Pasiones Fútbol

Let's discover the football culture in Latin America !

Project visual Pasiones Fútbol
End date
Out of €4,590
108 %

Pasiones Fútbol

<h2 style="text-align:center">Who are we ?</h2> <p>Julien&nbsp;and&nbsp;Jehanne, both are 22 years old,&nbsp;and study Entertainment &amp; Medias, in Kedge Business School.&nbsp;</p> <p>​<img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p style="text-align:center"><em><strong>&quot;Our projet consists on travelling through 5 countries in latin america, and combine two&nbsp;of our passions : FOOTBALL and audiovisual creation&quot;&nbsp;</strong></em></p> <p>​</p> <p><strong>After 2 years of collaboration</strong> in our associative project in Business School, all as communication managers, all as a team, <strong>we decided to create this project to continue</strong> to<strong>&nbsp;</strong>work and use everything we&#39;ve learnt during our previous experiences.&nbsp;</p> <p>​</p> <p>The last project we had together was &quot;Challenger M&eacute;dia&quot;, for which we had to realise 4 reports about 4 sports teams of our school during the preparation to the &quot;Challenge Ecricome&quot;, the third students&nbsp;sports Event in France.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>This is after this experience that we had the idea to create &#39;Pasi&oacute;nes&#39;.</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <hr /> <h2 style="text-align:center">&nbsp;</h2> <h2 style="text-align:center">What about Pasiones ?</h2> <h3 style="text-align:center">&#39;Pasiones&#39;&nbsp;is a 4 months trip, through 5 countries in Latin America : M&eacute;xico, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brasil.</h3> <p>Our project is to create a web documentary series about the football culture in this region.&nbsp;We want to show that this sport can bring a lot more than just emotions. It can help people in social difficulties, children for their education, a person in sickness... Thanks to the strength football can give, people can change their lives, and this is the stories we are looking for.</p> <p style="text-align:center"><em><strong>&quot;we want to expose the impacts of football, the feelings it can provide, the help it can give.&quot;</strong></em>​</p> <p>Our reports will last between <strong>10&nbsp;and 15 minutes</strong>, and they will be <strong>focused on person&nbsp;a testimony</strong> about football.&nbsp;</p> <p>After a few months building this project, we finally defined what we will show through our reports. We were able to&nbsp;do this thanks to all the people we have met since the beginning of this aventure : journalists, clubs employees, football players...</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>For this project, we finance on our own to the amount of 8000&euro; each. This concerns all the expenses we&#39;ll do overthere (flights, accommodation...).</p> <p><strong>But we&#39;d use this crowdfunding to finance the best&nbsp;material we can buy&nbsp;to have the high-quality result we want&nbsp;: cameras, drone...&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>These are the materials that we will&nbsp;finance thanks to this crowdfunding :&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Multimedia material&nbsp;:</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>Accessories&nbsp;:&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><strong>Trip material&nbsp;:&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" />​</p> <p>TOTAL = &nbsp;4 022 &euro; that we will round up to 4 250 &euro; (by security).</p> <p>The rest is the 8% of&nbsp;participation for the&nbsp;Kisskissbankbank plateform&nbsp;-&gt; <strong>340&euro;</strong>.</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>FINAL TOTAL&nbsp;: 4 590&nbsp;&euro;</strong></p> <p style="text-align:center">If we collect more than this amount, we will use it for our &quot;life expenses&quot; overthere or other material, like a drone.</p>


Featured reward

Get your memory from this trip


  • 5 contributions
Thanks a lot for your help ! You will get your own memory of this amazing trip with a framed photography, that you will chose .. :)

Estimated delivery: August 2019



  • 13 contributions

Estimated delivery: March 2019

Be surprised !


  • 18 contributions
Thank you for your support, we will surprise you with a little gift from our trip.

Estimated delivery: August 2019

Be a part of the pasiones community !


  • 14 contributions
Thanks a lot for your support ! Show your support with the 'Pasiones futbol' tee-shirt !

Estimated delivery: March 2019

Have them both :)


  • 11 contributions
Thanks a lot !! Get the 'pasiones' T-shirt and the little gift from our trip :)

Estimated delivery: August 2019

To many memories...


  • 5 contributions
Thank you very very much for the faith you put in our project. With all the others gifts, will give you a photo album that resumes our 4 months experiences...

Estimated delivery: August 2019

A photo like an open window ...


What is better than a panoramic view ? We will offer it to you with all the previous gifts !! :)

Estimated delivery: August 2019

Get your tee-shirt signed !


  • 2 contributions
Thank you very much for your support, this means a lot to us ! You will not have the simple tee-shirt, you'll have the signed tee-shirt, with the signatures of all the people will meet for the reports...! This could be gold ! And also, we'll keep you in touch during the trip, with a Skype :)

Estimated delivery: August 2019

Get your UNIQUE content !


You have a company ? A website you'd like to illustrate ? A gift to make ? We will get your demand and give you a content adapted to your needs :) With the others gifts of course....

Estimated delivery: August 2019

Make a donation

Give what I want