June 3, 2016
Récits de Tilonia
When power empowers women ... Web-documentary project on the Solar Mamas.
End date
Out of €3,000
103 %
Récits de Tilonia
<img alt="Le_bfc_en_chiffres-1464448059" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322435/le_bfc_en_chiffres-1464448059.jpg"></p>
The Barefoot College is a popular "university" that teaches low-skilled women from rural areas to become solar engineers. In six months, women from different developing countries, who dont' even speak the same language and for most cannot read, learn how to build and repair solar panels, but also electrical networks, etc.</p>
What moved us the most with this initiative is its way of teaching. Indeed, the Barefoot College is known for <strong>démystifying</strong> a <strong>knowledge</strong> <strong>usually</strong> <strong>reserved</strong> to <strong>an</strong> <strong>elite</strong>. In Belgium, not anyone can become an engineer. At the Barefoot College, an illiterate woman can, and in only 6 months. This is why we will focus on this <strong>horizontal</strong> <strong>education</strong> <strong>system</strong> and on <strong>the empowerment</strong> that results from it.</p>
To reflect this way of learning, we want to tell you their adventures and stories through <strong>portraits.</strong> Those portraits will be made of testimonies from the women studying there. In September, we'll travel there to meet them. Since their classes also start in September, we'll arrive at the same time and then get their fresh motivations and hopes in the training for their futures. After that, we'll travel to villages near Tilonia which have benefited from the program, to see the impact of such an experience on rural communities. We will also take news from other previous students, including in Jordan.</p>
All those stories will be shared in a <strong>web</strong>-<strong>documentary</strong> combining videos, photographes, texts … We are planning on developing an educational and didactive tool that would use the Barefoot College exemple to bring awareness to the citizens and offer them another vision on the subject of the solar energy, to understand how other people live. </p>
<img alt="Nos_partenaires-1464532121" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322626/nos_partenaires-1464532121.png"></p>
<em>Empreintes</em> and <em>Les Amis De La Terre</em> are our partners in Belgium and have as mission the environmental awareness and the popular education. Our approach takes part in the awareness campaign « With the South you dont lose the North » launched by <em>Les Amis de la Terre</em>. </p>
<em>ARES</em> (Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur) supports us financially for the expenses related to the diffusion of the final project in Belgium. </p>
We also won, in April, the 1st <em>Canon</em> prize ! Thanks to their help, we'll leave for India with the best equipment (photo and vidéo) possible. That will allow us to bring back a greater quality work.</p>
<img alt="L__quipe-1464518986" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322575/L__quipe-1464518986.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
As you can imagine, a project like this one requires a lot of money. <strong>This is why we need your help !</strong></p>
We've evaluated the <strong>total budget</strong> of the realization of this documentary to <strong>6000€.</strong></p>
Because we believe so much in this project, we all have a job on the side of our studies to finance a part of the costs. We already have our plane tickets and we'll take care of the costs linked to the passports, visas, vaccinations et insurances.</p>
With this crowdfunding campaign, we hope to collect enough money to go further in the adventure !</p>
- <strong>2 150€</strong> go to the Barefoot College itself. This covers our accommodations and food on the campus, the help of a translator, PLUS, the rest will help the College host next Solar Mamas with dignity.</p>
- <strong>250€ </strong>will help us buy some small but necessary equipment such as SD memory cards, a reflector, an hard drive ...</p>
- <strong>360€</strong> will cover our <strong>transportations</strong> during the trip in India.</p>
- It's also important to mention that 8% of the collect (<strong>240€)</strong> will go to the crowdfunding plateforme KissKiss BankBank.</p>
If the collect goes higher than the hoped 3 000€, the money will help pay back parts of our plane tickets ...</p>
- 20 contributions
Merci ! L'aventure commence grâce à vous !
Pour vous remercier, nous vous inviterons personnellement à la soirée de lancement de la plateforme.
Estimated delivery: February 2017
- 17 contributions
Merci beaucoup ! Vous venez d'offrir le transport allez-retour entre New Delhi et Tilonia à l'une d'entre nous.
Vérifiez votre boîte aux lettres ! Nous vous enverrons une carte personnalisée pendant notre voyage.
Estimated delivery: September 2016
- 9 contributions
Merci beaucoup ! Votre aide nous permet d'acheter une carte SD de 16GB, indispensable pour la réalisation du documentaire.
Attendez-vous à suivre d'encore plus près notre aventure, via une vidéo personnalisée en direct de Tilonia !
Estimated delivery: September 2016
- 15 contributions
Un tout grand merci ! Vous venez d'offrir le logement et la nourriture au Barefoot College pour un jour à 2 d'entre nous.
Pour vous remercier, nous vous rapporterons un souvenir du voyage !
Estimated delivery: November 2016
- 4 contributions
Un tout grand merci ! Grâce à vous, nous pouvons acheter un disque dur externe pour stocker toute notre matière. Vous aurez la chance de choisir une photo parmi toutes celles du voyage que nous vous enverrons, encadrée !
Estimated delivery: February 2017
- 4 contributions
Tout plein de gros bisous ! Vous nous aidez à nous procurer un réflecteur, ce qui nous permettra de réaliser des portraits de plus grande qualité.
Que diriez-vous d'une soirée aux couleurs indiennes accompagnée d'un bon souper entièrement préparé au four solaire ?
Estimated delivery: July 2017
- 2 contributions
Tout plein de gros bisous ! Vous permettez à toute l'équipe d'aller à la rencontre de Solar Mamas déjà formées à travers le Rajasthan.
Préparez-vous ! Nous vous livrerons toutes les plus belles photos et les anecdotes du voyage dans un Journal de Bord imprimé.
Estimated delivery: July 2017