Le Point G.eorge Podcast

Help us to raise awareness about women in the arts and culture!

Project visual Le Point G.eorge Podcast
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Le Point G.eorge Podcast

<h2><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/659699/Le_Point_G.eorge__what_is_it_-1587137056.png" width="100%" /></h2> <p>While we often talked about the disparities that persist between men and women in the cultural and creative industries, this gap is even more obvious when giving a voice to these women. From XIXth to XXth century: who does not remember George Sand and her necessity to publish her works with a male pseudonym?</p> <p>This is why and how Le Point G.eorge was born: a way to introduce you to women artists and contemporary cultural works producers, such as authors, directors, painters, pastry chefs, dancers, musicians, stained glass artists, rappers and so many other women! Come and tickle your ears by discovering their story, their works and their fun facts!&nbsp;</p> <p>In this first season, Fanny and Laetitia will present each week:</p> <ul> <li>&laquo; <strong>la bonne nouvelle</strong> &raquo; (the good news),&nbsp;news about the feminist gems that appear on our dear planet;</li> <li>&laquo;<strong> la belle interview</strong> &raquo; (the queen interview), with our daily guest to reveal her story;&nbsp;</li> <li>and &laquo;<strong> la chronique de Lily</strong> &raquo; (Lilly&rsquo;s chronicle), a time dedicated to making you laugh and smile in this world of brutes!</li> </ul> <p>You will then get to artistically, personally and directly know those women with gold in their hands<strong> </strong>:)</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/658891/pochette-1586787360.jpeg" width="100%" /></p> <h2><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/659700/What_motivates_us_-1587137087.png" width="100%" /></h2> <p>If the culture industry seems well masculinized, the media space also remains mainly filled with male interventions. The 2020 report of the Observatory for Equality between Women and Men in Culture and Communication shows that the visibility of women and their works continue&nbsp;to be lower than that of men. &laquo; Moins souvent invit&eacute;es en tant qu&rsquo;expertes[,] leur parole est donc moins audible &raquo; (<strong>&ldquo;Less often invited as experts[,] their speech is therefore less audible&quot;</strong>). <strong>Say it again? What do you mean? Please, can you say it louder!</strong></p> <p>However, each initative come one after the other: Steve Martin and Chris Rock at the 92nd Academy Awards jokingly said &quot;Where are the vaginas?&quot;, the Guerilla Girls asked &quot;Do Women have to be naked to get in Met Museum?&rdquo;.&nbsp; We congratulate these standpoints and want to be part of it as well :)</p> <p>In order to promote equality, we wish to give a voice to these artistic and creative women through Le Point G.eorge. We hope to give you the keys to discover and talk longer about them around you!</p> <h2><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/659701/Why_support_us_-1587137116.png" width="100%" /></h2> <p><strong>Because we create conversations: </strong>our goal is to build an anti-promotional editorial line while being influenced by the original form of journalism. We will privilege the meeting with the artist, the deepening of her career and her vision. We are truly in the process of understanding her complete work and not just the her latest news.</p> <p><strong>Le Point G.eorge is a &laquo; safe space &raquo;:</strong> our podcast is a safe and positive place to speak, in which each woman can express herself, act and talk freely about&nbsp;her work :)</p> <p><strong>We have a surprise for you: </strong>a&nbsp;<em>Good vibes only</em> partnership, which will serve as a BONUS episode. We cannot communicate about it at the moment, but we cannot wait to tell you more about it and will inform you as soon as possible!&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>And then quite simply:</strong> to allow us to exist, to help the rise of feminine talents in the arts and culture within the media space.&nbsp;</p> <p>So, are you ready?</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/659702/Who_are_we_-1587137159.png" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>Laetitia :</strong> first working in the fashion, wine and music industries, I eventually ended up working in the movie industry, reconnecting thus with my childhood wishes. This podcast is an opportunity to get another bite at the cherry and leave some mark in history (we all have a right to dream!). Otherwise, among my sins are the Paris Brest and music.</p> <p><strong>Fanny :</strong> After an experience in the Secretariat of the 2005 Convention, based at UNESCO headquarters and supporting initiatives in the cultural sector, I lanced my freelance career as a Communications Consultant. This podcast will allow me meet inspiring people and immerse myself in the world of media I have been dreaming of for a long time! Otherwise, I am mainly crazy about beers during happy hours :)</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/658903/photo_f_et_l-1586788521.PNG" width="100%" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<h2><strong>To make this project reality, we need your help!</strong></h2> <p>We estimated the budget for launching the podcast up to <strong>&euro;2000</strong>. To ensure full transparency, be aware that this sum will be used to pay the following:&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>&euro;800 for the equipment - we will be 4 people for each podcast, we will then need the adequate kit (Zoom H6 recorder, micros, headsets, SD card, battery)</li> <li>&euro;750 for the design and sound - as we make a point of paying our partners who kindly help us in this new project!&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> <li>&euro;158&nbsp;to pamper our guests with cocktails!&nbsp;</li> <li>&euro;132 to host and manage our podcast thanks to Ausha</li> <li>8% for the Kisskissbankbank commission - thanks to them and you, we will be able to create the podcast :)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Who wouldn&rsquo;t want to contribute to this wonderful project? Then go for it! Even &euro;5 would make us very happy!</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/658915/graphique_ENG-1586791412.PNG" width="100%" /></p> <h2><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/659703/What_if_we_get_more_-1587137197.png" width="100%" /></h2> <p><strong>&euro;2000&nbsp;- </strong>we can do the first season &ldquo;<em>tranquilou</em>&rdquo; (easily)</p> <p><strong>&euro;2240 - </strong>we can do long distance interviews, by exporting the voice of our guest on Zencaster once the recording is done.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&euro;3100&nbsp;- </strong>we can travel around Europe to do face-to-face interviews. Zencaster is a nice tool, but it is even better if we can meet our guest, live chat with her and take you with us through Instagram! What do you think?</p> <p><strong>&euro;4900&nbsp;- </strong>we can go to three countries in another continent. Because borders are okay, but women are everywhere on this planet! :) So, ready for a few more discoveries?&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&euro;5500 - </strong>we start working on season 2 and we get paid a little bit!</p> <p><strong>And beyond - </strong>we are so so sooooo grateful!!! It means that we can do more worldwide interviews, meaning more episodes and <em>tutti quanti</em>, with so much excitement!! You are our Holy Grail!!</p> <hr /> <h2><strong>A huge thanks to</strong></h2> <p>Lily, our wonderful columnist</p> <p>Julie, our wonderful graphic designer</p> <p>P. &amp; Oc&eacute;ane, our directors during their spare time</p> <p>Camille, for her advice</p> <p>Anna&euml;lle &amp; Gaelle, the first to put us in touch with artists!</p> <p>Vanessa, for her artistic soul and her first visual inspirations</p> <p>Olivier, our wonderful word analyst</p> <p>Les coulisses du podcast (&ldquo;The podcast behind-the-scene&rdquo;), for their advice on starting a podcast</p> <p>and you, OF COURSE! :)</p>


Your name will remain forever in memories!


  • 18 contributions
Thank you !! Your name will be mentioned in the first episode of Le Point G.eorge :) 📷

A sticker from Le Point G.eorge!


  • 15 contributions
You are babes! To show you our gratitude, we will send you a great and stylish sticker + the previous counterpart! 📷

The autograph from one of the guest!


  • 13 contributions
You’re ace ! And we would like to thank you with, this time, the superb autograph from a guest of your choice! + the previous counterparts! 📷

Be part of the audience!


  • 1 contribution
Come as a VIP and join us during the recording of an episode! You will have the opportunity to meet our guest in person! + The first 3 counterparts! Transportation and accomodation not included. 📷

You and your friend can be part of the audience!


    Still in VIP mode, except that you can now come with a friend or relation of your choice! :) + the first 3 counterparts! Transportation and accomodation not included. 📷

    Contribute to the “Bonne Nouvelle” !


    • 2 contributions
    Become the voice-over to announce the good news! + the first 3 counterparts! Transportation and accomodation not included. 📷

    Be the journalist!


      Become a journalist with Fanny and Laetitia for an episode! You will be able to ask your questions directly to our guest! + the first 3 counterparts! Transportation and accomodation not included. 📷

      Premium access


      • 1 contribution
      Get a sneak preview of the half of this first season before the others! + the first 3 counterparts! 📷

      Millenium access


      • 1 contribution
      Access the complete first season before anyone, to discover the interviews as soon as it is ready! + the first 3 counterparts! 📷

      Make a donation

      Give what I want