Les Ailleurs

They are "abducted" by aliens.

Project visual Les Ailleurs
End date
Out of €9,000
114 %

Les Ailleurs

<p>&quot;<strong>Other Places</strong>&quot;</p> <p>We have all grown up with stories. From sweet early childhood to tiring adulthood, stories make us dream, question things and sometimes even doubt.<br /> I have always believed (as one might) that alien stories were made up for Hollywood movies.<br /> And yet, beyond the big budget scenarios, sensational books and hoaxes are countless stories of which the sincerity and uniqueness can touch you deeply.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631446/bandeau-1572609741-1573753609.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>For more than 10 years I have taken interest in UFOs. At first my photographer&rsquo;s eye, attracted by inexplicable lights and fuzzy shapes, pushed me to dig deeper on the subject. Then my experience in humanitarianism, filming on the field, led me to want to capture the words of those who have lived extraordinary experiences.<br /> Whether you are Cartesian, mystical or simply curious you cannot remain insensitive to the sincerity and wounds of those who tell, marked forever by what they have gone through.<br /> These are the stories that I will tell you, those of four French people who hide behind mockery, who feel forgotten, and whose words have weight only among the few who still listen to them.<br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631447/bande_texte-1573045123-1573753639.jpg" width="100%" /><br /> &ldquo;Abducted by aliens? You can smile, it&rsquo;s a normal reaction. But the experience I&rsquo;m offering you here won&rsquo;t amuse you very long.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> I have spent four years searching, travelling and documenting these unique testimonials. Ever since &ldquo;the contact&rdquo; everything has changed for these people.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631448/2R6A1675-1573044717-1573753675.jpg" width="100%" /></p> <p>Discover the all project in the website&nbsp;<a href="https://lesailleurs.fr/" target="_blank">https://lesailleurs.fr/</a></p> <hr /> <p><strong>WHO AM I?</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631450/seb-3-banner-2-1572615156-1573753744.jpg" width="100%" /><br /> After graduating in audio-visual, I&rsquo;ve travelled the world for over 10 years with NGOs to carry out field reports. I started my career in image with art photography. My series, Reflet(s), Faces cach&eacute;s, and 11&egrave;me Fronti&egrave;re have been in several exhibitions.&nbsp;<br /> I&rsquo;ve participated as director of photography in multiple documentaries questioning the limits of reality, especially with INREES with whom I still work closely today.<br /> When I&rsquo;m not on the field, I work with audio-visual production companies in Paris and Bordeaux, where I currently live.<br /> <br /> <strong>MY TEAM</strong><br /> <br /> It would have been impossible for me to lead this project without the help of my closest collaborators and friends. They were kind enough to support me from the beginning. Big thank you to them. Here they are:&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631451/equipe-banner-1572616424-1573753765.jpg" width="100%" /><br /> <strong>Julien Perez</strong>, &ldquo;Broken Ed&rdquo;, composer<br /> <strong>Maxime Berland,</strong> mixer<br /> <strong>Ghyslain Armand</strong>, communication<br /> <strong>Benjamin Adida</strong>, graphist<br /> <br /> This project would have never been possible without the unconditional support of Patrick B&eacute;du&eacute;, a sincere friend and generous patron, whom I cannot thank enough for his interest in my work.<br /> <br /> INRESS supports this film. INREES in an institute gathering experts from the worlds of science, health, psychology, spirituality and culture around unexplained or extraordinary experiences.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>HOW WILL THE FUNDS COLLECTED BE SPENT?</strong><br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631452/montage_photos_site-1573127148-1573753814.png" width="100%" /><br /> I have carried out 50% of the project on my own funds. I now need the KissKissBankBank community to help me finalise my documentary.<br /> <br /> Here is my timeline :<br /> 2014 &gt; Documentation focused on extra-terrestrial contacts<br /> 2015 &gt; Researching and meeting several &ldquo;abducted&rdquo; people<br /> 2015-2018 &gt; Beginning of the shoot in France, self-production of four people<br /> 218-2019 &gt; Beginning of the photo series<br /> 2018 &gt; Meeting the music composer and the graphist for the visuals<br /> 2019 &gt; Presenting the project&rsquo;s progress (trailer, extracts, photo prints) for the crowdfunding campaign.<br /> 2020 &gt; Filming the remaining 50% of the documentary and post-production work : editing, music, calibration, mixing and broadcast.<br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631453/2R6A7571-1572609576-1573753837.jpg" width="100%" /><br /> To this day, half of the filming is done. If this campaign succeeds, I will be able to finish the entire project initially planned. In short:<br /> <br /> - Keep following these four people, spend more time with them, go further in their lives and in their interactions with the environment and relatives.<br /> - Attend meetings of the CERO association, which &ndash; thanks to 2 psychologists- welcomes, guides and helps other &ldquo;abducted&rdquo; people in France.<br /> - It&rsquo;s a crazy dream but I would like to organize a meeting between these four people who do not know each other yet. They can share what they&rsquo;re experiencing and try to understand what happened to them.<br /> As you probably know, making a movie is expensive. And since the schema of this documentary doesn&rsquo;t follow any lucrative logic, your financial support is essential for me to accomplish my work.<br /> <br /> The funds collected through this campaign shall be distributed as follows :&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>&nbsp;8% commissions from Kisskissbankbank</li> <li>10%&nbsp;rewards</li> <li>35% production</li> <li>47% post-production</li> </ul> <p>The subject is so deep and complex, that there are still many stories and revelations to come&hellip;<br /> Depending on the support this project receives, I can later reach the following production levels (mini-series or documentary film) :<br /> <img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631460/episodes-1572618135-1573754189.jpg" width="100%" /><br /> 1st level achieved : 9000&euro; &gt; 5 episodes (15min per episode) or a total of 1h15<br /> 2nd level achieved : 11&nbsp;000&euro; &gt; 6 episodes (15min per episode) or a total of 1h30<br /> 3rd level achieved : 13&nbsp;000&euro; &gt; 7 episodes (15min per episode) or a total of 1h45<br /> <br /> I&rsquo;m counting on your support to help me achieve these goals. Thanks to you, these incredible stories will finally be heard. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/631461/merci-1572619186-1573754206.jpg" width="100%" /></p>


Featured reward

COUP DE MAÎTRE 🙌Expérience totale🙌


  • 16 contributions
Your name will be included in the credits of the film. The theme song of the movie in MP3 Exclusive photo-book in 20x25cm format (premium paper, hard cover) VOD movie access in preview: getting a code for the film online before everyone

Merci du fond du coeur !


  • 10 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Your gesture counts enormously for me. A big thank you for your participation that I will not fail to emphasize on social networks #lesailleurs



  • 40 contributions
Your name will be included in the credits of the film I also offer you a print of a photo size 15x20cm on Fujifilm standard thick paper (210 g/m²) matte finish. Dedicated by the photographer on the front to your name. The theme song of the movie in MP3



  • 18 contributions
Your name will be included in the credits of the film. One print of a photo size 30x40cm on Fujifilm standard thick paper (210 g/m²) matte finish. Dedicated by the photographer on the front to your name. The theme song of the movie in MP3



  • 37 contributions
Your name will be included in the credits of the film. The theme song of the movie in MP3 One print of a photo big size 30x40cm on Fujifilm standard thick paper (210 g/m²) matte finish. Dedicated by the photographer on the front to your name. VOD movie access in preview: getting a code for the film online before everyone

COUP DE FEU 🚀en mode décollage🚀


  • 8 contributions
Your name will be included in the credits of the film. The theme song of the movie in MP3 One framed photo print in 20x30cm format. Frame format: 41x31cm. Passepartout: White 3cm Glass: Anti-reflective plexiglass glass. Dedicated by the photographer on the front to your name. VOD movie access in preview: getting a code for the film online before everyone

COUP D'OEIL 🛸Faîtes vos bagages, je vous emmène en tournage !🛸


Your name will be included in the credits of the film. The theme song of the movie in MP3 Exclusive photo-book in 20x25cm format (premium paper, hard cover) VOD movie access in preview: getting a code for the film online before everyone A day of shooting in the field where I explain all my work.

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