Mathieu Weemaels huiles et pastels
<p>First of all, I would like to thank all of you for this incredible start of crowdfunding operation. In only 2 days, we reached 100% of the amount ! this seems to be very rare, and it's an incredible joy and pleasure for me as you can imagine ! One week later, we are at 200% which was the real amount I needed. <br />
So, I decided to add 32 pages with paintings, new texts, images of the studio, or work in progress, details of paintings.<br />
I also decided to bring some technical improvement : the pages will be sued instead of glued which is much better and more solid. Total of pages is : 208. <br />
What if it continues evolving that way? I am thinking at a limited edition of hard cover books for the people who participated. <br />
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But one thing at the time, I let you now discover the project as it was before this incredible start...<br />
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My book will count 176 pages, with more than 200 works : paintings, pastels, drawings and several texts. It's the result of almost 30 years of painting. Of passionate work, joys, pains, doubts, curiosity, and of course love. <br />
That's what it is in fact !</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>It is a quality work that I plan to do : good paper, good binding ...<br />
"Either I do it really well or I don't do it at all"<br />
The chosen printing press is Belgian and famous (Albe De Coker). So I will be present all along the printing process and colors tests. For an art book it's essential !<br />
The format will be 27x22cm, with a square back glued which is another sign of quality as I have been told. </p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
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<p>I m a Belgian painter living and working in Brussels. Showing my work in Belgium but also in several other countries.</p>
<p>In 2009, I had the idea of making a book of 20 pages or so to present to galleries, collectors. Finally I made a book of 84 pages !<br />
Almost ten years later, I decided to make a new book, with my recent work. This is the subject of this Crowdfunding operation. This new book will count 176 pages. Beginning around 1990 with my first work and arriving in 2018 with my most recent paintings. </p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>You will also find texts of mines explaining different aspects of my work. Why and how ideas came. All of them are in French and in English. </p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>I also proposed to friends and fellows painters to write about my work : their impressions, their feeling, their ideas. I didn't expect praises and super-positive comments, just their feelings, their ideas and with their own words. These texts are left in their original languages. Like here, the beautiful text of Dean Fisher, American painter. All of them are translated at the end of the book in French and in English. </p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>Text from Eduardo Alvarado, Spanish painter. </p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" />I began that long work little by little, in 2015 approximatively, taking time to choose the paintings, the paging, the texts. I have been helped by professionals of paging. <br />
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<p>The crowdfunding operation will be used to print the book. Because if I want to do things properly, have good paper, a beautiful presentation, good colors etc .... it has a cost, which I can not stand alone. I decided to propose here to reach 5000€ but this is just a bit more than half of the total amount I need in reality. If we succeed at reaching the total sum I need, and let's dream, if we get even higher, I will see with the printer if we can do something to improve the book. Like additional pages, or thicker cover...and all these improvements will benefit to all of the donators! This would be great!<br />
At the opposite, if we don't succeed at reaching at least the first level of 6000€, all the money sent for the project will be returned to the donators in integrality. That's the guarantee of KissKissbakbank Platform. <br />
But, I hope this won't happen. </p>
<p>I didn't chose the printer only depending of the cost. The major thing is : quality. </p>
<p>ALBE DE COKER is a famous and renowned printer specialized in art books. People I know who have been working with them have been extremely satisfied by their results. <br /></p>
<p>Another important point for me is the fact that they have environmental preoccupations : </p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" />8% of the proceeds are donated for the costs of the operation: to KissKissBankBank (5%) and bank charges (3%).</p>