineers, sociologists and lawyers! A unique masterclass to understand the issues of technological revolution of today and tomorrow and their impact on our society. + a special invite for the inauguration party of September + Your NAME on the CONTRIBUTOR's WALL inside a lab + big THANK YOU !</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_masterclass" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98906/KKBB_-_masterclass.jpg"></p>
7- Become one of the funding pillars of La Paillasse [For 1999 € and more]</p>
Dear PARTNER, Become one of the Paillasse PILLAR. </p>
Be visible in a unique ecosystem of makers, scientists and entrepreneurs who all work together to invent the world of tomorrow!</p>
Visibility on one face of the pillar of your choice with the message of your choice + a special invite for the inauguration party of September + Your NAME on the CONTRIBUTOR's WALL inside a lab</p>
<img alt="Kkbb_-_piliers" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/98820/KKBB_-_piliers.jpg"></p>
- 28 contributions
A big THANK YOU + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab !
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 61 contributions
Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: July 2014
- 141 contributions
An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 43 contributions
WORKSHOP "LOW COST GENETIC TEST" Analyze your own food! + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 14 contributions
WORKSHOP "GROW YOUR OWN INK" A new material. + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 15 contributions
One framed PHOTOGRAPHY of your choice from the expedition of Aurelien Daily in the universe of American hackers + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 13 contributions
Get an UNLIMITED ACCESS to La Paillasse space for A WEEK. Come test and discover the universe of La Paillasse and become one of our very FIRST RESIDENTS! + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: September 2014
- 2 contributions
BIG SUPPORTER: One WORKSHOP of your choice + One framed PHOTOGRAPHY of your choice from the expedition of Aurelien Daily in the universe of American hackers + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 5 contributions
-- Special early bids -- Get an UNLIMITED ACCESS to La Paillasse space for A MONTH. Come test and discover the universe of La Paillasse and become one of our very FIRST RESIDENTS! + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: September 2014

- 5 contributions
Get an UNLIMITED ACCESS to La Paillasse space for A MONTH. Come test and discover the universe of La Paillasse and become one of our very FIRST RESIDENTS! + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: September 2014

For you or your organization, half a day of MASTERCLASS on new disruptive technologies realized by La Paillasse team at La Paillasse or in the place of your choice (Cost of travel non-included) + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: September 2014

- 1 contribution
-- PARTNER -- Become one of La Paillasse PILLARS! We offer the face of one of our pillars for you to put the message of your choice
+ An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Estimated delivery: July 2014

- 1 contribution
-- SUSTAINING PARTNER -- Become one of La Paillasse FOUNDATIONAL PILLARS! You get an EXCLUSIVE presence with the message of your choice on one of our unique carrying pillars + An invitation to our OPENING PARTY in september + Two La Paillasse STICKERS - for you and a friend + your NAME on our WALL OF CONTRIBUTORS which will stand in our lab ! + a big THANK YOU!
Become a FOUNDATIONAL PILLAR for La Paillasse!
Estimated delivery: July 2014