"Authentic Storytellers and curated artifacts : A home for the curious, a field for the driven and a canvas for the artist"

Project visual NECTAR
End date
Out of €10,000
116 %


<p><strong>Wether you&rsquo;ve heard about us already or you&rsquo;ve just stumbled across our project, we&rsquo;d like to thank you for being here, for finding us, and taking the time to listen to our story and hopefully support us along this journey</strong></p> <h3>HOW IT ALL STARTED</h3> <p>Alyssia and Margot met in college a couple of years ago, but it was only a couple of world trips later and a few personal experiences after, that their paths crossed again. Energy seekers, passionate soul searchers and absolute hard workers, their frequencies undeniably matched and from then on, they were inseparable.&nbsp;</p> <p>These two complementary brunettes, put their tools together and managed to pull the idea that linked their core values together. They wanted to build a home, not a house, not a center, not a studio. But a home. A home for the passionate, the creative, the humble and the driven. A place for each to express their strongest dreams, deepest fears and fascinating stories through art, craftsmanship and storytelling.</p> <h3>THE FOUNDERS</h3> <p><strong>Alyssia </strong></p> <p>25 y/o brunette, ceramist, could possible carry the weight of an elephant, and still batt her butterfly lashes at the same time. Nina Simone singer on the weekends, profound chocolate addict and world traveler.</p> <p><strong>Margot </strong></p> <p>23 y/o brunette,&nbsp;philanthropist, designer and business woman on her free time. Never without her phone, macbook and notes. Life loving nurturer. Always up for brunch.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <h3>TIMELINE</h3> <p>In <strong>October 2018</strong> NECTAR was still a dream, barely an idea keeping two driven girls very much awake. Now as they put their hands to work and their minds on focus mode they ended up founding their first ever non-profit organization and slowly from there, their wildest dreams took form.</p> <p>In <strong>December</strong>, all hands on deck, we had a place, quite deteriorated, but it was there. We had a team of precious hands, ready to help us every Sunday at 10AM sharp, our incredibly supportive parents telling us to go for it, and along the way the wonderful mentors that guided us on the becoming of this project. By New Years Eve.. Our name was set, the renovation was ongoing and the papers were signed. HIP HIP HURRAY !</p> <p>On <strong>January</strong> and after weeks of hard structural work, we started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Quite literally. We had carried more weight we ever thought we would, we had learned to place floors, paint ceilings, do some electrical work even, we almost considered switching careers&hellip; Jokes aside, we now feel pretty confident about our constructing skills.. So much we left a couple &ldquo;before and afters&rdquo; so you can see for yourself !</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&hellip; and just like that, a few sleepless nights later, and by the time we had reached February, we were ready to open, ready to host our first event, and get things going !</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3>WHAT IT ALL BECAME</h3> <p>NECTAR, was then born, and ready to shine.</p> <p>First it became a workshop open to all fields : ceramics, writing, carpentry, painting, leather working, drawing, kombucha making even, anything, you name it.&nbsp;</p> <p>Then our first event took place, an artisan&rsquo;s market, promoting sustainable and creative solutions to consuming goods through art and craftsmanship. The event took off so quickly that it became a regular event. Encouraging all local and ethical brands to participate and spread their message.&nbsp;</p> <p>Other initiatives then joined and NECTAR quickly became the host of many wonderful projects in just a few months, which led to its very first exhibition which was, we can proudly say, a big success.&nbsp;</p> <p>More projects are now coming along, we are slowly being reached out and starting to make a difference, allowing artists from all backgrounds and fields to present their work, to earn a chance to be seen and heard, in, as we know, a very competitive sector.</p> <p>Hopefully over time, NECTAR will be known as an encouraging refuge for those starting a project, a playground for those practicing a cultural reference for the curious and a window for anyone looking for a place to tell their story.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>The funds out of this crowdfunding will mainly allow us to finish the structural works required to have a top notch space. They will also help us fund the extra equipment we need to host more activities and artists in our workshops, and finally finalise the brand identity of NECTAR in order to make it an internationally known and accessible community !</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <ul> <li>Our first priority is to add more lightning spots in order to have a proper &ldquo;gallery&rdquo; lightening. Unfortunately the one we managed to afford is not ideal for some exhibitions.</li> <li>We&rsquo;ll need then to renovate the &ldquo;fa&ccedil;ade&rdquo; of the place which is unfortunately quite deteriorated, and a must in order to make our space recognizable and attractive to our public.</li> <li>Along the fa&ccedil;ade renovation the purchase of a metal curtain to protect our windows is essential. Unfortunately quite expensive. But absolutely necessary to keep the space and most importantly the artwork safe.&nbsp;</li> <li>Hopefully if the funds allow it we will be able to fund a proper counter and the remaining furniture we need to host more people at each workshop. Stools, chairs, display furniture, a changing room area eventually, etc..&nbsp;</li> <li>Overtime we&rsquo;d like to own our own workshop equipment so that we can offer as many facilities to the people that attend our activities. An extra kiln for the ceramics classes, yoga matts for the yogis, professional tools for the typography workshops, etc..</li> <li>Finally, if the ultimate goal would be to work with someone in order to have functioning website and a perfectly accurate brand identity. We&rsquo;ve done most of it ourselves up until now but if we want NECTAR to reach as many as we hope it will, the work of proper graphic designers will be necessary. &nbsp;</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>We&rsquo;ve gathered around a couple of our most cherished design projects as a symbolic retribution for those of you that will decide to help us the most.&nbsp;</p> <p>We&rsquo;ve also designed together a handmade breakfast set and opened a couple of workshops for those of you who would like to discover our space, and participate in one of our activities.&nbsp;</p> <p>It will be a chance for you to discover our community, be part of the project and hopefully help us make a change in the appreciation of culture, art and craftsmanship.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you&#39;ve read until here, we are incredibly grateful for your time, patience and support towards us and our project so far.</p>


The Curious


  • 8 contributions
A sincere and loving thank you from us !

The Enthousiast


  • 19 contributions
Invitation to our 1st anniversary vernissage + One free drink

The Cheerful


  • 15 contributions
Two Invitations to our 1st anniversary vernissage + Two free drinks

The Delighted


  • 37 contributions
A céramics cup of your choice + An invitation to our 1st anniversary vernissage + One free drink

The Creative


  • 7 contributions
One spot at the workshop of your choice + A NECTAR tote bag + An invitation to our 1st anniversary vernissage + One free drink

Estimated delivery: January 2020

The Passionate


  • 25 contributions
One Breakfast set designed by Margot and Alyssia + A NECTAR tote bag + An invitation to our 1st anniversary vernissage + One free drink

Estimated delivery: January 2020

The Devoted


One Breakfast set designed by Margot and Alyssia + One spot at the workshop of your choice + A NECTAR tote bag + An invitation to our 1st anniversary vernissage + One free drink

Estimated delivery: January 2020

The Lovers


  • 2 contributions
Two Breakfast sets designed by Margot and Alyssia + Two spots at the workshop of your choice + Two NECTAR tote bag + Two invitations to our 1st anniversary vernissage + Two free drink

Estimated delivery: January 2020

The Blissfull


  • 1 contribution
"Oom" the sports chest designed by Margot Lorthiois + A NECTAR tote bag + An invitation to our 1st anniversary vernissage + One free drink

Estimated delivery: September 2019

The Ecstatic


  • 1 contribution
"Indiana" the windscreen by Alyssia Belloso + A NECTAR tote bag + An invitation to our 1st anniversary vernissage + One free drink

Estimated delivery: September 2019

The Lunatics


Please contact us so we can organize a suited and pesonalized reward for your incredible support.

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