Humaninano project

Contribute to the education and musical formation of kids in poor suburbs of Windhoek, Namibia

Project visual Humaninano project
End date
Out of €5,000
102 %

Humaninano project

<h2><strong>Hello everybody !</strong></h2> <h3><br /> <strong>Welcome to the Humaninano mission !</strong></h3> <p>We are 4 friends from an engineering school who graduated in September 2018 and we plan to go to Namibia for 2 months next summer&nbsp; to Windhoek in order to offer a musical and academic education to young Namibians from the poor suburbs of the capital.&nbsp;We will work with the young Namibian orchestras (the YONA Association) and the Bernhard Nord Camp (BNC) and we would like to raise funds to finance this mission and donate instruments (cellos), giving young people a wider offer of free musical education.</p> <p>This project, born when we were all 4 students at ISEN Lille, matured during the summer 2018 through long research and discussion.&nbsp;Last October we finally decided to go to Windhoek where two associations: YONA and BNC work according to criteria and values in which all of us wanted to invest in.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>YONA</strong></h2> <p><br /> The Namibian Youth Orchestra (YONA) is a Windhoek-based association which provides musical education to disadvantaged young children.&nbsp;It is inspired by the &laquo;el Systema&raquo; movement created by Jos&eacute; Antonio Abreu in order to overcome the social and ethnic divisions through the creation of orchestras.&nbsp;It supports students between 6 to 24 years old and integrates them into different orchestras or musical groups according to their level.&nbsp;Every day after school, young musicians can have music lessons with teachers and go to concerts</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>The program is for children of all ages, but the more the children grow up the more individual lessons and mentoring become necessary.&nbsp;Part of the success of such a program is based on frequent contacts inside the community.&nbsp;The main goal is to reach economically and socially vulnerable children; but the program remains accessible to all Namibian young children, regardless of belief, ethnicity, gender or financial means.<br /> YONA is a music school whose ambition is to transform the lives of young people through music, to create in a sometimes difficult daily life something which unifies them, submerges them and pushes them upwards. The mission of this association is to propose an intensive musical program that develops a sense of responsibility related to membership and correlative commitment, teaches the importance of teamwork based on solid ethics, and promotes self-confidence and good citizenship.&nbsp;The fundamental principle is to grow children first and music second.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>This project makes sense to us, as we are convinced of the importance and impact of musical education in the development of children.&nbsp;It seems to all of us that it is even more ambitious and necessary in Windhoek.&nbsp;When classical music and orchestra trainings sometimes seem to be part of the territory of a social elite, the YONA project gives to those who could not consider the possibility to step into this territory.<br /> Part of the group will participate in the musical teaching and events of the centre by giving private lessons and accompanying young musicians during the orchestral rehearsals. We will also play in concerts in Windhoek to raise funds for the association. Since YONA and BNC are linked, we are in discussion with the associations to be able to be present with the two associations on weekdays, splitting us into 2 groups or alternate our presence in both places.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>You can learn more about the YONA project on their website:<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>As the association lacks means to provide instruments for all students, we would like to make a donation of cellos to the association (see details in the budget).&nbsp;The price of these instruments makes them especially inaccessible in Namibia. In this way we want to participate at our scale in order to promote education through music, universal language and link between people, beyond material problems.&nbsp;This also contributes to the expansion of YONA association, allowing them to welcome more young students.</p> <h2><br /> <strong>The BNC</strong></h2> <p>Father Bernhard Nordkamp arrived in Namibia in 1986 and, throughout his fifteen years of dedicated service, he focused on the fate of children, especially those in the Katutura suburbs in northern Windhoek.<br /> Today the camp is headed by Marybeth Gallagher.&nbsp;She has developed the camp&rsquo;s activity to transform it into a reception and school support centre for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds or who are dropping out of school.&nbsp;The atmosphere at the BNC reflects the conviviality, mutual respect and politeness that all the children of the camp learn to respect and pass on to the newcomers.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>You can learn more about BNC on their website:<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> We will accompany personally the young children on school or extra-scholar subjects in order to make them grow, to give them confidence to build a future beyond a situation that they often envisage as a dead end. This long-term work of education allows us to invest ourselves humanly through direct and daily contact with children.&nbsp;We hope that the educational model that we will try to represent and that the image we convey will enable them to take control of their future, of their family and their country to make of it an example of development in solidarity.<br /> We will therefore visit this centre next summer for 2 months every afternoon of the week from 1 pm to 6 pm to welcome these young people.&nbsp;We will use our university study skills to help them with their school subjects.&nbsp;We will also spend time with them doing sport, music and games, sharing values of respect and support.<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong>The team</strong></p> <p><br /> We are a team of 4 young engineers nicknamed the Nano because we formed together the class of Nanosciences and quantum physics in our school.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <blockquote> <p><em>Olivier: &ldquo;The first step to reach a better world is to give everyone the chance to develop through a good education.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>This experience in Namibia will also allow me to open up to a culture and realities that are far away from my daily life. I would like to bring the skills I have learned at home, in school and among Scouts to serve young people who need or want it.&rdquo;</em></p> </blockquote> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <blockquote> <p><em>Justin:&rdquo; I would like to take some time to help people in need whose country does not allow them to escape precarity. I dream of enabling young people to grow in a passion that could be born during our mission.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Travelling Namibia will allow me to have clearer ideas about my choices for the future and perhaps go further in this direction.&rdquo;</em></p> </blockquote> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <blockquote> <p><em>Ugo: &ldquo;Since I was a kid, in a family with 6 brothers I was raised with values of sharing, communication and mutual aid. Today, finishing my engineering school, I seek through my experiences to learn from the people I meet, to teach and to share what touches me every day.&nbsp;This project in Namibia offers me the opportunity to give the maximum of myself, to open up to other cultures and to serve with my skills the people who need it.&rdquo;</em></p> </blockquote> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <blockquote> <p><em>Nathan: &ldquo;This solidarity project will be an opportunity for me to give back a bit of everything I have received over the past 23 years to people who really need it, and to contribute to the future of young people through what I prefer: music.&nbsp;This life experience may allow me to change my plans for the future and find my way.&rdquo;</em></p> </blockquote>

Allocation of funds

<p>Organizing a project like this has a significant financial cost, and we are still looking for financial support to complete the money we have already raised.&nbsp;That&rsquo;s why we ask for your help.</p> <p>Estimated overall budget: &euro;8,000<br /> Details of our budget are provided below:</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>We have already got financial support from different institutional structures, from our families, and we have invested our personal resources. That&rsquo;s why our goal through this funding pot is 5,000 euros.<br /> The instruments we would like to donate have a value of approximately 1700 &euro; (including transport costs).&nbsp;We would like to buy two cellos including a Stentor Student II worth 800 &euro; in the Takenote store in Windhoek. Being supplied by a Windhoek instrument maker is also part of our goal to support the local development.</p> <hr /> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>Communication</strong></h2> <p>If you want to keep informed of the progress of our mission, learn more about us or have more information about our team and its projects, you can visit our blog that we will complete with photos as soon as the mission begins:<br /><br /> Funny and informal, it is made to keep us connected with our friends and families, but we also wish to show the evolution of our mission to all those who are interested in our solidarity project.<br /> You will also find the genesis and rules of the game &quot;Citron-Coco&quot; that we are currently designing and that we have planned to use with the children of Namibia, as a support for playing and exchanging.&nbsp;It is a card game and a teaching tool that we developed step by step during our last year of engineering school.<br /> A last word for the rewards: if you wish to have access to our rewards but do not want to leave your email address on this public website, you can contact us at the following email address: [email protected] or at one of the addresses given on the website.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Thank you for your trust and support</strong><br /> <strong>and ...</strong><br /> <strong>Mission will start soon !&nbsp;Children are waiting for us !</strong></p>



  • 26 contributions
A nice thank you! Each contribution counts and warms our hearts. We invite you to our retrospective party upon our return (date to be confirmed) to thank you personally and share a little of this amazing experience we will have had thanks to you.


  • 22 contributions
A huge thank you, we invite you to leave us your email address in order to send you some exclusive photos of the mission and keep you informed of the latest news. (+ previous rewards)


  • 13 contributions
An enormous thank you! We offer you the possibility to have your name written on the cello case that we will bring to Windhoek and leave there for the education of young people. A small part of you will remain there forever and perhaps one day a child will read your name a smile on his face and a bow in his hand... (+ previous rewards)


  • 3 contributions
Thanks again and again, it’s amazing what you’re doing for us! Leave us your address, we will send you a postcard from Namibia, proof of your great generosity in the realization of this project from the end of the world. (+ previous rewards)


  • 7 contributions
Thank you one thousand times, you are totally part of the mission. We offer to send you our card game “Citron-Coco”. You will possess the game that we created, which is the soul of our group and that we will bring there to play with the children. We will include our love, all our cleverness and the talent of our incredible graphic designer, Clemence Hannebicq. You can learn more about this game on our website (+ previous rewards)


  • 4 contributions
We don’t know how to thank you, you are amazing! We’ll try to bring you a souvenir from Namibia. We don’t know yet what exactly, but your thoughts will accompany us throughout the journey and will guide us to an object that we hope you will enjoy. (+ previous rewards)

Estimated delivery: September 2019

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